Eggplanthing / Comments

  • Awe you gotta embrace the awkwardness! No, you really dont have to. I havent gotten used to awkwardness so I wont make you do it haha. Really? Holy bajeebus! I'm influencing someone! You don't have to thank me. Thank you for thanking me though!
    October 14th, 2010 at 03:52am
  • Thanks for all the help! It was very interesting. For the record, i'd hug you! I love hugs. I'm sure once you're out of the whole secondary education thing, a girl will want to hug you. Don't worry :P
    October 11th, 2010 at 04:00pm
  • That's a good point haha. Well, thank you for answering the anyway. I appreciate it a lot.
    October 11th, 2010 at 12:37am
  • The only reason real words are different from fake words is how much heart you put into them. Isolating yourself is like hiding. Hiding does nothing. Even if you hide away from everything, you'll only be killing yourself more. I hope school is different for the better haha. If it ends up being worse, well I'll feel really bad! I don't know how much help you'd be for my research but if you'd like to answer 23 (maybe 22) questions that are kinda not really helpful but sort of helpful, then sure i'll send you the questions. Like I said, I dont know how much you'd help. You're not a normal type of guy.
    October 10th, 2010 at 05:56am
  • Inatant messaging? Nah. Totally not the way to go. Those things ruin the human experience. I hate that now adays, people would rather text than talk. It's ruining the ability we have to communicate efficiantly. I loath the fact that people have such limited vocabulary and the words that would make them sound intelligent are belittled and squandered. They have no idea the things they could do if only they had a better speaking skill! 

    Anyway, sorry about that. I like that topic. *nod nod* But yeah, go for it for real. I actually did the same thing and I told him out right and... Well he was a giant a/hole but whatever. He and I are friends again and I don't see him that way as much. It only took me two years to tell him and about a year to stop thinking about him. Now it's just a little nudge.

    Generally speaking, girls will have a reason. Wheither they make it up so they can go with a guy that's attractive or not is a different story. Most of the girls I know have reasons for liking a guy and the looks are just an added bonus. I think that looks v. brain thing is mainly for high school guys. Older males are just teenagers with a new number.

    I think feedback is awesome. The things you think are great really are great. Just because someone else doesn't think so doesn't mean it is so. Opinions make us great, remember?
    October 9th, 2010 at 01:31pm
  • I feel the same way. I'm actually conducting an experiment to get inside the males view. Ask anything you wish to know about a girl's perspective. Really. I have a very good sense of girls. I am one after all haha. 4% what? I'm confused by that... haha. Why dont you ask her how she felt about that? Ask any girl. Do research. It's what I'm doing. You can never know something completely without first taking a look.

    I find that adorable that you want a movie ending. You're a very sweet boy, already I can tell. This girl should want you. Anyway. Movie endings are just things we dream and long to have but sadly, we'll never get them. When we get them, they will be pale in comparison to the dream we have.

    Make your mission for the one person and it may just influence one million. Being an optimist means you're too easily fooled, being a pessimist means you're too narrow minded to see the reason in life. Having a mix of both is the best thing. Don't try to change someone's point of view. Having an opinion is what makes people interesting. Interesting people keep us coming back for more. It's the difference in people that make knowing them and meeting them the best thing we could ever get.

    There is always something wrong. I hate to tell you this but no matter who you look, there is a flaw. Flaws make us human. I'd rather be flawed and human than perfect and lose what makes me a person. Flaws make us unique. If we were all perfect, we'd be the same. Be as assertive with this as you can. I told the guy I liked him and it took every ounce of courage I had and it ended up bad. He didn't like me back and he was actually kinda rude about it but anyway. I know girls will be more sensitive about it. She'll give you points for telling her. I'd feel less pity for a guy and more respect for him if he told me out right he liked me and how he felt. It'd be a lot better. Trust me.

    Did you know Winston Churchill had a speech impediment and after years of just living, he became one of the greatest orators in history. He once said, "my impediment is not a hinderance". Do not let time hinder you. Take as long as you need and go forth when you are ready.
    October 9th, 2010 at 04:03am
  • Being in love...How wonderful it must be. To have such a strong feeling. It's a blessing, really, to be able to hold someone so high up. It's a blessing to have such faith in someone. Love, you must remember, is not finding something perfect but finding the imperfections in someone and learning to love even those. It sounds so corny but that's just because someone's said it before. When you sacrifice yourself for someone else, that is love. Love is a very overrun topic. People of all shapes and forms think love is a connection. They think love is the first moment of a day when they see someone and they "immediately know".

