May 8th 2011

Does anyone REALLY know what they want anymore? Do people REALLY care? Can forever REALLY last forever. It's funny, you tell your self you wont get caught up in "boy drama".... then you do... It's funny you think it could really last "forever" then it doesn't... It's funny, you think someone loves you as much as you love them....they don't. It's sad, you think you can just stay "friends" with...
May 8th, 2011 at 04:52pm


I'm so tired of going through the same thing every day. i see him look at me, people tell me he likes me. I know how I feel, I just wish I could tell if he feels the same way. I'm tired of hiding my feelings, and sitting in the background. I know i matter more that i feel, he just never seems to care. This boy is sweet, and funny, and nice, but he also makes video games or paint ball more...
June 7th, 2010 at 10:18pm


Another day, another sad day. We drag on and on as if we don’t feel anything. I talked to the guy I might love last night, and had a meltdown. I didn’t want to see him today, but I had to. He is everywhere I look. I was sad. I looked sad, why didn’t he? I thought I meant something to him.....I guess not. Maybe I’m just one of those girls that can’t move on from a guy that could care...
June 3rd, 2010 at 12:54am

a dumb bit**?

The things you do drive me crazy with every step I get closer to the end! Your such a loser! Why do I like you? Why cant I move on? I want to scream! You messed with my heart. You ripped it out! I want you now, but whats the point? I'm just some dumb bitch to you. I didn't really even like you, until we were done. I hate you! I can't stand you! You hurt me so why would I grace you with my time?...
June 2nd, 2010 at 01:52am


What happens? When does it happen? Love. It's a pretty big word, and I don't know if I really know what it is. Do you know what love is? Is it taking a bullet for someone? Is it standing under that special girls window at 10 at night in the rain just to make her smile? Is it waking up every morning because you know that at least once, for only a second, you might see that one person you love?I see...
June 1st, 2010 at 10:17pm


So here I am, sitting alone in an office. All the thoughts of him are seeping back into my mind. Were we ever happy? Was he really as sweet as I remember? It all seems like a dream now. I didn't want this to happen, but, you cant stop what you feel. I know I cant stop how I feel. I wish I could, but there are just to many pieces left behind to pick up. I guess that's the message here. They say...
May 31st, 2010 at 02:30pm