Just a Few Words About My Stories and Other Things

So I really feel like I've been MIA for a while, especially after starting my sequel to If You're Feeling Unfaithful and after doing an important update on Let's Be Alone Together and I feel like I've really been neglecting my stories.NOW. I really, truly apologize. I'm trying the best I can. I really, really am. But it's hard when I go to school full time and work 25-30 hours a week, then I still...
September 21st, 2014 at 11:45pm

Update Update Update.

I just want to post a blog about how excited I am for the next two chapters of Let's Be Alone Together. I'm investing so much time into these two (especially the second) and I think readers will see why. I'm not really sure how many people still pay attention to that story (or any of my stories), but I hope whoever reads it is as happy as I am. I feel bad that I haven't devoted as much time as I...
September 7th, 2014 at 07:25am

Vacation || You Should All Update Your Stories

So I'm on vacation in Myrtle Beach, in case anyone thought I died, haha. I'm with my boyfriends family and we're having a good time! I'll be home on Friday night though and I want to try to update more stories before I start classes in a couple weeks.BUT since I can't update and I have a 16 hour car ride ahead of me tomorrow night, everyone should update their stories for me to read on the...
August 20th, 2014 at 07:26pm

Got to Get to Know You Better

Hi everybody! So I was tagged in this neat survey by my eternal bb sodapop curits. She's my favorite ever and I just love her so much.I think this is a great idea, so let's get started!What’s your name?My name is Alison, but obviously everyone calls me Ali. Some people have various nicknames for me including: Apple, AliCat, Tornado Ali, Al, and "this one" (as Ricky, my boyfriend, has dubbed...
August 8th, 2014 at 03:05am

Update on Stories and Life

Soooo. It's been a while since I've really updated any of my stories, and I'm so so so sorry. I've just been so tired lately for no good reason and I've been working a lot. I've been working on the chapters for Run Dry and Because Twelve Days Wasn't Long Enough and I've started working on a Patrick Stump oneshot. So hopefully when I get a little breathing room I can get to posting!I also think I'm...
August 3rd, 2014 at 05:49pm

When You Read Smut...

So. If you're one of my regular readers you know that I am a big–no, huge– fan of smut. I love to write it, read it, etc. I've recently started a new story that's primarily sexual ( Between Me And This Loss of Sleep Over You) and I really like where it's going, but I also write a bit of smut in my other stories. I always feel like I write the same thing when I write it. I mean, I've come a...
July 26th, 2014 at 08:56pm

Monumentour 6.22.14

Okay, so I guess it's that time! Time to blog and fangirl about MONUMENTOUR.So, I went on the opening night in Hartford, but I got lawn seats because we decided last minute. But the REAL DEAL was the show in Mansfield, Mass. My best guy friend Bryan went with us on Thursday then decided to come again Sunday and bought his ticket at the last minute, so he didn't have the meet and greet like Sam and...
June 24th, 2014 at 05:45am

Updates on Stories // Will You Be My Best Friend?

Hi hi hi. I know no one really reads my blog, but I just wanted to leave some kind of little note to let everyone know what's going on with my stories and when I'll be updating, etc.So, everyone really loves Let's Be Alone Together, so I'm going to try to update that ASAP, but I also started a new Patrick Stump story called Run Dry. I think these two will be my most popular, so they're the ones...
June 6th, 2014 at 05:42am

Birth Control

So today I made the decision to go on birth control. I'm a little nervous of the side effects, but I figure it'll improve my overall quality of life because I won't have to deal with such painful periods now. I almost feel like the option was thrust upon me, though. Upon telling the doctor I usually had painful periods and ovulation cramps, she immediately jumped to the conclusion that I wanted to...
April 25th, 2014 at 03:19am

Few Quick Recs

So I know I haven't really done a recs post in a long time, but I'm just going to throw out a couple I really like:1. A Madness of TwoThis story is by the amazinggggg sodapop curtis and it's honestly one of the best early FOB stories I've ever read. Probably one of the best Pete stories I've ever read as well. She writes the relationship between the main character, Toni who is a model and addicted...
April 1st, 2014 at 07:07pm

