Is there such a thing as Best Friends Forever?

Sometimes I wonder if there is such a thing as best friends forever. Because it seems like there isn't. Especially if your best friend is a member of the oppisite sex.I was sitting downstairs watching a movie with my aunt and my grandma and my aunt basically said that because my best friends are guys, they won't be there for me forever. Apparently they'll get girlfriends and go out on dates and...
February 14th, 2011 at 05:04am

Ranting, the truth about "grinding" :)

Tomarrow is Tolo. The theme is "A Night In Vegas". I'm going, wareing a dress, the whole deal. The only thing I'm missing is a date, and I'm thankful. Why am I thankful? Because all dates do is give a person someone to grind with, and I think grinding is disgusting. Unlike most hormonally charged teenage girls I don't like making myself look like a total whore. And for those of you who grind,...
February 12th, 2011 at 04:03am

Why do the good die young? In memory of the girls from my school that have died this year.

During the first semester of my first year in highschool two girls that went to my school died. We had a memorial for both of them yesterday at school.I didn't know either of them. One of them was shot by her boyfriend, the other I know nothing about. But both of them were so young. They had so much life ahead of them, so much time to do the things they wanted to, but that time was cut short.If I...
January 27th, 2011 at 01:13am

I hate when people hit me in the face... -_-

Today, not too bad. Last few days, terrible.Well, last Friday I got in a fight with my friend Maranda because I'm a slacker who doesn't like to be told what to do, and she's an unintentionally bossy girl who cares way too mach about school.I went to my sister's play "Wonder In Aliceland", it was cool I guess if you like bad acting and a total of one lead who had a decent voice....And then my...
January 25th, 2011 at 06:04am

Mean People, New Years, and Austrailians.

I was surfing Facebook today, like I do almost everyday, and I saw a status that said "Like this if you hate ______." (I put that because mentioning names is kinda mean). It was posted by a girl, of course, because guys are cooler and spend their time doing more important things then posting mean, childis things on Facebook. Honestly everytime I read statuses like this, it makes me hate the world...
January 11th, 2011 at 05:37am

In need of advice!!! BADLY!!!!!

Okay so my friend has to move out of his current house and into his mom's boyfriends house. Unfortunately he has three cats, and his mom's boyfriend already has two cats and two dogs in the house, and my friends mom will only allow them to take her cat. Now, I have a chance to take the cat, which would be great for my friend. But the cat would have to be a strictly indoor cat, and it would have to...
November 28th, 2010 at 09:50am

Purple is lovely, another rant about gay haters. XD

Last week me and a lot of my friends, even from other schools, wore purple. Why? Because we wanted to remember the suicides that were caused by anti-gay bullying. Well, my friend posted on facebook for everyone to ware purple, and you know some kid had to talk about how wrong it is to support the suicide of someone who "couldn't handle being a fag". This particular comment really pissed me off. I...
October 27th, 2010 at 04:22am

Insensitive Bitch.

Okay, so I've moved many times in my life. And I went to three different middle schools. And I know how it feels when you change schools. You get mad and hurt, and some of us (like me) don't even feel like trying anymore because of the unhappiness. But is moving a reason to stop trying? I don't think so. But my friend Dillon has lived in a town for a long time, not his whole life, but enough of...
October 18th, 2010 at 06:37am

Maybe pointless, maybe not.

Well, I'm finally writing another journal. This one may not be as pointless as the others, but at the same time it may be just as pointless as the others.A few days ago I was given a loud wake up call, a large dose of motivation by a very unlikely person. He's a friend of mine who has made some very stupid decisions in life, and seems to make stupid decisions all the time. He's one of those people...
September 20th, 2010 at 05:56am

It's been ten years.

Tomarrow I'm going bowling with my dad. Now I'm sure this doesn't seem like a big deal, but I haven't seen my dad in ten years. Why? Because my dad has never really been around. And the last time I saw him he was drunk and he tried to kill my babysitter. Not the best memory of my father. So tomarrow is going to be slightly awkward and amazing. XD If that makes sense.But on the bad side of things...
August 11th, 2010 at 02:17am

Life is SOOOO bitter sweet.

There's this friend I've known for years. Well, today I ended the friendship. And strangely I feel no sympathy for the girl at all. And I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I guess sometime's you have to say goodbye to people who you don't need, or who just hold you back. I haven't felt this free in about a year, and it feels great. :DWell, other then that my aunt's moving...
August 1st, 2010 at 01:21am

Is it normal????

I've always been a bit shy. And I also have an extreme fear of rejection, which most people take as me not wanting to be around them. Although sometimes I do need to be alone because people are really draining, I do enjoy being around people sometimes. But I'm afraid. After talking to someone on Instant Message (Especially close friends) I always feel as though I said something wrong, or I was too...
July 10th, 2010 at 05:49am

Worst 4th of July EVER! And some ranting about gay haters. XD

Okay so I went to my cousins for the 4th of July, I thought it would be fun. I was sooooo wrong. Turns out my cousin is messing around with his ex again so I had to sit and watch them make out for two days in a row. Not only that but the bitch slapped me! Unfortuantly I'm a very passive person so I just sat there as she slapped me ten times in the face. And then I got to hear about how much her...
July 7th, 2010 at 01:45am

I Wish He Could Read My Mind.

My best friend posted a status on facebook yesterday. He said "I HATE MYSELF AND I WANNA DIE!" The funny thing is that I do the same thing to him. We hurt each other like that all the time. I'm not saying it's a toxic friendship, because it's not. He makes me happier then any friend I've had before him. I just wish he knew that, or could understand. I wish he could read my mind for one day just so...
June 27th, 2010 at 10:45pm

June 25th, 2010. My 15th Bithday. :)

My birthday's tomarrow. I will be 15, and I believe this is gonna be my best birthday yet. Why? Well, my friends of course. I'm not having a party or anything but for once in my life I have friends that care! :D I guess you could call me socially inept but I seriously have never had a good group of friends until now.Well, my friend Chelsie is an amazing artist. She draws anime and for my birthday...
June 25th, 2010 at 03:43am

My Old Friends Are Better.

Well, I moved about five months ago from one town in Washington to another. And even though my previous town is only about 15 minutes away, I still had to change schools. Which sucks majorly. But despite the fact that I'm still kinda angry about moving I have managed to make friends. The problem is that I still feel that my old friends are better for me.The people in my new town are very...
June 18th, 2010 at 03:44am