    Love is built. You cannot love without first knowing hate. You cannot grow without first knowing defeat. You cannot know with out first being ignorant. To aspire is the purpose of life and when we find a purpose, we must hold it. Hold it like there is no tomorrow. The thing people don't understand is, though, that the passion you can feel with love, you can feel with hate. I can hate with a fire so hot one would think the sun were reigning upon them. Such passion can be given for anything.

    Writing uselessly is what we do. We write useless words, thoughts, ideas and no one cares. No one ever cares. Everything is useless until it is put in a book. Do not think that just because no one reads them, your words are useless. What you might think is useless could inspire millions. Words, you see, are things that spread through us. They build us and they tear us down. They have a power. In the right order, in the right way, they are uplifting. No matter what you write, cherish it. You can get anything out of what I say to you in the days, months or whatever measurement of time we spend together, know this; Cherish what you write and never, EVER GIVE UP. Failure is something we face everyday. If anything, make sure failure is your fuel. Please. There are so few of you in our field. There are so few of the males with our passion. Grow and be a fire that burns the entire world to the ground.

    Yes, that is long. And that is...LONNNNG haha sorry. I had a lot to say.
    October 9th, 2010 at 02:53am
  • I love the idea of being in love haha. I love the idea of having someone love me. I love the idea of being able to give myself to someone and make them feel better. I love making people happy. Sad to say, unrequited love is all I've ever had the "honor" of being apart of. I've never been able to be in love where someone loved me back. I don't think you can love in vain. Loving is just being able to give yourself to someone and have them take care of that part. I believe love is experienced by everyone for everyone.

    I think it's better to love everyone and get hurt. At least then, you can remember that we are alive, we are still human, and we are all capable to get back on our feet and try again. Human beings are capable of a lot of things but only when we are tested, only when we are challenged, do we remind ourselves that we are capable of being torn apart and pieced together to be better than before.

    Sorry if that'
    October 9th, 2010 at 01:55am
  • So few express love because, I think, they're found love can be bitter and won't get the courage to do something about the harshness of the love they felt. Many people don't understand the true meaning of love. It's okay to not have friends because of that. Not many people understand what you feel but you will soon find people who feel the same.
    October 8th, 2010 at 01:44pm
  • I'd ask you questions but I dont think you'd appreciate to be picked apart by a stranger. It's a very good quality, though, and I envy that in you. It's so nice to find someone like that. Awe, you make me feel all old. I have this really old soul and I'll go on random tangents about days of old and it's strange.
    October 8th, 2010 at 03:29am
  • Hm. Interesting. I wonder why. I wonder why it is you'd rather love. It's odd to see men now, in this day and age, so involved with love. It would make more sense for you to want to write about aggression...I wonder what I could pull from that brain of yours =]]

    Haha, I'm sorry. I'm on my science binge now. I love people, I love the study of people, of their brains and interactions. It's so interesting to see what people are like and why they do things contrary to other times. I'm such a weird-o. Sorry ;___________;
    October 8th, 2010 at 03:02am
  • Have you only written about love? I'd like to see you write something else. Then again, someone once said, "You cannot be a writer/poet without tragedy in your life." I know how love is a very important part of our lives and I know it impacts a lot of our decisions but a lot of other emotions do too. Hate, fear, remorse. I'd like to see what you can do. you have a lot of potential.
    October 8th, 2010 at 02:21am
  • keep up the good work :)
    October 8th, 2010 at 01:42am
  • definitely seems like it
    October 8th, 2010 at 01:37am
  • i don't write about anything but love
    October 8th, 2010 at 01:31am
  • oh i see now. nice!
    October 8th, 2010 at 01:21am
  • Aside from love? I don't know if there's another one that I can't see but that's all I got haha.
    October 8th, 2010 at 01:20am
  • no, not really i wouldn't guess lol. didn't really know there would be one. though i only read it once
    October 8th, 2010 at 01:11am
  • oh it was fantastic :D
    October 8th, 2010 at 01:08am
  • Very nice! I would give this like eighty bagillion stars but they dont do that here. It was very nice and I loved the metaphore. There's nothing a teenager can relate to more than a song! It's awesome. GREAT JOB! *claps hands crazily*
    October 7th, 2010 at 03:14am