Miscreation / Comments

  • Only Dreamt

    Only Dreamt (100)

    United States
    lmao, okie dokie :)
    I will talk to you again soon... :P
    Cuz I'ma stalker like that!
    Well it still looks bad!
    December 22nd, 2010 at 10:45pm
  • Only Dreamt

    Only Dreamt (100)

    United States
    Oh, I sent you a message back. Do you want to continue our conversation on here or facebook? Because I can send it on there, too.
    December 22nd, 2010 at 10:38pm
  • Only Dreamt

    Only Dreamt (100)

    United States
    It's uh... you really want to know?
    Gawd, this will make me sound awful.
    It's a picture of some kittens.
    With bright orange targets on their heads.... O.o
    December 22nd, 2010 at 10:37pm
  • Only Dreamt

    Only Dreamt (100)

    United States
    Haha my mom is amazing at it so I've watched her for years. And I tried to do the Helena look but when I did it too purple I just decided to look dead.
    Do you know what the random poster is?
    December 22nd, 2010 at 10:30pm
  • Only Dreamt

    Only Dreamt (100)

    United States
    Sweetness :) I'ma go add you. My name's Samantha Smith, by the way :D
    Did you check out mah dead picture?
    December 22nd, 2010 at 10:25pm
  • Only Dreamt

    Only Dreamt (100)

    United States
    Facebook :) What's your name/ profile picture look like?
    December 22nd, 2010 at 10:21pm
  • Only Dreamt

    Only Dreamt (100)

    United States
    Whoa, what time is it there? My side of the globe is like 3:05.
    Ah, nothing.
    Dude, can you go look at the picture that I took where I look dead? And then look at the poster that's halfway cut out and tell me what it looks like. I want to see if you get it :)
    December 22nd, 2010 at 10:07pm
  • Only Dreamt

    Only Dreamt (100)

    United States
    IT WORKED!!! :D
    I'ma send you a message now. It might take a few minutes..but I will.
    What's up? :)
    December 22nd, 2010 at 09:55pm
  • Only Dreamt

    Only Dreamt (100)

    United States
    okie dokie :)
    December 22nd, 2010 at 09:53pm
  • Only Dreamt

    Only Dreamt (100)

    United States
    can you send the whole thing in a message?
    December 22nd, 2010 at 09:46pm
  • Only Dreamt

    Only Dreamt (100)

    United States
    Nein, it actually sent less. :/
    December 22nd, 2010 at 09:41pm
  • Only Dreamt

    Only Dreamt (100)

    United States
    yeah, sure :)
    HEY!! YOU'RE ON! :)
    December 22nd, 2010 at 09:37pm
  • Only Dreamt

    Only Dreamt (100)

    United States
    hey... I'm thinking we're gonna have to start talking in a message.. for some reason I can't read the whole thing you sent... O.o
    Do you know how I can fix that?
    December 22nd, 2010 at 09:32pm
  • Only Dreamt

    Only Dreamt (100)

    United States
    Hahaha, I love your new layout...but it confuses moi :P
    And your username is awesome. I love whoever came up with that idea.

    I know, I hate it too.It's not that I really care what everyone thinks of my, but I can't stand it when people don't like me. (haha trying to explain this is kind of confusing...) XD

    THANK YOU! Just because we look different, doesn't not mean we are illiterate. I mean, I am taking all the advanced classes. AND I freakin skipped a grade. I believe I qualify as smart.
    I haven't gotten what I want done yet, but I am before the school break is over. I am getting 2 cartilage piercings on both sides (hopefully) dyeing the bottom layer of my hair bright red (like Gee's!!!) and then the top half jet black (Like Frankie!!!)
    Already I've had my hair jet black and my teachers all think that my friends and I will secretly hurt them in their sleep. And they can't do anything about it! Because I'm a perfect little angel who hasn't gotten a detention since 2nd grade :P

    Yeah, America is really screwed up most of the time, but we rarely if ever have any protests. I, in my personal, American opinion, think we do not have protests because most people are just too lazy to get off their butts and do something.

    I mean our president is trying to raise taxes so that all of our tax return money goes to welfare. I realize some people cannot get jobs and are disabled (or have a family like me where it's just one parent) but most of it usually goes to the bums who sit around drinking beer all day. We all hate that he's doing that, but no one will step up to do anything about it.
    And I'm going to be completely honest, I'm not racist AT ALL. The onyl reason he is president is because he is black. Americans want to show the world that we are not racist, so they elect a black man, one who annoys me to no end with his 'yes we can' speeches. Yes, we can go into a depression. Yes, we can lose our jobs. No, for some reason we can't do anything about it.

