shukketsushi / Comments

  • choooooolie

    choooooolie (100)

    United States
    no problemm!
    November 30th, 2010 at 02:43am
  • LifesJustMyCupOfTea

    LifesJustMyCupOfTea (100)

    awww :) Thank you very much and I shall get straight onto the next chapter just for you :)
    November 29th, 2010 at 06:32am
  • LifesJustMyCupOfTea

    LifesJustMyCupOfTea (100)

    Thank you very much for the comment on my story :) I know I' am pretty bad with spelling and grammar sadly :( But thank you for the tips And I'm glad you like the start of my story. :)
    November 29th, 2010 at 05:37am
  • OctoberIsForLovers

    OctoberIsForLovers (100)

    United States
    Hell yes! i loveee huskies i want them when i move out, i want alot of animals when i move out like a snake, another ferret, a bunch of cats and dogs :D
    ohh you have it good you dont breathe, i snort, so that makes me and everyone laugh harder and its annoying >:|

    I get em all over thats why i edit the shiiittttt outta my pictures and my mom has yet to take me and my sisters to get meds for it but again hopefully she will soon, i hate feeling ugly...

    pft! i hate that i smile so easily! it makes my anger go away and then i cant stay mad even if i really want to!! none of my friends are really downers, if anything they are happy go lucky and one of them is bipolar with anger issues. Ohh yeahh im pessimistic too, but not scarcastic, pft why would i be scarcasic! i mean Jeez! hahaha oh and im VERYYYY perverted.

    oh yeah, hes got a perminate fork stuck up his ass, my grandma says its something about the way he lived in mexico, i think he just hates me. my grandpa always talks about my dad and how hes wrong and all that, then when they are face to face they have a pissing match to see who can be better...its quite annoying...well if its food thats not meant to be hard to chew then its icky, but when it comes to beef jerky, then im all over it like a hobo on a ham sammich! its unnerving when you eat something slimy....
    November 29th, 2010 at 05:34am
  • wx12

    wx12 (10125)

    United States
    Thanks so much for the comment on my story. I'm working on chapter 2 at the moment =]
    November 29th, 2010 at 04:43am
  • CivilAnimosity

    CivilAnimosity (100)

    United States
    Thank you for the comment ^^
    November 29th, 2010 at 04:05am
  • KillJayme

    KillJayme (100)

    United States
    Sweet. =]
    November 29th, 2010 at 03:34am
  • Kelszillagatesa7x15

    Kelszillagatesa7x15 (100)

    United States
    You are welcome! It is a very touching story, and I love it so far!
    November 28th, 2010 at 01:41pm
  • OctoberIsForLovers

    OctoberIsForLovers (100)

    United States
    yeahh i might need it.

    oh yeah and the sad thing is i dont even have to think and i sometimes beat him to answering the favored "so what ethnicity are you?" he makes fun of me for it...Ohh! wait which would you rather have a husky or a lab? i love cats, we have one that is 13 years old and one that is 5 months old. the only way i lose my self is if im smiling and laughing, thats when i dont care what i look like or if my makeup is smudged and showing my "beautiful face" (i did not say that for you to tell me im pretty i say that because i have medically bad acne, just so you know :D)

    im not, i cry at the drop of a hat, but i know i think im partly bipolar because it doesnt take much for me to cheer up...and the part of my personality where i hate people i dont like, thats where that comes in to play, if im mad at them then i wont talk to them and ill try making it seem like im perfectly fine with out them,

    i think the only textures i dont like is slimy and flaky. o.O if it taste like rice pudding then i probably wont like it. i think we have some frozen tamales in the freezer from last time...i need to raid that freezer....lucky! i miss my grandma so much, but i could careless about my grandpa, stupid mexican. he got pissed off at me once because i wanted to try a piece of sushi and i took a bite and really didnt like it so he was starting at my fuming because i spit it in the napkin...
    November 28th, 2010 at 07:53am
  • OctoberIsForLovers

    OctoberIsForLovers (100)

    United States
    well hopefully he'll try and talk to me again, maybe next time i see my grandma i can get ahold of him...i only have a few people like that, but im not sure my family is all in that boat...

    want it to be even funnier? hes black white Pouter Rican and Korean. he moca colored and had hair down past his eyes and ears...and he looks like a tough guy.i am very passionate but its rarely with people, im very self conscious. i love animals like right now luci is on my lap and trying to sleep while im trying to type this to you and its hard because she keeps pawing at my fingers, and being nosy, shes reading everything i type very closely...

    well i try not to get caught in to it but Tina blocked me out because i knew the truth where shes just telling people that shes dating gabis if the bitch serves it to me i serve it right back, its her mistake because i never did anything to her and i know she loved talking to me...

