You don't have to believe me

i'm in a weird spot in my life right now. in other words, i really don't have any muse, nor do i have any want to be on here right now. i'll be back sometime in september. sorry, guys D:

the name's kyle. if you look up the word awesome in the dictionary, my picture is right next to it.

no, i'm not that cocky c: but yes, my name is kyle. you may variate it to kylie if you so desire. i would love to make this sound all mysterious and spooky and stuff, but i fail at that type of thing, so this is going to be written in a really rambling type of way and with a lot of these: c: don't ask me why i use that smiley so much. i just do. ANYWAYS. fact tiemz: i'm fifteen. i live in michigan, where we experience all four seasons within the course of three hours and wear shorts and flip flops in fifty degree weather. (cause we're hardcore like that) i am, you guessed it, gay, and no, i don't care. i'm also a liberal and an atheist. don't debate stuff with me, because i will win c: i adore music and i would post my list of bands i like, but that would take too long, so we'll just go with the obvious one. (if you can't figure that out, i am very sorry for you) my music tastes include anything i enjoy listening to, which is just that: if i like the song, i listen to it. i am a gleek and i find chris colfer very attractive. i tend to write five chapters of stuff and get distracted. why not write one-shots, you ask? cause i'm terrible at them. end of story c: i am not a poet, nor a journalist, nor an article writer, because i don't like any of those things. i obsess about how i look in photos so i don't take many that often. (or, at the very least, post them) i can be nice but i can be mean if i need to be. i love having deep conversations just as much as i love fun, bouncy, light ones. i love friends but occasionally get annoyed with having to talk to them (i'm anti-social like that). and that's all you're getting to know cause this is a major ramblefest c: so yeah. comment me? we can become amazing friends~

italics strike bold underline

If the only thing you see is you


Well it's nice to meet you sir


When you're clouding up my mind

Headings©: Paramore

The truth is hiding in your eyes

July 16th, 2010
Time:: 11:26 pm
Noise:: The Planets: Saturn - Gustav Holst
Feeling:: ...weird. =/
-casts spell on muse-

Don't wanna hear your sad songs

Silhouettes and Blackouts
Featuring: Ryan, Alex, Bethany, and David
Chapters: 6
Status: Active
Title Credit: All me. D'aww.

The Irony Of Hangovers
Featuring: Nameless character. Yay.
Chapters: One-shot. c:
Status: Completed
Title Credit: All me. D'aww.

I want it to be true