
about me

Kimberly | 18 years | my personal website | my deviantart

Hello, my name is Kimberly and I'm an eighteen-year-old soon-to-be college student who enjoys illustrating, composing music, singing, photography, and designing. I'm half Japanese, German, Italian, and Dutch (haha, I guess you could say I have the three major Axis Powers within me) and I'm currently pursing a career in illustration, for I love illustrating works of art that tell a story or express some type of concept. Also, in the future, I wouldn't mind being in a music band. I know it'll probably never happen, but one can dream, right?

I'm not very outgoing as most people. I like staying at home, drawing or just sitting around like a lazy ass. Why? Well, to be quite honest, I don't really need people. I can live my life without people surrounding me. I know this quality of me is pretty bad, especially if I want to become an illustrator one day (which requires social skills) and I'm willing to change it. Once I go to college, I hope to put myself out there more, meet new people, and maybe be more active, since sitting all day at a desk isn't good for my body, haha.

Just like everyone else, the one thing I can't live without is music. I love listening to music that's different from all the crappy music playing on the radio these days (whenever I hear music from all those famous popstars, I seriously want to bang my head against the wall). I love songs that are poetic, songs that have metaphors in each line, songs that have meaning, and songs that aren't straight-forward. The main genres of music I listen to are folk-pop, contemporary classical, acoustic, and singer/songwriter. I absolutely hate rap and country.

Some bands/composers I like: Yoko Kanno, Shugo Tokumaru, Jonathan Boulet, The Most Serene Republic, Beirut, Benoit Pioulard, Hauschka, Bibio, Goldmund, Ludovico Einaudi, Zoe Keating, Loquat, Seabear