
Ah, it has been a long 6 days and .... 17 hours and 31.25 minutes it would seem. Don't ask why I'm so exact, I just had nothing else to do. Long week. Losta time on my hands and so little to do. So little... noise. I had very little music last week. That's a rather bad thing. I need music to function, but now I'm not quite used to the sounds of it as I type. But I'll get back to normal soon...
September 22nd, 2010 at 04:28am

Group Idea

So, a couple months back I had this idea for a new story that takes place in a Dystopia, I came up with the characters, and the setting, but I had no idea what the plot would be.About a month ago I came up with a lose plot and decided it would be a series of 'books' so to speak. And I finally started to work on the plot-outline. I'm developing the plot further and when I have the first 'book' done...
August 26th, 2010 at 12:06am

Internal Monologue

I have decided that this space will be reserved for internal monologue. Because I really need a space for that >.>I've gotten back the will to write and draw recently, but what I want to write, I require a computer, or a more distinct plot line. [Sigh] I have been drawing though at least. I've lost the ability to draw decent noses it seems.... and necks. .-. It's infuriating. I've gotten...
July 11th, 2010 at 03:07am