Eggplanthing / Comments

  • Pop Goes the Secret

    Pop Goes the Secret (100)

    United States
    I hate to break it to you, but love is made and built up in fiction. People go their whole lives looking and only find bad relationship after bad relationship. No one could possibly feel true love. It doesnt exist. It is a lie. There is only lust and what we wish to be true love. We have had it implanted in our brain that love can be true; it can withstand hurricanes. But when it comes down to it, there are only a few cases where the world's horrors do not bring down love. It takes a special kind of person who is either desparate enough to be complete or is so brainwashed that they will do anything to keep the fairy tale they've heard of since they were little alive. How can you think so highly of something that has so many cons? Love is a word that describes an emotion that is so deep that humans cant really grasp it, only what we preceive as grasping it. I cant understand why love is so greatly praised.

    Why do we have to put trust in people? It is only broken! It is not fair! We put faith into a person who would rather break it than do anything seriously strenuous. It's not reasonable to think that there is some person out there, other than occasional few, would take care of someone's whole being. Especially at our age. Teenagers arent capable of love. They don't know what they're doing. They listen to the media, the pressures of society. They dont care about substance. They care about looks. They dont want to know the scars a person has because they dont have any. Teenagers dont experience the troubles that some adults face. It is stupid to think otherwise. You cant possibly know what love is when you don't know hate. You cant possibly comprehend the danger of love when you have risked nothing. Feelings are important, sure, but really? What does a person have to lose at this age that is so important? "A boy doesn't like me". Boo-hoo. You are young and there are other boys. Get over it.

    People think monogomy is so great but I dont know what's so great about it. Sure, "love" is focused on one person but is that really any good? Why not share your heart with everyone? That's what I do. I'd rather give myself to everyone. (I think i've said this already) It makes no sense to devote oneself to a single person. People individually are disappointing. Well, the whole race is too but there are an occasional few who can exceed expectations but they are too rare. One in a hundred thousand. A single person cant possibly be able to love.
    December 9th, 2010 at 03:00am
  • Pop Goes the Secret

    Pop Goes the Secret (100)

    United States
    Okay, to understand why I hate love so much, you have to understand who I am. I've got..I dont know. I feel like i've lived a life that I couldnt have possibly lived. I feel like I've traveled across seas, fought battles, made enemies, made friends, gotten scars, and given a few; yet I've never left my small town. I've never done anything exciting. I think the most dangerous thing I've ever done was lie to my mom about going somewhere when I was going somewhere else.

    I know I haven't, but I feel like I've had a love deeper than oceans. I know what it's like to have someone's whole being be your reason for living, yet no man has ever taken my heart. I know what it's like to look at someone with such longing that it hurts, yet no man has ever come into my radar. I know what it's like to be torn between two, I know what it's like to have to decide between good and bad.

    I hate love because it makes us weak. It makes people vulnerable. It takes the shell they had created and takes it apart piece by piece. It makes them sacrafice themselves for someone who will go and leave them in a moments notice. I hate love between two different people because people are unreliable. Most people that is. Most people do not have the courage to stay by when the troubles of life are too much. Love makes a person do stupid things, it brings them to the highest pedestal available and rips them down to the Earth without mercy or remorse. It leaves an empty feeling in the pit of your soul, your being. It leaves scars on the being that no one can come back from. I cannot stand the way love is so commercialized as this thing that will make you happy when more often than not, Love is the cause of suffering. It ruins humans. Humans ruin it.

    It is impure; broken; fickle; tainted.

    That is why I hate love.
    December 8th, 2010 at 01:32am
  • Pop Goes the Secret

    Pop Goes the Secret (100)

    United States
    haha I dont mind answering any questions you have. It's just who I am. I'm alright. My boyfriend and I spent the weekend with my parents/aunt and uncle/grandmother. It was weird. They like him though.
    December 6th, 2010 at 02:38am
  • Pop Goes the Secret

    Pop Goes the Secret (100)

    United States
    The universal language of the universe? Me be the subject? What do you want to talk about? I'll tell you anything you want!
    December 3rd, 2010 at 11:39pm
  • Pop Goes the Secret

    Pop Goes the Secret (100)

    United States
    Haha I wish I could write in a soundtrack into a story. That'd be so cool. I wish I could have a soundtrack for everything. *sigh*
    November 28th, 2010 at 02:20am
  • Pop Goes the Secret

    Pop Goes the Secret (100)

    United States
    Silly French names. I hate the French. Grrrr. I dont hate them, I hate the language. Anyway! Movies do win. You know why? Cause they have soundtracks! I mean, I wish I could walk into school and have like Secret by One Republic start plaing. That'd be sick!
    November 24th, 2010 at 07:25pm
  • Pop Goes the Secret

    Pop Goes the Secret (100)

    United States
    Who's Bo-Bobo? I'm sorry I replied so late. I've been busy with EVERYTHING!

    That movie is so good! All the songs are nice and awesome. AWE POOR SATINE! I WAS SO SAD! Well, it wasn't really a twist cause he said she died in the beginning. hahaha. AWE! And Telouse (spelling?) shouting that out at the end! AND THEN SATINE SINGS COME WHAT MAY! AWEEEEEE! That movie makes me sad. But it's sog ood. Elephant Love Medley was definitely the BEST song in that movie. It's the greatest combo too. I mean you have the beatles and other stuff that I dont remember right now but YEAH!
    November 19th, 2010 at 10:41pm
  • Pop Goes the Secret

    Pop Goes the Secret (100)

    United States
    I'm glad I have helped you see things. I am not sure I am glad I changed you, but I am glad you have a different view of things. It's always good to see all sides, just like looking at all the sides of a box, yes? Pre-verts..haha, old movie reference.