    I never really understood that. Why do we write things differently? I mean, it's the English language, so it should be the same. But areoplanes looks cooler :D

    I'm not so much afraid of BEING on the airplane, in the air and such, but I don't like getting on the airplane. Like at the take-off, when we are slowly rising. It just absolutely freaks me out.

    We still have the metal detectors too! Why do we need more security?

    I've only been on a plane a couple of times. When I was little my family moved from California to Michigan (why ANYONE would want to move to the other side of the country is beyond me) and we stopped at different places on the planes before getting there. But I can't remember that far back :P

    I went to go see the movie Julie and Julia at a special screening and they did a pat down for it. The security guard got really mad at me when I did not open my purse as far as she wanted me to, and when I started laughing at her expression. Her eyes came out really far from her skull and she gave me an "I'ma eat you" look. It kind of made me laugh...XD

    Naw, your accents are awesome. Haha well I'm not used to British accents, because I don't listen to interviews for many British bands XD
    To me American accents sound like we are stupid or something.

    I am from.... San Clemente, California. (I hope I spelled that right!) I moved from there when I was 1. And haha I was born in a military base, doesn't that sound weird??
    What about you?

    Well to me it's cool. And you don't look like a dude! You have AWESOME hair! You look like a girl. :D

    I think my voice is kind of higher and annoying, so it's okay :D And I had my hair chopped to above my ears last year, and when I went to school GIRLS started to flirt with me... until I opened my mouth. I was like..... O.o

    Yeah, southern Florida is scorching hot normally (like in the 90's all the time in the summer) and then Michigan gets to the negatives pretty quickly. I want to move somewhere in Europe, just because it's somewhere different. You know? But America has it's goods points. Not many, but it has them XD

    No, no, don't get me wrong. They are an incredible band. It's just I don't enjoy them as much as I would had I loved them on my own, instead constantly hearing them. (I have 74 of their songs on my Ipod.... hahaha)

    I never shut up about MCR either. They just..... they are so amazing, they need to be talked about :D

    Hahaha, yes it was Monsoon. My friend has Guitar Hero and once she turned around and started scrolling down really fast and when I told her to stop it landed on Monsoon and I was like.... Oh my nachos!!! Tokio Hotel!!
    So we did that song. And I sang the entire thing in German. Even though I have NO IDEA what I was saying. For the rest of the day, Bridget had to hear my keep going "Durch den monsuuuuun. Dan wir alles guuuuuut!"

    I love TH. I'm not sure why. I just do. And I really like Bill.... *shyly smiles*
    He's so cute! (In the childish, omigosh I'ma give you a giant hug way)
    I hope you do look at more of them. Look at any of their songs except Automatic.It's just.....wtf, Bill. What in the name of all that's good did you do to your voice?
    My favorite song is Phantomrider, even though they don't do it in German.
    And Schrei :D

    I actually don't have a problem with people saying bad things about them. There's a video where Tom (guitarist) and Bill (singer... duh XD) are sitting in there car pretending to rant about how big of sell outs TH are, and how they are all stupid and don't do anything. And then Tom goes on to say "Who are they? Tom and his fag of a brother." and Bill says "Yes, what a fag. Damn fag."
    I about died.

    I guess you just have to be close siblings, or maybe they all got over the hating each other thing :P

    Well not being an identical twin takes all the fun out of being a twin, now doesn't it? I mean, you can't switch each other's classes, pretend to be the other one, or mess with people! :/

    That sucks. Well if it helps any, you're my favorite of you two lmfao :D

    December 21st, 2010 at 06:04pm
  • Mangafreak14

    Mangafreak14 (100)

    United States
    Hey! I'm Julia! :D *waves* You seem really nice and I hope we can become good friends. :) Btw, I have a story if you'd like to read it. :} I will warn you that there are a lot of grammar mistakes. I try to update everyday. If you do read it, please comment on how you like it. Well, Hope to here from you soon! :3 *waves goodbye* xD
    December 21st, 2010 at 02:53pm
  • Only Dreamt

    Only Dreamt (100)

    United States
    I ended up staying at my friends until yesterday, then I went to my other friend's and that's where I'm writing from now haha :)

