


My name is Tayla. Not Taylor. Get it right. My nicknames range from Tay to T-Famz to Titty.

<----- Dyed my hair black...don't like it.

My last name is Eminem's first name. I have two middle names. My initials are TFAM.

I am seventeen years old. My birthday is April 13th, 1993. I feel like I'm growing up way too fast.

I'm officially a senior, even though I'm often mistaken for a freshmen because of my height.

Marilyn Monroe is my love. ? She is my idol. I absolutely adore her. If I could bring anyone back and fuck them, she'd be that one, no doubt.

I am opinionated and biased, but I am far from close-minded. Just know you can't change my opinion.

I like to pretend that I'm always right, even when I know I'm wrong. I don't care if you hate or love me.

Basically, I'm a walking contradiction and a hypocritical bitch.

I smoke, I drink, I get high, and I do things I shouldn't without giving a fuck. But I'm still a daddy's girl. I always will be. He told me so. ?

I live by my own rules. I don't believe in anything religious. I don't like to think that there is any higher figure above me.

I believe that Spongebob Squarepants died in the oil spill. I blame BP!

I don't think that I'm all that easy to talk to, but I like to try and make friends, anyways

Oac, E's y hant yht ghuf Al Bhed.

Piercings and tattoos are the first things that I notice on guys, aside from eyes and hair.

Celtic knots... I love them. I don't know what it is, but I absolutely love celtic knots. I'd get a tattoo of one in a heartbeat.

I'm one of those people who will always say
"But that won't happen to me" and I hate myself for it.

"Get out, get drunk, repeat as needed." This is my philosophy on life.

Comment my pictures and I will love you for ever and ever and ever. So do it. Please. :]

"[20:26] Daniel: at 13 i was more interested in pokemon cards
[20:26] Daniel: not bouncing on dick"
He's the best Scottish friend I've ever had, hahah.

Ryan is my best friend in the world. He's going to Afghanistan on July 24th, 2010. I am scared shitless. :[
I am so worried that something is going to happen. I've never been so scared in my life. Ryan is the best friend I could ever ask for. I've been through the best and through the worst with him. We've dated, we've FWB'ed, we've done everything wrong.
And that's why I love him. He's stuck with me through every last thing. He just told me today, July 1st, that he is leaving in 23 days. I'm so scared. I don't want him to be so far away.
I don't want to think of the possible things that could happen to him. I'm scared.
I love you Ryan, so much. I'd die without you. I don't care if that sounds dramatic. You're the best person I've ever met. ?