Cursed with the hearts of boys and hatred of girls

No matter how many times I try to make friends, it never works out. I don't even know what I'm doing wrong with girls, it usually happens suddenly. One day we're fine and dandy, the next I get pushed away and they never talk to me again.Boys, even when I warn them that I'm not leading them on, that I'm not like normal girls, no matter how many times I drop that I have a boyfriend, that I'm in love...
October 9th, 2010 at 03:53am

Can't Keep Running

I feel panicked and and calm at the same time. My stomach is tied in a sailors knot. My eyes burn and my head aches. My joints are stiff and my throat has a ball of dry ice in it.The only thing that helps is the roaring hunger in my stomach, helping me distract myself, but food sounds repulsive.I wish I could run, move away, start over, change my name, get my own place, maybe even a puppy.I know...
July 14th, 2010 at 07:00am

On the hunt for more stories to read....

If you post a link, I'll be happy to read one of your stories. I will only read ONE of your stories, so please don't post five of them, just one.If I end up reading your story, I will leave a comment. If you don't want any criticism, then don't tell me to read it.-filler-I just got two more mice today, they were just weened and now hattie (my older mouse) is being a little bitch to them. she...
June 13th, 2010 at 01:22am

I wanna read your stories.

I am so bored, give me a link to your stories below and I'll give them a read (not promising to read the whole thing though) and I'll leave a comment. My comments are everything I think, if I hate it, I'm going to tell you I hate it and why, and the same if its good, so if you don't want that, don't comment.I'm a romance, fantasy, sci-fi and thriller kind of person.I don't really have much to say...
June 11th, 2010 at 03:26am

Insomnia and sour milk.

I can't sleep. I want too, but can't. I thought a glass of warm milk would help, but it turned out to be sour. I barfed, its the one thing that gets me to yak just with the smell. I've tried reading, relaxing, working out, counting sheep, watching the guy that paints "happy trees". FML. Nothing is working and I'm about to die.What makes you go to sleep?I think my mice are lesbian or something....
June 6th, 2010 at 06:39am

Feeling Friendless...

I know that there are a lot of people out there that think they are my friends, but none of them really are. None of them meet my standers, none of them ever will. I have tried to go out and make some new ones, but all I meet are guys. The girls are either bitchy, stupid, conceded, and/or "unique".FYI, people aren't looking for "Crazy and Weird!" friends, so please just try to skip that faze in...
June 3rd, 2010 at 09:14am