    YES!! I feel special!! And as long as you don't do anything to make me dislike you, you are likely to stay my (second, counting Aubrey) favorite person on here :D
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that is the funniest thing ever! My teachers don't do stuff like that. They just give me bad grades occasionally because they don't like me. Like my English teacher graded my essay and gave me a 3 out of 6 on it. (We do an essay, the entire school, once every six weeks) The first time we took it, I got a 6 out of six from my French teacher. Only 2 kids in our grade made a 6/6. Does that say anything? *raises eyebrow*

    I KNOW! It's crazy. They think they are in love when in reality it's just a hopeless infatuation that they will soon get over. Either that or they will be left devistated when the boy loses interest. It makes me sad to see my friends that way, but also at the same time it's like they should have expected this, you know?
    Haha, I don't have any friends who lost their virginity at 13, but my best friend did when she was 13. She now no longer sees the boy. (BIG SURPRISE THERE.)

    Haha, I guess so :P

    Yeah, we saw that. The video showed hundreds of students rioting outside universities and the news anchors were making fun of the prime minister for...something or other. I can't remember, but I felt bad for him. But if he really is bad, then it's okay XD

    I take that back. We have metrostations only in MAJOR cities, like New York City or LA. I don't mind trains so much, but I hate airplanes. Which is a major dilemma because I want to be a singer in a band when I get older. How am I supposed to tour everywhere if I can't get in a plane?? ahahaha

    Oh! New thing in city airports is the security guards have to 'feel' you before you get on the plane. It's either they grope you or they do a full body scan that has an x-ray. Do they have that in Great Britain, too? Cuz I think it's pretty sick. I would kick the security guard where the sun don't shine before they did that! XD

    Yes, EVERYONE loves British accents. Even just slight ones. Well accents period, actually. Here, where everyone has a southern and ridiculous accent and a poor vocabulary, people even wanted to listen to me talk because my accent was Northern. They thought it was so strange. It was pretty funny.

    AWESOME! Well then you have an awesome accent too!

    Me too. I love German. I'm trying desperately to teach myself. It's pretty hard. And up until this year, they offered German as a forgein language. And I wanted so badly to take it but I CAN'T! Neh. They only offer Spanish and French now.
    But yeah, I want to move to Germany whenever I'm older and have the money.

    One of my friends is the same way about Green Day. I'll admit, I like the music to a point, but her obsession kind of turned me away from them.

    Tokio Hotel isn't the best band in the world, I know that. The lyrics in English sound like some things I have written. (That might be part of the reason I like them..... :D) But the instrumental part of the band I love, and I listen mostly to the German songs because a) I love listening to German people talk/sing and b) I have no idea what they are saying, so I don't have to worry about not liking the lyrics! hahaah

    Wait...does your friend have a favorite band member? And is he gay? (No offense if he isn't... just wondering with the obsession and all)

    Yeah, the singer and the guitarist are twins. I don't know how they do it either, I fight with my brother when we are forced together frequently. I've heard though that the twins get very agressive sometimes. Like once in a hotel room the guitarist hit the singer over the head with a CHAIR!
    I guess they normally have a good relationship though. I don't know.

    Being a twin sounds cool. Well, an identical one. But a twin at all sounds awesome, because it seems like they would be closer and do random things at the same time and be identical and junk.
    Are you and your twin not close?

    December 20th, 2010 at 11:28pm
  • M. Shadz

    M. Shadz (210)

    United States
    you owe me a one-shot, babe ;)
    December 20th, 2010 at 02:31am
  • Artistic Autopsy

    Artistic Autopsy (100)

    United States
    It's cold here too and I don't like it.
    Being sick isn't fun :( I hope you feel better!!
    And I'm just sitting here being bored haha listening to some music
    December 19th, 2010 at 03:23am
  • little blue bird

    little blue bird (100)

    United States
    You're too nice to me! I cannot tell you how much all of your comments mean to me! They're so helpful and encouraging and positive, and seriously dude, I can't thank you enough! I always always always look forward to reading your comments.
    And, P.S, I really like your story "Resonance" ^_^ I subscribed a little while ago and you need to update that because you are a brilliant writer! It's unlike any other story I've read, and I want more!!!
    December 18th, 2010 at 05:23am
  • Artistic Autopsy

    Artistic Autopsy (100)

    United States
    Eh. I'm still living lol kinda feel a little crappy but it's okay, what about you?
    December 18th, 2010 at 03:13am