vapid candyfloss / Comments

  • alex suarez.

    alex suarez. (100)

    New Zealand
    Ahaha! I stay up late to go on mibba xD I just updated my Rydon! Omg I love the phrase "Rydon Dirty"! O.O Why did I just say that?! That was random. x]
    July 11th, 2008 at 04:08pm
  • x.Kris.x

    x.Kris.x (100)

    hey...u know what i was thinking? who does your layouts? because i wanna revamp mine, but i have no clue how to do it. and i kind of want to feature a special you-know-who in it ;] *wink wink*
    lol yes i'm obsessed with joe. have u heard some of his new stuff yet?
    oh yeah =) i posted new pictures! i've been meaning to for awhile, but i finally got around to it today. i've got a couple of my work up there, so if u want u could go check them out. you'll know they're mine if a photocred isn't listed.
    anyway how've u been?
    July 11th, 2008 at 06:09am
  • alex suarez.

    alex suarez. (100)

    New Zealand
    I'm good. I hate Jac in your story btw. Ooh, she should get killed by the people who are trying to finish off Audrey! Mwahaha! Okay maybe not that would be a little mean. xD
    July 11th, 2008 at 05:05am
  • xxmaddyg991xx

    xxmaddyg991xx (100)

    United States
    if it was at an mcr concert gerard would be going crazy! that would b the best concert ever!!!!!♥♥♥
    July 10th, 2008 at 06:08pm
  • Shawn Spencer

    Shawn Spencer (105)

    United States
    thank you thank you <3.

    how are you?
    July 10th, 2008 at 03:41am
  • im a blur

    im a blur (100)

    United States
    i don't think brendon gives up on ryan. i think he wants to and he knows he should, but i don't think he will. he loves him too much. and like you said 3 years of pining has to get him somewhere, right?

    omg, in all honesty, i'm positive rydon is real. like, oh my god, how could it not be? i want them to confess their undying love for each other and i want them to come out and have a big gay "look at us we're gay!" rydon parade and when they do, i'm going to be like the freaking bubbly, crying proud parent. ugh, they have to be together, end of story.

    as far as monstercock!jon, i seriously was screaming with laughter after that shower scene. especially at how ryan referred to it as "the cock" and how he was afraid it was going to chase him or something. omfg, priceless. oh, and i seriously squealed like a pig when brendon first walked in on ryan masturbating. i was SO embarrassed for him! and then it got comical the second time it happened. and then o.O that last time i'm pretty sure my jaw dropped to the floor and i was like, hyperventilating or something...

    and i thought i was going to die when william said ass pokage. like, i think it was really late and i was giggling like an idiot and my mother walked in like "o.O what's so funny?" and i was like "o.o nothing -minimizes tab-"

    i feel like losing my best friends by losing those characters. its so sad :(
    July 9th, 2008 at 02:49pm
  • im a blur

    im a blur (100)

    United States
    well, i've decided that they end up together in the black rose because of a few lines that i've pulled from the story - because i went back and skimmed it again cause i'm pretty sure i'm in love with it - and here they are:

    [b]chapter 26[/b]
    [i]So I don’t care what it takes, begging or bribery, whatever it takes, but I will not give up on Brendon.[/i]

    [b]chapter 27[/b]
    [i]Brendon’s arms unfold when I look at him. He looks scared, lost and broken. And suddenly, I realise that I would catch him. Every single time, I would catch him.[/i]

    and to top that off, i read her journal about the writing process and she mentioned something about how ryan and brendon are perfect together. which, hell, they are. at one point in...26? i believe, when brendon's crying [and omfg, i was seriously sobbing over that!] to ryan about the professor thing, and he's talking about being desperate ryan says something about them being exactly the same. brendon was desperate for his grade, ryan was desperate to stay in school. they're the same and they're perfect for each other.

    as far as absence goes, i'm right with you about being pissed off. ryan loved water and brendon mentioning them being in dangerous waters was like "ooh!" and then the mention of brendon going to the ocean and it being dirty and nasty, i was hoping that meant that ryan would show him what "his" water was like, the water that ryan loves so much. i was hoping brendon would get a chance to see it.

