Camping and Life (help)

From Monday to Wednesday all of yr11 had to go on a compulsary 'Crossroads' Camp, which was A-m-a-z-i-n-g *Sarcasm*. When we arrived we were told we couldn't go on any of the fun activities around the camp or go swimming (even though on the note it said 'bring swimmers') From day 1 everyone was kinda shitty and tired, our new friend left us for an arsehole she dated for only the days of the camp,...
February 10th, 2011 at 09:03am

Gosh I love Summer in Australia....

Our Summer this year has been pretty bi-polar; there's been an epic cyclone + flooding in one state (one I just got back on holidays from...), floods, fires in others and an insane heatwave where I am.... D:So for the past week, which was the first week of school, we've been sitting around in hot classrooms dying of around 40degress (celcius) heat. Oh and our school only has airconditioners in the...
February 5th, 2011 at 10:52am

Life is too short to hold grudges and harbor bitterness.

As the title suggests I am not going to hold grudges anymore, seriously what's the use? This idea came apon me earlier tonight whilst looking on my facebook and seeing pictures that my ex was tagged in with this girl who I thought he liked whilst we were going (That's what kinda broke us up.... :/). Anyways, I don't know how it hit me but for some reason I want to apologise to her for it because...
January 30th, 2011 at 10:57am

I wanna take you for a ride on a BIG JET PLANE!

So as the title suggest, well kinda, I'm going on a plane tomorrow for the first time in my life, which is kinda sad since I am 16 and nearly everyone I know HAS been on a plane.... :/Anyways.... I'm pretty excited about that but even more excited that we're (Mum, Dad and I) are going to Queensland tomorrow. Woooooo.In other news.... I haven't posted a journal for a few days so you're all probably...
January 21st, 2011 at 09:52am

What is Love?

This is probably a question that everybody has at least thought about once (well maybe..) but seriously what is love? Is all just your imagination? Maybe there isn't such a thing as love, we're just all condition to believe that it exists, when maybe it's just a load of cr@p. Everyday you see what 'love' is supposed symbolised to be, like happy young couples, happy old couples, kissing, hugging,...
January 16th, 2011 at 08:14am

Love, Surprises and Near Death Experiences

Last night my friend told me this great plan of hanging out with 'The Boys' meaning, my Ex and his friends, like we used to and go to the movies or shops together. My Ex and I have been spilt up for almost a month now so I thought it'd be alright only if he's okay with it. So she organised it all and his friends were all good with it and then we get to my Ex and he apparently doesn't want to...
January 10th, 2011 at 10:22am

I wish these trucks outside would stop being so noisy! + Questions

So the last two days have been pretty swell, especially today. :)I'll start with yesterday... My bestest bud and I went on a shopping trip together, mainly just to see each other and hang out, as she's a workaholic these days and I barely see her. We had a few good laughs like we always do and whilst walking towards Big W, 'because it's cheaper' [inside joke] we saw 3 girls that were my ex's...
January 7th, 2011 at 09:38am

Life and story ideas?

Today hasn't been that exciting but I did go to the shops again today with my mumzy and her friend which I suppose was slightly amusing, especially when we were outside the chocolate shop and I saw this really cute guy starring at me... ^.^ I wanted to walk over there and talk to him but those things only really happen in movies and it wouldn't happen without my friends egging me on.... But damn...
January 5th, 2011 at 10:30am

Iced Tea, Flakes and Snakes..

As I said in my last journal I was off to the movies today, which was rather interesting since it was me and three guy friends... So off to the local shopping centre we went or as I like to see it the local theme park.... It has recently been re-developed and now has a billion new stores, a movie theatre, bowling ally and lazer tag all plonked into this shopping centre, What next a water slide?...
January 4th, 2011 at 09:02am

Why do people bake cakes when the cake mix tastes better?

So this is my first journal entry to Mibba, so I thought I'd make a creative (well kinda) title to it. It's not just completely random because I did bake a cake today and no I didn't eat all the mix, as much as I would have liked to. I have had Mibba for ages as a friend introduced me to it and I only have one poem on it and now, months later, I decided to get back on and see whats cooking and...
January 3rd, 2011 at 11:23am