Game Of *Love*?

I wrote in another journal how my friend didnt want me texting this guy.Well i did text him, we texted whenever we possible could i guess...After awhile i figured out i liked him, more then a friend should.The same friend that didnt want me to text him in the frist place told me he liked me. How could i belive her?But then. My other friend Jazz told me he did.But i was to shy to tell him and him...
January 12th, 2011 at 10:23pm

Mad Friend (part 2)

I understand all the comments about not letting her control me and to stand up for myself.And she dosent do that.Well...maybe.he was her friend before me, but thta doesnt mean she can do anything about me and him now!Him and I says every boy she likes i "Steal away".Not my fault im the type guys are okay about hanging with.They can date her and i can hang with them!I dont think...
November 21st, 2010 at 01:34am

Mad Friend

My friend krysta get pissed at me because im talking to this guy.She likes him, so now that we're (guy and me) texting and talking more, she thinks he likes me.Can someone answer why?Im not the girl guys wanna go out with, Im the girl they wanna fight and hang out with.But she dosent seem to get it.She's pretty much ignored me for about three weeks, then i was able to talk to her.We're okay...
November 20th, 2010 at 04:17am

Help Me?

Its been years snice I really asked out of help. There was never anyone there.But suddenly, everyones reaching out.They wanaa fix what they cant. They cant understand.Am I soppsed to tell you my problems?Why should I?How come now I have to trust you?I mean they weren't there before.Everyone wants me to speak with them, hear what i have to say.And I know they'll listion, I know they'll nod.But in...
November 5th, 2010 at 11:17pm

Thanks to a friend

K. I know this really is a wired entry but i need too. My friend winter.She gave me her G-mail cause someone in my family *cough cough*Brothers!But anywaysShe helps me alot so this is a thanks.It's alittle odd cause she's sitting by me*Ow* she just hit me 4 saying that.Winter:GRRRRRRRRYeah, im gonna end it right now before she kill's meMy very first journal entry for my little...
June 19th, 2010 at 11:48pm