"I'll beat the shit out of you" is a strange threat... But I guess I deserve it. After all, I am constipated.

I'm just kidding about the title. (About the constipation, at least.)But really, aren't "I'll beat the shit out of you!" and "That scared the shit out of me!" weird things to say? I think they are.Why am I asking this? Because, Mibba, because my good pal Ryan threatened me after I texted him a warm greeting on this lovely morning. Sure, I texted him at quarter of six, but I was awake! Why...
June 16th, 2010 at 02:02am

I smell smoke. If I ignore it long enough, maybe my house won't set on fire.

No, but really. I do smell smoke.So! I just joined this beautiful site of orange and blue...Why, you ask? Well, men and women of Mibba, I have no fucking clue. It seemed like an interesting site. Although I'm not one to write, I do like to read, sometimes. Poems tickle my fancy, as well. (No, not that fancy...;)...)I'm actually in the middle of doing my history homework. I was doing it, at least,...
June 9th, 2010 at 12:47am