SUPER FUN DAY! (Sarcasm) (6/2/2010)

Yeah, today wasn't so incredibly interesting. Not to say I didn't DO anything, just nothing you guys would particularly find very interesting. Then again, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you think homework and sleeping in too late are awesome! Yeah, other than that, I suppose I can use a little bit of this free space to recommend a great free online gaming site. It's called, and I have to...
June 3rd, 2010 at 11:38am

Wall Hunting (6/1/2010)

I got this journal out a little late today, but hey, I was busy. Today I went to my weekly school meeting. Just for your information, I am in an alternative form of education where I recieve a week's worth of schoolwork in a once-a-week meeting. It seems to be working out a lot better for me than traditional school. Anyways, after that,I went to my weekly indoor archery session with my aunt. It's...
June 2nd, 2010 at 10:10am

A Healthy Day (5/31/2010)

Well, today started out with me heading over to my Grandparents' house,and from there I went for a 3-mile walk with my Grandpa. I have to say, I'm rather proud of myself for this. I don't excercise often enough, so it felt good to go out and improve my health a little. After that, not much happened as far as my day went, but I would just like to wish you all a happy Memorial Day, as we remember...
June 1st, 2010 at 02:16am

Joining Mibba (5/30/2010)

Well, today is my first day on mibba. I'm still unsure if this will become a regular thing for me, but it does seem like something I'd be interested in. Let's just see what the future holds in store, eh? Anyways, if this does become a regular thing for me, I'm still not sure if I'll update this Journal daily, or if anyone will even care, but nonetheless, we shall see. I know that this probably...
May 31st, 2010 at 07:15am