My Epic Failure

Hi guys!Ok so, if you are unaware, I decided a few days ago, maybe even a week ago now (honestly not sure) that I was going to be posting on here daily as both a blogger and a movie reviewer, writing a random review of a movie every day.UNFORTUNATELY, the one thing I forgot to think about when I made this decision is that I have a life outside of the internet. I got excited about the idea, though...
September 25th, 2012 at 07:48pm

It's only day three and I already missed one!

I didn't blog yesterday! I feel like I've failed already and it's only day three!WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? xDAnyway, I posted my first Movie Review yesterday and DAMN did it feel good to be writing again, even if it is just simple reviews. I'll be posting my next one soon (I think) so look out for that.For anyone who's interested, my first review is A Movie a Day: Space Jam so...yeah, check that...
September 21st, 2012 at 03:03pm

Throwing Myself Out There

....this is scary.I've always been a writer but I've usually only ever shared my writings with teachers and friends.I'm sure you're all a nice bunch of people (pleasure to meet you by the way) but I am absolutely positively 100% terrified of the idea that anything I write out here is going to be available for the entire world to see...Even worse...the entire internet!I've been alive for 23 years...
September 19th, 2012 at 06:09pm