"This is a song for a scribbled out name
and my love keeps
writing again ...and again."


August 21st

Chapter 7 to Falling is now out. So sorry it took a long time, especially since I said it would be out rather soon. I ended buying a $30 journal from Barnes and Noble and spent the last couple of days writing chapters for several different stories I have in my mind right now.

So, look forward to:
______- A Paul imprint story.
______- A Vampire Diaries fan-fic. (Though I'm not sure on whether I should use Elena or an OC)
______- And finally, my other original story that's listed below.

So, ch-check it. And I'll get story previews up for the stories above.
Let me know about that Damon story! HOnestly, what would you prefer?

Story Preview:
Breaking Through Reilly O'Connell