
So I'm laying on the sofa with my bf the other day, watching mah little man playing on the floor, & I'm turning my wrist around in front of my bf's face looking at my new tattoo & out of the blue he says to me 'do you self harm'I have a sort of mini heart attack, since the last time I was asked that I got called an attention seeking liar. But still I answer him 'yeah, a long time ago' he...
June 17th, 2012 at 11:02pm

Children Part II

So, last year I posted about being pregnant & my hope & fears about it.Well I gave birth to a baby boy on the 2nd of december 2011 at 16:52 & for some odd reason 6 flipping months has passed & my little baby is not so little any more. He's a big strapping terror with a mischivious glint in his eyes ^_^I remember so clearly all my worries about what giving birth would bring. Ofc the...
June 16th, 2012 at 10:43pm


Children…Children are a funny sort, you either love them or you hate them. Myself, I was once terrified of babies & I’ve never really understood toddlers. I’ve since got over both of those problems and looking after my stepson made me come to terms with the mother I hoped I would one day be.Now I’m looking at being that mother in 6 short months and I’m terrified and excited at the...
May 20th, 2011 at 05:55pm

Food For Thought... Keep Your Chin Up.

As I was walking home from my local shop today I started thinking about the phrase ‘keep your chin up’, or ‘stand tall’ and other similar inspiring phases. And it made me realise it’s something I rarely do. I talk to people about it, tell people to follow the advice and act as though it’s something I do mentally. But from a physical point of view I just don’t do it. Now on my walk...
March 24th, 2011 at 04:19pm

A Great Big Thank You!

This is a HUGE thank you to all my readers of 'Mom, Why Are MCR In Our House?'when i started writing that story i would never have dreamed it could have come as far as it has. you guys are absolutly the best! to say the story line is so cliche (and lets face it, it is) the fact you guys have stuck with me and given support every step of the way absolutly fills me with happiness.Jessie...hunny. you...
April 23rd, 2008 at 12:01pm


i usually use myspace for journal/blog things but im starting to love this site so i will start putting stuff up here too for anyone who cares, so if you keep checking back i will start writing stuff up! :Dand now mibba is telling me a have to write 100 words. whats that about then??? so im now rambling, can you tell?yeah so...pie! who likes pie? i like pie. (i cant believe im reduced to talking...
January 31st, 2008 at 08:01pm