team work camp and a diamond ring.

first off, today was terrible. i was forced to go on some stupid retreat to this team work camp. dude, first i had to memorize everybodyes names (i still havent memorized all the freshman though) and then i had to play tag in the rain while linked with 8 other people.after that we did the human knot, flipping a tarp over without stepping off of it, and then we had to play chocolate river across a...
August 24th, 2010 at 05:56am

Bologna Slice and no underwear

I'm depressed about my new nickname. Bologna Slice. You wanna know how I got this name? Well it started off when me and my boyfriend were watching The Sixth Sense...Basically we were just lightly wresting on his bed. Like normally he was winning cause I'm probably one of the weakest people in the universe. I don't even know why I try but...yeah. Anyway, he ended up pulling of my big ass sweatshirt...
August 20th, 2010 at 06:08am

this really sucks

Tonight was NOT a good night at all.I told me boyfriend specifically that he gets completly wasted one night and hooks up with another girl, I wouldn't really mind it all that much. Yeah well he did that and he swore to me that he was drunk. I just found out from somebody who was there that he was 100% sober. Than I hear that he was about to break up with me for some other girl cause she promised...
August 16th, 2010 at 05:17am

Fourth of July

The fourth was amazing. Seriously, I don't think I've ever had one as fun as last night.Both my parents were wasted so they let us get away with nearly everything.My nieghborhood shot fireworks off down at the park near our house. My parents and little brother were both being very annoying. They were lying down on the grass looking fucked out of their minds. My mom was doing the time worp on the...
July 5th, 2010 at 06:15pm