Birthday Girl

I don't feel any older, and my insides feel exactly the same (if they're even there anymore). I guess I'm just really thankful for everything I have and how much the people around me love me, because there have been so many times that I've felt unloved or that I couldn't make it another year. But here I am, a testimony to believing in what you do.Anyway here's some gifs of Pete that made my...
March 29th, 2014 at 01:49am

Updates| I almost had to make one of *those* posts| Birthday

I almost had to make one of those posts at the beginning of last week when my laptop broke. One of those "I broke my computer, I don't know when I'll be back" posts. But thankfully I got it fixed the same day, it only took twenty minutes, so here I am!I have a lot going on this week-- exams every day up until my birthday on Friday (yay birthday cake!!). I can't believe I'll be 19 and I'm still the...
March 24th, 2014 at 02:38am

I'm trying to learn guitar and it's kind of frustrating | 23 Pictures of Pete Wentz

I'm trying to learn guitar and it just makes my fingers hurt and I'm trying to learn to play Alone Together but strumming patterns confuse me. I wish this was as easy as it looks. Spring break is going okay even though I'm not in warmer weather. But here's some nice pictures of Pete Wentz to turn up the heat and put us all in a better mood:((Pete in snapbacks is one of my many Wentz...
March 12th, 2014 at 04:52am


I'm thinking of doing a FOB co-write if anyone is interested? I feel like having another person to write a story with will help me stay motivated. I'm on spring break for the next week so I should have some time to work on it if someone's interested!SO...If you are interested message me or comment I guess, and please please please someone respond so I'm not sad. I'd really like to do a Fall Out...
March 7th, 2014 at 04:26pm

Updates Soon. I Promise.

Not that anyone actually reads my blog, but I just want to say I'm really itching to update my stories again. I've been so bombarded with work and I've been so exhausted I've had literally no free time. So hopefully this weekend after the exams are taken, the speeches are presented, and the papers are written, I'll get to update Let's Be Alone Together, and 12 Days. So yeah, that's where I'm at....
February 26th, 2014 at 05:24am

Thank You || Quick Update

How's life? I hope this blog finds you well and enjoying whatever it is you're up to! I know I've been basically nonexistent and a zombie lately, and I'm really sorry. I wish I could update more but I'm sure a lot of you know how demanding college is. I'm a business major, freshman by year, sophomore by credit so it's all really exhausting. I just wanted to post a little quick something to assure...
February 22nd, 2014 at 07:46am

Peter Lewis, This One's For You

You were always there when nobody else could be. You consoled, comforted, humored, inspired me in ways no other human could. Even if you didn't know that I existed. You just got me. You still do. I loved you first.((This was all '05-'06 when Tyson Ritter was relevant and Warped Tour was in its prime.))The others came and went. Beckett, Bden, Gabey Baby (he makes those good girls go bad), Steezy....
February 12th, 2014 at 03:51am

Story Recs | Whatever, Econ 201

How's it going? How are ya? I'm procrastinating on homework so, naturally, it's time for some story recs!Okay, we're going to start with my dear tabula rasa.'s story Folie à Deux. This 14 chapter Pete Wentz story is so captivating, I read it all in one sitting! It details the destructive relationship between Pete and his girlfriend Mia. And no matter how hard she tries to stay away, she needs...
February 10th, 2014 at 02:54am

I can't sleep, so what are you passionate about? | Some super cute gifs

I've been exhausted all day, and when it comes time for me to sleep, of course, I can't. I've been up for the past hour or so thinking about a question my sociology and communications professors have both asked over the course of the past week:What are you passionate about?Is it sad that I couldn't answer this right away? Or is it a good thing that I had to take a step back, (have a mini...
January 28th, 2014 at 07:07am

Story Recs| 100 Readers| Failed Dinner Attempt

Okay, so I really enjoyed doing a rec post last night, and there's so many stories I didn't get to that I'd like to do another! (Also because I'm procrastinating on my SOC100 homework).So I'll start off with birds at my face and lady_enigma's story Borrowed Time. This is another America's Suitehearts AU where Andy's in charge of some super fucked up circus, and they make Patrick and his twin...
January 28th, 2014 at 02:55am