
I finally put photos of me on my profile so please comment
June 4th, 2007 at 03:34am


My boyfriend proposed to me a few days ago. I'm so giddy it's not even funny. I love him more than anything in the world.
May 25th, 2007 at 10:16am

Green day... it's nice to hear your voice again

I just listened to a sample of the song ' Working class hero ' that Green Day covered for the new cd Instant Karma. The song is amazing. There will also be a video for the song directed by none other than Sam Bayer.Is anyone else as excited as I am?!!!
April 28th, 2007 at 08:55am


I'm just really excited because I got a kick ass elmo sticker to put on my bass. It's probably wrong to put such an innocent elmo sticker next to my "Don't worry, It'll only seem kinky the first time" sticker but I don't care. Elmo's probably kinky anyways. I bet he has some weird fetish or something.Everyone bow down to the almighty Elmo!!!
April 2nd, 2007 at 11:38am


I'm getting really annoyed because no one believes i'm a virgin. Apparently it's impossible for a girl to have an extremely perverted mind and still have her virginity. Some one actually said to me once, "I don't believe you're a virgin because you masurbate too much" WHAT????It's like it never even ocurred to them that the reason I masturbate so much is because I haven't had sex yet.Are all...
March 14th, 2007 at 10:28am

My Birthday is on Valentines Day

Yep that's right, i'm a valentines day baby.I'm turning 16!!!!!! And as you can tell, very excited.One thing that sucks is that I don't have a valentine. Every guy I hit on gets scared of me. I don't get why though.Maybe because they're not used to a girl being so directly perverted with them?I'm not sure but I hope that i'll find an awesome perverted boyfriend this year.
February 13th, 2007 at 09:45am

Send in this article and get a free dildo

I knew that would get all my fellow perverts attentions. Anyways... to the real point of this journal thingy. ( he he I said thingy)I'm getting really sick of being treated like a child. I'm going to be 16 in 5 days. All of the adults in my life seem to think they're so high and mighty just because they're older. They always contradict themselves too. They tell me I should stop being perverted and...
February 9th, 2007 at 02:24pm

Guilty pleasures (please read and comment)

Does anyone here have any guilty pleasures?Music you're ashamed to like?A really stupid movie that you can't help but to watch?Just something that is so bad that it's good.Something that even your closest friends don't know about because you're embarassed to let anyone know that you like it?Since i'm asking you all to share your guilty pleasures I may as well tell you mine.I've had the Aqua cd...
February 6th, 2007 at 08:52am

Fetishes are a wonderful thing

This may seem like an odd question to just randomly ask but i'm going to ask it anyways.Does anyone on here have a fetish?If so, what is it?I'm only asking because i have a really big bondage fetish and I was wondering if anyone shared my fetish.I was the only girl at my school who carried handcuffs and duct tape in her purse : )I'm not joking.
February 5th, 2007 at 09:01am


A few months ago i decided to buy the new AFI cd.BIG FUCKING MISTAKE!!!I liked the song Miss Murder when it came out so I thought that maybe something good was actually coming to the mainstream. Boy was I wrong. I listened to the cd at home and Miss Murder was the only somewhat decent song on the entire album. All the other songs sounded like filler.I really don't mean to offend any AFI fans. This...
February 4th, 2007 at 10:21am