kylekleptomania / Comments

  • (It's all good. :D)

    No joke.
    There's just something about jumping around to live music, getting all sweaty and being uncomfortably close to other people's back sweat.

    No, not at all.

    THERE IS ONE VERY, VERY CLOSE TO MY HOUSE, AND IT MAKES ME SAD. you hate people, and in response, they hate you?
    Is that what's being said?
    And that's the problem.
    I would feel bad about suing, and then I'd be all "I LIED."
    And bad things would happen.
    Deep, man.
    That's actually true, though.

    I am in favor of that idea.
    Oh. I gotchya.
    I thought we were still talking about guitar playing.
    Thus, I was confused.
    ...I would start a band with you?
    (That was my lame attempt at making you feel better.)
    It's hard to hate a ton of people.

    Not the police, but you're friend, so their parents can call yours.
    That is the smart decision, right there.
    Good plan of action.
    I got your point.

    It's a valuable life skill.
    July 14th, 2010 at 03:33am
  • Not a problem. It was really well done and I've never read anything like it. XD
    I liked how I could picture it all happening too.
    July 13th, 2010 at 08:13pm
  • Thank you for the story comment.
    And thank you for pointing out that spelling error.
    That's what I get for posting it at nearly three in the morning, haha.
    July 13th, 2010 at 05:25pm
  • Concerts also equal happiness.
    For serious.
    Lol. I'm kind of hoping I'll learn to love it.
    Plus, it was only 4 dollars?

    It made enough sense for me.
    And that, my friend is all that matters.

    You make me laugh.
    ...I don't even know.

    You seem so nice!
    It's kind of hard for me to imagine people disliking you.
    Confused face.
    Money is always a factor.
    In everything.
    I don't think I could pull of suing someone.

    Oh no!
    Demand only good drama.
    That's my suggestion.
    ...does this mean you are in a band?
    Exactly! No one would notice.
    Always just hope to be around someone with a lot of hate for others.
    Because then life is good.

    Oh, shit.
    I hate when parental figures do that.
    Because I procrastinate, and if they just spring that on, it won't get done.
    My lips are sealed.

    But you're funny! So it all works out.
    True facts.
    July 6th, 2010 at 08:11pm
  • awwh is ok dont be sad hehe(:
    July 3rd, 2010 at 06:44pm
  • haha yeah well while ur watching tv and having no life, i'm just hanging out at Duke University and taking classes. I'm leaving soon, though. I'm not in college. it's just a summer thing. :)
    July 2nd, 2010 at 12:28am
  • haha that is sad :( i did it last year and we got a new director so he changed it from now on. clarinets and flutes cant be in :(
    July 1st, 2010 at 09:54pm
  • Money is money, and money is good.
    For serious.
    I now agree with you on that.
    I accidently bought a cd, and the music is not so good, but the artwork is kind of wonderful.

    I can almost imagine that.
    And the image makes me crack the hell up.

    Yay class.
    Miley makes children cry.
    This was not a smart investment on Walmart's part.
    ...those liars?

    ...did you just diss your own personality?
    Because that's what that sounded like.
    To sue someone is always a good plan.
    (And now we're back to money. LMAO)

    I love how it's boring there, but so much drama happens.
    They don't match!
    It's boring here, and there's no drama.
    The last one is good. Drama equals bad.
    I applaud you and your bullshitting ways.
    Are you talking about like, band concerts? Because I have done that so many times. No one notices if the baritone messes up.
    I am not alone!
    Haha, yeah. Drama is, again, not fun. At all.
    I feel bad if I make someone stay with me, though.
    So either way, I kind of lose. Lol.

    Exactly! It's like, if I'm not buying anything, what's the point?
    Yeah, it's mostly my father also.
    How does he shove his paranoidness into your life?

    That's no fun, then.
    (XD Yeah, breaking the law is generally not a good thing.)
    July 1st, 2010 at 05:38am
  • hahahahaha true. xD how many people in your band have any other form of music background when they joined?

    LOL. xD *laughs*
    June 30th, 2010 at 10:33am
  • true, true. :/ but they do make the band more interesting and less mundane though. xD

    haha well, you never know... when you see one tell me, yeah? xD

    *chants with you* o.o
    June 29th, 2010 at 01:28pm
  • Thanks for your more in depth comment and the suggestions! I'll think about it ^^ i was not so sure about the ending either and I was afraid it might seem too rushed.... Thanks for poiting it out :]
    June 29th, 2010 at 12:25pm
  • haha yeah i'm kinda a panic! junkie. but only the old stuff. and i'm totally in love with brendan's voice. :) so what are you up to? tell me about yourself!
    June 29th, 2010 at 12:55am
  • haha are all conductors in the world all scary and all ? o.o

    AGREED. xD
    LOL i'd rather be shiny, though. disintegrating sounds.. painful. >.<

    hahahahaha *signs said petition*
    June 28th, 2010 at 01:41pm
  • Why hello there(:
    just here relaxing hbu?
    June 28th, 2010 at 01:17am
  • hahah awe :)) thank you so much for being a regular Lulu reader ^^
    Hmm, maybe you could tell me what was it that kept you reading, you know, something you liked the most! :] and some dislikes if there are some? :]]
    But I'd really like to know what kept you attached ^^
    June 27th, 2010 at 10:42pm
  • And, hey.
    Being cheap means you'll always have money, so.
    NO JOKE.
    But usually, hopefully, it just makes the album even better.
    Because sucky music sucks.

    Well, at least you're honest about it?
    Haha. I can't play any others to save my life, so I think you win.

    That's because Target is classy.
    But yeah, Target's my favorite, too.
    We are so totally brain twins.

    They would have like, this whole personality test during the hiring process, to see if you fit their workplace.

    I wanna live where ever you do, then.
    Maybe the awesomeness would rub off on me.
    Fair enough, then.
    And then you just bullshit your way through the songs you don't know completely.
    Eh. Not lame, really.
    I don't have parties. I just have people come over.
    I don't do well with huge groups of people.
    You know that one really awkward girl that gets quiet whenever she's around people she doesn't know, and just stands there, looking at the floor?
    Yeah, that's me.

    I get really bored shopping, unless it's for myself.
    Don't judge!
    Ah. Smart. Mine are paranoid about giving their credit card number. LOL.
    sad. could always steal him?
    June 26th, 2010 at 04:03am
  • Hello^^
    Im Mayra(:
    June 25th, 2010 at 09:37pm
  • I can play the clarinet :) not too well but I can. haha. we sign up to join MS band in 5th grade and I actually signed up to play the clarinet but then switched to flute. I love both of them but with flute, i get to play the piccolo too which is my favorite :D haha. i actually played the clarinet in out schools jazz band for a few years though ) lol
    June 25th, 2010 at 09:24pm
  • ahaha our conductor's so freaking scary when he goes ballistic we all don't dare to question him. xD

    exactly my point. :/ so you're atheist..?
    haha AGREED. they just look silly and desperate. o.o and constipated, because the shiny stuff looks like cold sweat.

    haha YAY! *DANCES* xD

    exactly! it's so lame! >_____> ME TOO! we should protest. xD
    June 25th, 2010 at 05:47am
  • haha. thats awesome :) we only have a band band and a "pep band" lol..not a marching band. and technically we need 2 P.E. credits but if u do 2 seasons of a varsity sport it counts :) so i only need one semester of it :D

    What instrument do u lay in the band?
    June 24th, 2010 at 11:21pm