
First everything goes well. My mom irks me to take a shower, so i do. I have a relaxing, cool wash, and when I come out, I want to go out and ask if I can stay home for the day. But when I open the door silently, I hear them talking about me. They're criticizing me, gossiping about me, patronizing me, and not even to my face. I think they're even afraid to do so. But if they have something they'd...
June 20th, 2010 at 06:23pm

What's Life For?

I feel so useless. I have friends, yes. But I wonder if half of them even like me. I do have close and stable friends like Monika and and Hannah and Nadia and Megan. They are real friends, friends I can trust. But, I admit, I have no control over my words sometimes (dont comment on that!) and I say things that might be funny but a little offensive. People give me looks....I feel little pieces of...
June 5th, 2010 at 01:25am