this guilt could fill a fucking sea

I quit trying to find a layout I like. Hello;Hola;Ciao, I'm Leneai(Len-ay) I'm at the young age of 15 and in less then 2 months going to be a sophomore in highschool, but you probably could of figured that out. I can be overly immature and overly mature. I get mad too easily. I'm self conscious about my appearance. I hate my smile. Some times my voice sounds too deep. I used to be a decent singer. I'm not very picky. I'll settle to make people happy. Some times I have a really bad temper, other times i'm really good at hiding when i'm upset. There is no one in my life that I can trust 100%. I can be loud and obnoxious. I can annoy you. I can't listen to a whole song. I'm always texting, even in school. I'm never good enough. I try not to care what people think. I say hi to random people on the streets. Seagulls are my friends. I believe I was Cleopatra in a past life. I'm in love with clouds. I listen to music 75% of my day. I want to be a photographer. I hate admitting i'm wrong. I have so many problems I could go on forever, and guaranteed if you wasted your time reading this your already bored and regret reading it, so i'll save you the trouble and end it here. Twitter: @Lenayyx3 Photography:

now falling and failing is all i know

Mood: Aggravated. Temperature: 92? Music: Mystery By: Civil Twilight Obsession: Justin. Quote: "I believe in things that don't exist. I look for things i'll never find." &Thoughts: Yes please?

i am buried & breathing in regret

content: username
coding: twisted spines
lyrics: chelsea smile - bmth