magic_toast_machine! / Comments

  • that fat lard!
    if ur still talking to him tell him to respond to his damn pms!!!

    OMFG! go to page 7 of the journals and theres a journal that had 745 comments! go to it! its called mibba hug
    June 21st, 2007 at 09:33pm
  • OMG!!!
    gerard made and adorable face!
    June 21st, 2007 at 07:43pm
  • :D
    June 21st, 2007 at 07:35pm
  • hmmmmm
    hi rachel
    June 21st, 2007 at 05:42pm
  • well, if your talking about yesterday's tomorrow, its kinda really wet outside. meh bee you should call me thursday-sunday because i'll be at texas A & M FCA camp.....
    im gunna be the only emo there next to all the preps....
    June 20th, 2007 at 07:52pm
  • :D

    Still cant wait for camp!
    June 20th, 2007 at 06:56am
  • HEHEHEH thankies!
    June 20th, 2007 at 03:49am

    |SEXXY ASS truck | '|""";.., ___.
    |_..._...______===|= _|__|..., ] |
    "(@ )'(@ )""""*|(@ )(@ )*****(@


    Oh hell ya ur smexy!
    June 20th, 2007 at 02:38am
  • YAY!!!!
    hmmm, what do i say???
    mikey is bored

    very bored

    but she loves her preety drumset

    you shold come see it!!
    June 19th, 2007 at 12:06am
  • YAY!!!!
    hmmm, what do i say???
    mikey is bored

    very bored

    but she loves her preety drumset

    you shold come see it!!
    June 19th, 2007 at 12:05am
  • YAY!!!!
    hmmm, what do i say???
    mikey is bored

    very bored

    but she loves her preety drumset

    you shold come see it!!
    June 19th, 2007 at 12:04am
  • YAY!!!!
    hmmm, what do i say???
    mikey is bored

    very bored

    but she loves her preety drumset

    you shold come see it!!
    June 19th, 2007 at 12:04am
  • okay, have fun!! BABY TIME!!!!! :D
    June 18th, 2007 at 10:04pm
  • ahahahah woot if u see her tell roman i said hi!

    i've met them b4, i jus thavent seen them in.... 5 or 6 years... lol but i saw sabrina!!! lol and i saw Terra at jamboree... like... a year ago... were you there? when we had the little blonde baby with us at jamboree that one time? the baby that wasnt Laney... well she wasnt there but w/e.... lol
    June 18th, 2007 at 06:57pm
  • damn straight your going to Mount Wesley!
    and Megan said that were not going to the museum tomorrow, were going on Tueseday, Nikita had her baby and Megan's going to see him tomorrow, yeah and she told me to email you to tell you, but i was already here and the internet is going REALLY slow so yeah... :D

    but it was pretty good. Sat on Uncle Wayne's couch and slept.. all day... and i almost went to play in Terra's pool... but i didnt because ... its small... lol but i expected to see all my family that i never see, but the only ppl that were in town was Uncle Wayne and Aunt Sheryl... Savanna, Samantha, and Slade, i didnt see at all, and I saw Sabrina for like 5 minutes then she left for longview... and i didnt see Terra either! (Terra's Sabrina's daughter) and she's i think... 2 and ADORABLE! Aunt Sheryl gave me pics i have to show them to you!
    June 18th, 2007 at 05:49am
    how dare thee to use a mathamatical term durring the summer . . .angles???
    do you mean angels?
    June 18th, 2007 at 05:19am
  • dont worry about it, she just needed to tell me somethings that i've done that bothered her . . . like me = emo when people stole my hair style and shit . . . .no big deal
    June 18th, 2007 at 05:16am
  • lol whats up with you and that sexy truck thing?
    lmao prty kewl!

    and WOOT! I learned most of the beggening of Disenchanted! its awesome! ut I cant get the lower part of it... and it started to piss me off so im gonna go look at the tabs for it :D then lindsey was talking to cameron and he heard me playing and he was like "oh my god paige you sound horrible turn it off" im thinking DICK! fuck off asshole! then i just told lindsey if she didnt like it then she could fuckin leave, i wanted to learn the song ... god bitches!