    To be faced with challenges is what makes us wonderfully special. All of us must decide our fate and it is the challenges that show us which way to go. We grow, we learn. It is all we do. Things go right in movies because movies are scripted. They are predicable. Life is special. It is amazing and it is everchanging. You cannot step in a river that flows and expect to step in the same water. Submission is a way of choosing your battles, I think. It was a silly joke, not funny but not hideous =]
    November 14th, 2010 at 04:44am
  • Pop Goes the Secret

    Pop Goes the Secret (100)

    United States
    Perpendicular? Hm, odd. I thank my Tibetan soul. He's got a very good way with people; all people. Being selfish is good sometimes but just think of others and how they think. Looking at a box from the front is pointless because you can't see the other 5 sides, right? Then you'll just be looking at a square and not a box.

    Using I and me aren't bad things to use, just...make sure you include "you", "them" and most importantly, "We". nothing is better than including someone. Making them feel welcome, warm, and above all, wanted. It is human nature to be wanted, praised, loved. I know I would trade my soul for someone who wants me, who wants to love me and who is just like me. Sadly, my soul is too important for that and no one would be able to offer it to me. =] But I will look because if I can offer someone the most important thing, company, then I will have lead a full life. And maybe, I can find who I'm looking for while helping people.
    November 13th, 2010 at 04:24am
  • Pop Goes the Secret

    Pop Goes the Secret (100)

    United States
    See, the past of course has an effect on us that is permanent because it's our history. It's the mistakes we've made and we have two choices; ignore the past and let it happen or learn from it. (Thank you Raffiki from the Lion King for saying that in my head) I think everyone has a different way of overcoming things. I just find something else to latch onto and eventually, I feel better. Like with the guy I had to let go. I focused on my writing and my reading and my school work and I forgot about him. Now, I'm not even upset about it. Love is like anything, in my point of view. Love is another mountain to be climbed, another river to cross, another paragraph to write. It's what we do, what we must do and what we will always have to do. We are not all hopeless, we are just told we are hopless so that other's can get praise. We are told that it is wrong to be dirty handed so that those who have the power to wash their hands, can still be dirty handed but make it look good.
    November 12th, 2010 at 11:08pm
  • Pop Goes the Secret

    Pop Goes the Secret (100)

    United States
    Living in the past is bad! Look to the past to pave a way for the future! Do not live in what has gone or you will be so caught up with what you did wrong that you wont see what's in front of you. Now excuse me while I stare for hours on end at a picture at the guy who changed my life but dumped me and hates me. <--- That is the true hypocrisy! "I think I made my point" (Sponge Bob)
    November 11th, 2010 at 03:06am
  • Pop Goes the Secret

    Pop Goes the Secret (100)

    United States
    Yeah, people don't know how to let things go. Why would you want to harper on things that hurt you? Let it go. There's no use looking to the past because the only thing you should worry about is your present. Why would you want to live in a time that has already happened where you've made mistakes and have lived already? Don't you want a new adventure? It's weird, sometimes, when people want so much to hold onto grudges or anger or sadness.
    November 9th, 2010 at 11:58pm
  • Pop Goes the Secret

    Pop Goes the Secret (100)

    United States
    Funny thing is though, many people don't learn from the past. Nor do they realize when the past is being repeated. They don't look at what mistakes they made or how they seemed to think they were right. We always go with the familiar, even if it is a bad road. but haha murder? I dont know if that's a good analogy to use..
    November 9th, 2010 at 03:34am
  • Pop Goes the Secret

    Pop Goes the Secret (100)

    United States
    Seemingly bad things but for the greater good...hrm... well..would you consider telling a guy he's cancerous to me seemingly bad? He was really bad to me and he would be on and off and on and off again but I had to let him go. Sure, I did it in a very...mean way but it was for the greater good.
    November 7th, 2010 at 12:35am
  • Pop Goes the Secret

    Pop Goes the Secret (100)

    United States
    Exactly! Those poor men and women, though more typically women, were tortured and killed for nothing! They weren't guilty of anything!
    November 7th, 2010 at 12:00am
  • Pop Goes the Secret

    Pop Goes the Secret (100)

    United States
    I know. Dumb people. I don't get why people only see the small bits of a situation and then make the wrong decision.
    November 6th, 2010 at 11:28pm
  • Pop Goes the Secret

    Pop Goes the Secret (100)

    United States
    Okay. Urm..well I think it's assumed that just because your hands are dirty, you've done something wrong. I mean, you know "being caught red handed"? It's just thought that "If you did it, you're unclean" but I mean what if those hands got dirty trying to help?
    November 6th, 2010 at 11:05pm
  • Pop Goes the Secret

    Pop Goes the Secret (100)

    United States
    Alright. I like the one, "Dirty hands aren't always the hands of a sinner". What do you think about it?
    November 6th, 2010 at 05:08am
  • Pop Goes the Secret

    Pop Goes the Secret (100)

    United States
    As of yesterday, love and thosw feelings are my personal enemy. I dislike even the thought of it. We're not going to talk about it. Anyway, I went out with my little cousins. They were buzz and woody from toy story. It was cute
    November 4th, 2010 at 12:26pm
  • Pop Goes the Secret

    Pop Goes the Secret (100)

    United States
    Soooo how was your halloween since I dont feel like being angry at you ^_^
    November 4th, 2010 at 12:05am