    my grandma lives 12 hours away D: thats weird i kinda wanna try it now, but we have no Japanese food here in the boring town of JC! but i can look on fort riley,they should have a better section...mac n cheese is just evil, and i think thats because its so simple that we can make it. my grandma cooks alot of authentic food too, but shes not Hispanic, she is pure american and European, she just been cooking for my grandpa so long that she makes amazing mexican food like tamales and oh jeeze mundo! gahh SERIOUSLY cant wait till i get to Texas...because those are the two things that my mom is not to sure about making by her self...
    November 28th, 2010 at 07:09am
  • OctoberIsForLovers

    OctoberIsForLovers (100)

    United States
    yeah i think he gave up on me or something because he hasnt texted me in a while, he doesnt want to talk to me after i told him that i love him and i still care even though hes an ignorant jackass...

    again opposite of me, well sorta, i know when something is to much for public but i like holding hands and hugging and the occasional peck but thats it. oh i think im slightly abusive with my friends sometimes, most of its verbal and they know what its like for me at home so they got used to it, but i do love punching my guy friend because he always says my name in a high girlie type voice.

    well then i guess that explains her, the reason shes my ex bf is because i sided with my other 2 friends because i heard the back story and agreed with them, she dates gabi family and then because gabi was protective of her friend she pushed away her family(gabi is mexican and they REALLY care for their family) so she told the tina not to date them and she is now so yeah...shes not gangster she just acts like a well she acts ignorant, and hopefully you get that because i cant say the actually word because its degrading and is not on my good morals list.

    yeah i love making sweets but i looovveeeee making real food because i know it will come in handy. what exactly is mochi? waiiit you make souffle? and you call you the bad cook? i havent even tried making that yet...and now i kinda wanna try....oh and my sweets are box made unless its with my grandma, we make everything from scratch and i love it!...i miss my grandma!!!
    November 28th, 2010 at 06:39am
  • OctoberIsForLovers

    OctoberIsForLovers (100)

    United States
    he wasnt always a druggie, i mean he used weed and smoked, and he was still my teddy who i love, back then his passion was music and playing bass, i still remember calling him just to hear him play me a song...but then i moved and he broke up with his on again off again gf and ahold of heavier stuff and he went downhill, last time he actually texted me was 3 months ago and he was on acid. he never touched me he told me that all i could be is his friend because he never had the same feelings i had for him. the most i got out of him was hugs. god i hate him i really do but i miss his stupid ass he gave me the best hugs...

    well at school its a head butting thing, well for most people, when people in the hallway get bumped by me its usually followed by "Gosh ____" and then smile at them. but at stores i do the same apologize a few times and then when they just stare at me like im a freak i just smile and walk away.

    id call that more friendly, but it could be the Japanese. eah ive never actually met a Asian that was mean in public i guess, well except my ex Bestie but she is Vietnamese and tired to be black sooo yeahhh.

    ohh i looovvveee cooking, i can cook 3 dishes perfectly, one with out any guidence at all and it always turns out beast! but i always seem to cook the white rice that goes with it wrong...but its not bad, my mom said its like sticky rice...
    i used to think i would never be able to cook i used to burn microwave mac n cheese, but then my grandma and mom let me help out more in the kitchen and it turned out great.
    November 28th, 2010 at 06:01am
  • OctoberIsForLovers

    OctoberIsForLovers (100)

    United States
    oh once i dont like something i hate it, and because of that i only see the bad side...but i have yet to be proven that pot can do anything then make you a horny dick. and it doesnt help that i hate drugs period and call me a hypocrite but its what happens when your in love, but my best friend in Texas is a huge druggie and thats one of the main reasons why i hate drugs but i still love him with most of my being. and every time we talk when hes high, which is most of the time, he will either yell at me because i yell at him to stop or he tells me its alright and then tells me how beautiful the world is when its got all the neon colors...

    EVERYONE is loosing respect, i mean at walmart or a store, an old lady bumps in to me and im like "oh im sorry" and she grunts and walks off. i think the whole world is loosing respect because of the stuck up kids who think their all that and dont be respect their elders...i seriously think that the respect for people is going to be gone by '14 that how bad out freshmen are.

    no ever can tell, except my parents but thats because they have seen my grandpa and know what hes like. but once you meet my temper then you'll know that im Mexican, cause i tend to use sharp objects when im angry.
    November 28th, 2010 at 04:46am
  • OctoberIsForLovers

    OctoberIsForLovers (100)

    United States
    then that is something we dont have in common if i do like the way they are then i dont like them, its a bad trait i know but when you dated a pot smoker who talked about pot and sex non stop you tend to hate all of them....

    nope we have no honest latinos except for me and one of my very good friends, but like me she barley knows the language. wait i take that back, we may have some im talking about the sophomores. so some of the upperclassmen may be nice and kind but not sophomores.

