FOB is coming...

to Dallas on April 24, I might be going.*yay*
February 3rd, 2007 at 05:42pm

how do you get someone to...I dunno...READ MY STORY?!

no one's reading it, and it hurts.when I wrote my green day fan fiction on gsb, so many people read it. On one of my stories I had 30 commenters that were obsessed and kept annoying me to make another chapter.One of my GD stories 'Play A Song...' came from gsb and had 20 or so only one :(it's sad, and I know there are alot of Fall Out Boy fans out there, so why aren't they reading...
January 21st, 2007 at 12:40am

you know what I thinkm is weird...

I love Fall Out Boy but hate My Chemical Romance. Every story I read on this site has the two bands combined and I can't help but bang my head on the keyboard to this.anyone have a fan fic with ONLY Fall Out Boy?or know a site with only FOB fan fiction?
January 20th, 2007 at 05:35pm