cant you remeber?

Can't you remember when we where all so little and innocent?When we wherent blamed for anything because we where little...we made a mess, it's ok, mom or dad will clean it up.we cant make our bed because we aren't big enough, but we may be tomwho said that would be easy?that little thing called growing up?who said that it would be a thrill ride?that little thing called growing up.your parents...
June 3rd, 2008 at 04:45am


oktoberfest is really funny because of all the drunk people, acting stupid...but its also hard because of the REALLY LONG PARADE!!! But the parade is also fun, but it also kinda sucks because you sweat...A LOT!!! but thats ok cause the drunk people love you wether or not you play well or not...0_0
October 1st, 2007 at 01:46am


whats up with every one trying to not conform, but all conforming to the same thing? i mean, none of us want to look the same, but we do any way, cause we've CONFORMED to the same thing!! (just another way to look at it)
September 11th, 2007 at 07:59am