I'm Back :O And My Cousin is too :(

Even though many of you don't know, I left Mibba, for a few weeks that is.Well now I'm back!But I don't know if it for good. The only reason I left was for a little vacation, but it sure as hell did not feel like a vacation at all.With my little cousins running about bothering the crap out of my the entire time.I mean I had no privacy the whole time I was there.I am so glad to be home.With my own...
August 6th, 2010 at 04:10am

Today I Got 10 Little Adorable Additions To My Family Today!!!

My dog Lily, had her babies today!!! Ten to be exact, they are all adorable, and there is a even amount of boys and girls.There are black ones, brown ones, and black ones with white spots.But my dog Lily is so over protective of them, she lets me hold them, but she refuses to let me take pictures of them.But I will post pictures of them as soon as I can so you guys can see how adorable they...
July 6th, 2010 at 12:18am

Could Anyone Spare To Make Me A Profile Layout?

My profile layout is getting a bit old, and does suit me anymore. So I would like a new one.Please?Something:Unique, Like This:If you could I would like something like this, I find it interesting, and it suits me. :)So I would like a profile layout like that please.I know I could post this in the Forums, but I am not as use to the Forums as I am to the Journals, so I was wondering if you guys...
July 1st, 2010 at 07:49pm

Anyone Else Think It's A Different Day Then Today?

Since it's my summer break, my brain seems to have a difficulty knowing what day it currently is.I mean I seriously thought today was appose to be Friday,but then my mom corrected me.Now I have no real idea of what I'm going to do today, now.Has this happened to anyone else before?Or possibly happened today?Because this isn't the first time it happened to me, maybe the hundredth time, probably.(I...
June 26th, 2010 at 04:51pm