    i think she does it willingly, i mean she talks about it like its the best thing ever so i dont really think she cares if she get out or not.
    November 28th, 2010 at 02:41am
  • OctoberIsForLovers

    OctoberIsForLovers (100)

    United States
    ohhh you must have the high ranking military brats, they always do that because they think there the shit, its annoying and we have a few here. but most of us here are good kid types.

    our hispanics here love it and shit talk all of us behind our backs in spanish, stupid stuck up bitches, i mean cough cough....yeahh our black people do that, thats why they get classified as two groups "the black people" and "the gangsters" its pretty obvious who falls in which groups although i do think we need a "Oreo/ ut oh Oreo's" group...

    well thats good, i dont really think ive ever meet anyone in a gang-wait wait i take that back, there is this chick in my spanish 2 class and she makes comments about having sex with older men and only wearing red or pink and staying away from blue, which is really odd because our school colors are white and blue, and she has said something about crips and im getting the hint that shes a gang whore, which i feel really mean for calling her that cause shes a really nice girl, which my be her personality or her sexuality kicking in but hey shes on my good list for being black!
    November 28th, 2010 at 12:57am
  • OctoberIsForLovers

    OctoberIsForLovers (100)

    United States
    oh its not like that here, i think we have one or two rich people the rest are middle and lower, but we dont really mind. if anything the problem is the face that Jc is a town and Fr is a base so the Military kids dont have the relations with the other ones so yeahh

    how does that work out? :O Do jew have somfin agenst Mehecans?! pftt im not an asian american! im a mexican american! so i defy all stero types! cause im blond and smart and mexican and dont speak it fluently and pale, thats a big "What your so not mexican" ha ha yes i am i have a stupid Mexican grandpa who i hate with a passion! ehem rambling! i dress like a metal-head Texan even though i really want to look girly, it just doesnt work with me D:
    yeah gangsters, aren't attractive...well sept this one white guy but it kinda fits him but hes a rapper not a gangster so yeah, why am i trying to justify this?
    November 27th, 2010 at 11:34pm
  • OctoberIsForLovers

    OctoberIsForLovers (100)

    United States
    O.O i did not know that they didnt, the little boxes piss me off regardless as to what their on.

    yeahh i know what your talking about, we have a fair amount of potheads here too, i mean its Ks why wouldnt you smoke pot daily?, but we have 2 different middles schools in the district and they dont like each other so the fights carried on from there to high school Jc and FR dont get along at all because the girls in Jc are sluts and the Fr chicks are clam and collected till a cat fight...

    well i think people have a problem with me because im not a wangster, i hang out with all colored people, i have a mexican 2 black people and 2 mixed and i talk like a white kid obsessed with music and dress like it too so they tend to avoid me unless they actually get to know me. i kinda like Japanese fashion, i mean i wouldn't wear it because i definitely dont have the body or face for it but i dont think i wouldnt talk to someone if they were dressed like it infact i may compliment them on their outfit and individuality.
    but most of the Asians here are 'black' Asians so they look and talk like Asian Gangsters its really sad....
    November 27th, 2010 at 10:23pm
  • OctoberIsForLovers

    OctoberIsForLovers (100)

    United States
    so true :P! im trying to make my family use Zunes instead of Ipods but not working to well D:

    i think my schools a little uptight because of the kids, i mean we start fights at the smallest things and it gets ugly pretty quick here so i dont blame them...much

    yeah i could never have that, i love certain types of people and there are type were i want to bash their heads in so yeahh :D im not so sure im that individual, because i try to fit in with my own way and it dub's me weird and 'that one chick' yet they never remember my name which makes me mad but i guess im just better at keeping names then them...
    November 27th, 2010 at 07:22pm
  • OctoberIsForLovers

    OctoberIsForLovers (100)

    United States
    im not to sure itunes is so great i mean yeah its got alot of stuff but apperntly if you make a cd of itunes bought music you cant listen to it or something i cant remember and the only thing i use zune for is to put stuff on my Zune and to make playlist.

    I wish i could do that! i'd get sent to the office even though i am getting a's and b's in all but one class, which is of course algebra 2.

    im kinda the same way, but in a class if im comfortable with the people i start to speak out more, and i though it was just in school, turns out it works for stores to! cause i used to never talks to the sales people in hottopic but now that ive been here for 3 years and i know one guy sorta im confident in that place :D
    November 27th, 2010 at 06:57am
  • OctoberIsForLovers

    OctoberIsForLovers (100)

    United States
    yeah, but i doubt Itunes even has everything, i know Zune doesnt even though i dont buy music from there, i much rather have a cd so its a backup.

    nahh its fine, i dont really think alot of people know about them but its a jacket with headphones in the strings and a input jack hidden in the pocket, its really nifty and its kinda a loophole in my school system because the policy is "if i see it then i take it"
    November 27th, 2010 at 05:54am