I miss elementary school gym.

At my high school you have to take two semesters of gym to graduate. I used marching band for one of my p.e. credits. That leaves only one semester of gym. Friday was my first official day of gym. So we dressed and went to the auxiliary gym. The classes next to mine did warm ups, crab walk, running, etc. They were so sore when the girls got back into the locker room. My class learned everyone's...
January 10th, 2011 at 10:03pm

Merry Sucky Christmas... Or is it?

This is my first Christmas without my brother. He'll be here for Christmas but he's not here now. The thing that makes it seem like Christmas without him is the fact that my mom and I are decorating and wrapping presents right now.Every year, my brother and I always fight. It's a small fight but we still look forward to it (can you say screwed up?). We probably look forward to it because we end up...
December 18th, 2010 at 02:34am

R.I.P. Guy I don't know.

So my friend's friend's brother died a few days ago in a car accident. It was on the news and according to my friend, Sam, he was on his way to work and slid into a brick wall and was throw from the car.Then she said how banged up he was. He had a broken arm, neck, and several ribs. He was an organ donor and we were told he couldn't donate his heart because it was punctured in the...
December 16th, 2010 at 11:00pm

Please don't leave.

There's this girl. We're not friends but we have a mutual friend, Emily. So this girl, Melany, recently (Sunday) had to hear some heart breaking news. On his way to work her brother hit some ice and crashed into something killing him on impact.That got me thinking. And I now have a conclusion. And although you'll think this is sappy and stupid I don't care. You should know this.Although I'm just...
December 15th, 2010 at 10:42pm

Seriously? You're a jerk and she needs to press charges.

When I got home from school today my friend texted me and told me to get on facebook. So I did. I start reading what's on there and I come across my aunt's status. I never get to see her so this is pretty much the only way we know what's going on in each other's lives. Her status is:"is at the ER with my Jessica. Some sorry, pompus, self centered prick punched her!"Jessica is my cousin and I found...
December 15th, 2010 at 10:23pm

YIPEE!!!!! Not.

Today is Tuesday. Surprising for a few reasons. Yesterday we had a snow day. Today we had a two hour delay. Tomorrow is my first high school final. Yay. :p Tomorrow I have algebra and band. The band written final is going to be easy as long as I just look over a few terms. The playing final, not so much. I'm the kind of person that has to practice it and hear it before I can play it. Tomorrow's...
December 15th, 2010 at 03:28am

Yikes er oni! Any advice?

Well my friend, Jana, just might have been right. In my last journal I explained how she thinks one of my best guy friends likes me. At first I liked that idea then it just got annoying. Now I'm starting to think she's right.My very first boyfriend ever hit me, constantly. He even smashed my hand in my locker and would take my books, throw them away, making me late for class. So obviously you can...
December 10th, 2010 at 04:15am

Hahahaha you're really funny. Ok not funny anymore...

So there's this guy. We've been friends for awhile now. He and his girlfriend are having major issues and always fighting but he still says he loves her. I completely understand. My friend Jana says this guy likes me. Obviously I like him too because he was pretty much made for me. But I'm not the kind of girl that would try to get him away from his girlfriend. I love his girlfriend. She's super...
December 9th, 2010 at 11:48pm

I Swear To God This IS NOT GOOD!!

I'm having a throw something at the computer and go slap the person who runs mibba in the face kinda feeling. I just spent an entire hour writing out a chapter that I have a copy of on my computer but I changed and deleted and added so much to it that it can not be replaced and I will never be able to put exactly what I wrote back on this site. So finally done with chapter one, I go to submit, so...
November 30th, 2010 at 03:37am

RCG Awards

Haha. Tonight I attended the HSE RCG Awards. We listened to speeches, watched the final performance and then watched a slide show of the many pictures that were taken throughout the season. My favorites were of my section in our Scooby-Doo outfits on section spirit day, the one of Nathan and me (proper grammar) holding our instruments up above our heads while posing as superheroes, the one of us...
November 18th, 2010 at 04:05am

The stars can't fade when I'm with you

I know that the day she dies is the day I lose you. I know that you slurp my face to get me to cringe. I know you take me to childish movie not just because you want to see them but because you know I want to see them. I know that you still remember the day mom brought me home. I know you still remember the first time you held me and the first time I smiled at you and called you grandpa.You told...
November 16th, 2010 at 04:01am

One week today

November 8, 2010 my best friend died from leukemia. The past week has been difficult and I've struggled a little bit. We have been best friends since we were six. We made so many promises to each other. I never thought I'd lose him this early. When we were little he made me promise him I'd never kiss anyone but two weeks before he died his older brother kissed me and I didn't stop him. Now I feel...
November 16th, 2010 at 01:04am

Hope for tomorrow

Why do you insist on opening The Door That Leads To You when it's been bolted shut for years? Why believe The Sky's The Limit when there are foot prints on the moon? Why keep Reaching Higher Ground when you're stuck on the bottom of the ocean?Why?Because it's worth it.I'll miss you RCG till next year.Seniors, Goodbye. Good luck at college. Good luck with the rest of your life.Juniors, I'll see you...
November 9th, 2010 at 08:17pm

I love you guys and I'll miss you so much!

Dear all future hamilton southeastern high school marching band bass clarinets,You will never be as good as us, the originals. You will never be able to hate each other, tease each other, torment each other, drive each other crazy, and love each other as much as we did. Good luck trying to top that.To everyone that was in band with me this year,You're the best. You made this year the best. I'll...
November 8th, 2010 at 02:14am

Why do you have to know?

I've loved writing since I was a little girl. Yes, technically I'm still a little girl but I'm talking since before I even knew how to write. I would take pieces of paper and scribble on them. Then I would get someone in my family to sit down and listen to me read them (I made up what "was written"). So I've decided I want to be a writer when I grow up. I'm not the best writer but if i could just...
October 25th, 2010 at 04:29am

R.I.P. Jamarcus Bell; You could've changed the world

A kid at my school committed suicide a few days ago. In an interview with his parents they said he'd tried before and almost succeeded had he not tried in a janitorial closet at school. He'd been bullied since he first moved into the district three years ago. This wasn't normal bullying for my district. My district's bullying is usually teasing, and play fighting but it can still make you feel...
October 23rd, 2010 at 04:02pm

Love Sucks

I joined the HSE marching band in June. On the ride home from the second competition back in September this guy, Nathan, and I became friends. Somehow we got pulled into this sick, twisted joke where i ended up being his "whore". We ended up being best friends. We've known each other for 1 month and i can already tell there's something there. I know i like him and whenever he puts his arm around...
October 23rd, 2010 at 12:56am

School's out?

So today is the third day of my school district's summer vacation. All of the friends I have made in the past year are friends I will keep for the rest of my life. I know teachers and adults say things like that all the time but these people really will still be my friends even when we're dying. But three fourths of my new friends are going to the rival high school. So pretty much the only way...
June 1st, 2010 at 06:02pm