    and yes, i think the reason i don't like that story as much [although, i love it because it's beautifully written and so damn complex i could scream of joy!] is because she made me hate brendon. i seriously want to strangle brendon because, you're right, he was teasing ryan. he made ryan admit that he loved him and just shoved it back in his face. and then, THEN!!! omg, i'm so pissed about this! then he had the nerve to leave ryan's room like it was goodbye and then comeback with all that "are you sure?" bullshit and i'm just like "brendon boyd urie, i'm going to rip your head off!!! >.<" and when he came back, god, just those few steps back to ryan's door my heart freaking swelled and i just KNEW that brendon was going to say he wanted ryan, that he wanted his best friend over "that pharmacist" spencer. god, i wanted brendon to love ryan back. and i know that spencer will never love brendon like ryan does, i know he won't. and that's what makes me mad. brendon's an idiot and ryan's just...he's haunted by his ghost of what he could have had...if only spencer would have waited just one more year for ryan to "sort his shit out" and what not...

    okay, i'm going WAY far into detail but it feels so freaking good to vent this, you have no idea.

    speaking of monstercock!jon and gayass!spencer, i've officially decided that from now on when i find something to be really, really gay, it's not just gay, it's "spencer gay" because that line, seriously cracked me up. and i think i loved william in that story too. he was always just saying crap that made me laugh.
    July 9th, 2008 at 08:40am
  • im a blur

    im a blur (100)

    United States
    i'm with you. i'm lazy, and i want her to spoon feed me what really happened. i can't decide. because i know if i were brendon, i'd take ryan back. but that's only because being the reader, i felt what ryan felt and i know what ryan knew. but brendon doesn't. and if i were brendon i'd take ryan back for the sheer fact that even if ryan fucked up, brendon fucked up too. he knows what it's like to be a liar and he knows what it's like to feel ashamed, and hurt. and ugh...i have to know!

    i think the whole "desperate people do desperate things" is why i think brendon and ryan end up together. even though they know they've hurt each other, even though they know they've been through too much to keep a stable relationship, they're both desperate for each other. they know they can't be without each other now.

    but at the same time, the very first line of the story is like this big, ugly horrible foreshadowing that i just picked up on: "my life goes to hell in early september" does that mean that things never get better? that ryan and brendon don't get back together and that it's just them [i]hoping[/i] to reconcile? i seriously...i've never read something that drove me this crazy, that made me think so hard. it's seriously driving me up the wall with all of these questions.

    please, read absence at your own risk. i was reading it and loving it and loving it and freaking LOVING IT and then it was over and i just....didn't love it so much anymore. and it was written so beautifully and so perfectly, i felt every single emotion, every single tear, every single smile. and at the end i just...broke down. it shouldn't have been so intense for me, but it was, and i cried my eyes out. i still have hope for ryan and brendon in the black rose season, and that's all i'm going to say for now. when you finish absence let me know...

    wow, top three? i'm honored be quite honest, i love nasty love, but i don't think it's all that great. it's definitely better than some of the other crap i've written, but i don't think it's my best work. but the fact that you enjoy it makes me happy so yeah :)
    July 9th, 2008 at 06:06am
  • im a blur

    im a blur (100)

    United States
    it left me unsatisfied too. i want to know if they get back together. just one fucking epilogue is all i'm asking for. like, there's so many things going on in my head like "they went on their date and brendon told ryan he loved him too" or "they didn't work out but went their separate ways and found out they couldn't live without each other" and shit. i don't know. i hate that story for driving me crazy but i'm with you, it's changed me. and i don't care how cheesy that sounds. i know it's fanfiction and it's slash, but i don't care. it makes me hate every liar i've ever met but at the same time love them because as brendon says, "desperate people do desperate things" and i don't know.

    i'm rambling, and i shouldn't but crap, i've been needing to vent this. it's all pent up and i can't talk about it to anyone. i want her to publish it and i want to meet her and thank her and ask her so many questions but i can't.

    i just read her seven shot story Absense and i'm a mess. seriously, i love all of her work, but now that i've read that, i really dont' know what to do with myself. i feel like a part of me has died, no lie. but, that's only because that story was basically my life summed up. and now i'm talking way too much and i'm going to stop, for real.

    but thank you for your compliment. it really means a lot considering after i read the black rose season i was like "...damn. i suck at writing." haha

    and please, if you feel the need to vent about tbrs feel free to do so, i've already done so to you so i can only return the favor :)
    July 9th, 2008 at 03:58am
  • Shawn Spencer

    Shawn Spencer (105)

    United States
    I'll try to update tomorrow. I've been in trouble lately.
    BIG trouble with my parents. But everything is good now so updates should happen more often.