    lol and since im bored im gonna make this comment nice and long :D

    well geez... where to start.

    this weekend hasnt been that bad for the most part, my aunt Sheryl and Uncle Wayne r pretty kewl, it was really funny whenwe first got her on friday, we were talking about something with Aunt Sheryl and i think lindsey said something about her trip to Disney last week and she was like "yeah and Blake was one of those kids that asked "why?" all the time!" then aunt sheryl was like "GOD! I hate those kinda kids! there sooo annoying! 'why?" BECAUSE I FUCKIN SAID SO THATS WHY!!!" LMAO! i laughed REALLY hard at that! lol then when we went to bed, me and lindsey slept in Savanna's room and i went to sleep at like... 12 or 1 and i was listening to my iPod (modest mouse :)) so then i woke up at like ... idk 2 in the morning and lindsey was crying, and i was like... aww whats wrong then she was like *no but i love you babe* and im like...shit she's talking to cameron so i tried to go back to sleep but they both wer crying and im thinking *its two o'clock in the fuckin morning. SHUT THE FUCK UP!* and then like 1/30 mins into the convo, they were both crying really hard and i heard cameron say "i think we both need a hug" i was like what the fuck... and i started laughing... lol then she went to the bathroom and i was mad because i wanted to go to bed and i couldnt because.. she was talking so then i got thirsty ( i know oddest time to get thirsty) and i went to go get s drink then when i get back she was still in the bathroom so i decided to take advantage of it and i went to bed. then i woke up again at 4 and she was laughing and was like "yeah i think she's asleep now" and i was thinking... fuck no im not, you wont fucking stop talking! and then she went to the bathroom again and i was thinking about that shirt that we saw in hot topic that said "Having a crummy day? Here have a nice hot glass of shut the fuck up." and it was running in my head for like 30 minutes, then once she got bace cameron was saying something like... yeah well im pretty sure *mumbles* thinking shut the fuck up get off the damn phone go to bed dammit. and im like THANK YOU! then he said that he was tired and that he wanted to go to bed. and i was like "Cameron. I love you" and lindsey hung up and there was silence finally... then guess what that bitch did? at 4:30 in the fucking morning?! she turned on the god damned iPod to Babe by Styx, as loud as it could possible go (its not a loud song, and i like it but not at 4:30 in the morning) and then she started singing. then so i was REALLY pissed at her then so i tapped on her shoulder repeatedily untill she answered me and i was like "lindsey, please shut the fuck up. i would like to sleep" and her response was "well if you dont like it you should go to Sabrina's room" im like fuck no, im comfortable and you can shut ur mouth!" so i got out my iPod and listened to 1039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hours till that CD was over then i turned off the ipid and went to bed, but cause she shut up by then. ... GAH! lol

    but yeah... other than that i've had a pretty good time here... i got out the guitars with Daddy and Undle Wayne and played with Welcome To The Black Parade. it was awesome. an i actually taught lindsey how to play the beggening of it. bacuause thats all i can play... lol u know the keyboard part b4 * when i was a young boy my father took me into the city too see a marching band...* yeah i can play that on guitar and piano... its pretty snazzy!

    lol well i think its long enough now, i wanna go read Kayla's update now that no one's around to ask "what are you doing?" gah i hate reading with other people in the room... gah! but you should update soon! i lika ur story rachel! :D but yeah i should have my uodate up sometime soon.. lol :D but ill talk to you later, luv ya much!
    June 17th, 2007 at 08:02am
  • Thanx, it was kinda spur of the moment. :)
    Yours is pretty cool, too
    June 15th, 2007 at 09:07am
  • nah, he's getting married... I dont want Jamia or Eliza to hate me... lol
    June 15th, 2007 at 04:02am