Diaries are just.... Stupid.

1. Dear Diary,Read it and weep. The goth maniac has discovered the blank flower covered book that has magical healing powers on the soul. I guess you are thinking, book we all pretend is a person, that you're just like every other stupid diary out there. No, you're even dumber than that. You have my thoughts occupying all your stupid girly pages. How unfortunate for you. You just seemed to be in...
August 12th, 2010 at 10:12pm

Artists taking requests?

http://1acryma3.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2w2mp9 I need that done over in line art.Message me. Also willing to do a trade. Uhm, I have a lot of words left over so the next part isn't really spam it's just sort of optional---This is my character for www.ouranhs.darkbb.com. I'm constructing an application for this character, which needs a picture. I didn't want to use anyone's pictures without...
August 10th, 2010 at 11:34pm

I'd pout, but it hurts my face

Grandma is visiting, so I'm trying to be on good behavior. When she's sleeping, I keep my voice down. Seth raises his. When he did that last night, I put my hand over his mouth. Yeah I guess that was a bad move but he wouldn't listen when I told him to shut the f**k up or he'd wake Grandma.It's easy to keep my hand to myself, not to rest my elbows on the table, and to do the things Grandma puts me...
August 10th, 2010 at 03:20am

Help with titles?

I got help with ideas I just need help deciding which one.1. Expectations2. Angel From Hell3. The Others4. From Beneath5. The Hidden6. Of An Evil7. The Shallow Sun8. Frameshift9. VicissitudeThere are a lot of titles I already don't like because it might give away a bit of the plot. Kind of like the book "My Brother Sam is Dead." It would have been a good book if we hadn't known Sam was going to...
August 6th, 2010 at 04:22am

I don't want to listen

It gives me a head ache the way they speak to me. As if I haven't considered any downsides. If I hadn't done as they told me, I would probably have gone through with the whole suicide thing.They talk so much that my piece doesn't get in. The piece where I tell them that as a matter of fact I did think about the consequences. I thought about what impact a decision could make. And usually in a...
August 4th, 2010 at 05:11am

Growing up too fast

Turning 14 in a month and 6 days. I don't know whether or not I still act like a child, or if my mind is growing up too. I have friends I no longer think of as practical. Coming across problems I just have to do my best to solve.The lust for blood is leaving.The pain of rejection is leaving.There are new cravings and new pains.The pain in my chest when I laugh.The craving for a cigarette is here,...
July 24th, 2010 at 12:31am

I like this picture

I don't own it or anything but it won't save to my computer. I hate when that happens. So I'm going to code it here and see if it works. Right now I really don't want to type 100 words. I can't really find anything to talk about so I'll just talk about spiders. They have eight eyes and eight legs and are scared of us, but we big human people with our machine guns and tanks are always freaking out...
June 12th, 2010 at 07:42pm

Writers Block

I hate writers block. That, and art block. Lately the art block has been better but it has been awhile since I have produced a good piece of writing.Hate is a very strong word, however appropriate. Writers block is a bit more curable for me than art block, and happens less often. Art block happens every time a teacher takes away a drawing during class. Thank the Lord that tomorrow is the last day...
June 10th, 2010 at 03:21am

I just can't focus

I'm always getting so distracted. I can pay attention on tests but I feel the only way I could possibly do my homework would be to lock myself in a small space(like 5'x5')I know I have a lot of head problems and I don't mind them but I don't think that's what's keeping me. There's just so much more to do and I'm always putting my homework down for that. I always start drawing. I can use my art...
June 3rd, 2010 at 02:08am


Mom's crying. She thinks she can hide it by taking a shower but she can't. Mom barely ever sees me cry anymore. Most of the time when I cry, it can be right in class and people don't know it. Brandi doesn't think she's seen me cry. But that day I fell down the stairs, I cried in history class. It was humiliating to be so mentally unstable that I feel down the stairs from an anxiety attack. The...
May 31st, 2010 at 08:45pm

25 Random Things

You don't have to, but feel free to join the game ^-^1. My most vivid memories are of thought and smell2. I could recognize the sound of my brother's bike anywhere3. I don't have a dog but I'm still used to the smell of dog pee4. The garage used to be my theme park5. I name all my favorite school supplies6. I have 5 (count 'em) 5 imaginary friends7. All but one of those friends are not named nouns...
May 31st, 2010 at 05:33am