    Sorry :\
    July 6th, 2008 at 01:54am
  • x.Kris.x

    x.Kris.x (100)

    haha good. the worst is when you know how a story's gonna end, cuz then your mind starts calculating all that stuff when you read it!
    lol american idol is my guilty pleasure >.< don't tell any of my friends i watch it.
    i dunno, the other kid i hated. he needs to grow a pair, in my opinion. sorry, harsh, i know, but thats just how i felt about him.
    lol david cook makes my world go round! well, him + zacky vengeance from A7X =P lol.
    and yeah, i can kind of see where you're coming from with the brother thing. although why wouldn't u wanna sex him all the time? =P lol who do u like in the band then?
    July 5th, 2008 at 08:06am
  • x.Kris.x

    x.Kris.x (100)

    LMAO. talked at him? ;] lol it's ok. it wasn't as good as i thought it was gonna be. which i can understand, cuz he's mad busy. u like brendon, but as a brother? i'm confused...
    lol for me, my celebrity crush is david cook. =) do u know him? from american idol?
    and don't tell me too much! i wanna enjoy the story!
    July 5th, 2008 at 07:58am
  • x.Kris.x

    x.Kris.x (100)

    OMG i know. LOL i actually use to have a huge crush on him. i've got a myspace, and we use to msg each other all time lol. i wish i could brag that i got to know him, but not really. they were more just small talk convos, u know? plus i think i went overboard with the fan stuff. lol.
    havent u ever had those celebrities crushes though? like, from all the things they say, you KNOW they would be PERFECT for you?! like, if they actually met you and got to know you they would totally like you?
    ok i think i should stop because i'm starting to sound like a creepy stalker...
    but yay joe! <3 did u know he was on tour with jesse maccartney? or however u spell it...
    July 5th, 2008 at 07:49am
  • x.Kris.x

    x.Kris.x (100)

    LOL i meant on the road =P
    but that's ok.
    i'm kinda sad, since i know she's gonna turn out to be a bitch. it sucks.
    oh NO!
    you're gonna make her friends with jac arent' you?!?!?! NOOOOO don't do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will be so upset! that girl needs to be BY herself. like cmon, poor ryan's heart is gonna break...
    July 5th, 2008 at 07:43am
  • x.Kris.x

    x.Kris.x (100)

    hey! glad you're back from hiatus =) i missed you!
    hope everything worked out ok for you. how you doing? oh wait...imagine that with the lovely "joey" (from friends) accent. =P did you smile? i hope so.
    and yes, joe brooks is amazing. i advertised for him in your story =P don't get mad. but u also said to your readers u wanted them to check him out, so i thought i'd post the link there, since there's more than one joe brooks. he's terrific though, and yes, he does seem like a really nice guy.
    actually he seems like one of those guys that girls are falling for constantly =P hahaha. but regardless, his music is amazing. i wish he would come play for THAT would be amazing, don't you agree?
    July 5th, 2008 at 07:37am
  • Bungalow

    Bungalow (100)

    United States
    Hi you're cool.
    June 24th, 2008 at 08:41pm
  • ChristmasNoelNatale

    ChristmasNoelNatale (100)

    United States
    I'm super excited.
    June 23rd, 2008 at 04:51pm
  • treasure bus.

    treasure bus. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I finally updated Angel or Demon!
    I'm sorry that I took so long, I'm so lazy sometimes, haha xD
    I hope you like this chapter ^-^
    June 15th, 2008 at 02:54pm
  • sorriso;xo

    sorriso;xo (100)

    United States
    I'm sure it will be :D
    I saw a commercial for it today and I gasped. Haha.
    Sleep is amazing. I love it.
    I'm bored to. I studied ALL day today. I need to rest my brain now.
    June 14th, 2008 at 09:44pm
  • chum

    chum (100)

    United States
    aww, you got out wednesday? lucky! well, erm, good luck cleaning/dancing about your room... lol
    June 14th, 2008 at 02:05am