Ahhh, and the wonders of stupidity.

Well. Of you live in Tennessee, an you go to school. Your very familiar with TCAP. The test we all must take to monitor our learning progression. Well, my school makes us take practice tests. Unfortunatly, if our in MY seventh grade class, yor probably my one of the students that passes these tests. I'm smart, and I failed! What the crap? Only 8 people in my class passed. And I wasn't one of them....
February 23rd, 2011 at 05:07am

Here's a thought....

okay, soooooo...when I was in like 5th grade I started wearing sparry's (a very comfortable shoe) and everyone called them ugly, and gross, etc, etc. So then one of my friends who everyone literally LOVES bought a pair and now EVERYONE AT MY SCHOOL HAS THEM! and I'm like, "What the crap? two fricken minutes agoo they wur ugly!" Another thing: wearing fake 'uber' nerdy glasses was sumthin only I...
September 19th, 2010 at 09:56pm

Obnoxious (yea I'm not sure I spelled that right) Friends

Okay, so, I have this one friend, and that friend happens to think that she's the shi-ot. I don't know WHAT I was thinking when I wanted to become friends with her, becuase good looorrdddddd is she quite the bi-otch! Now, I'm smart but not so smart that I get accepted into a magnet school, but hye, I get strait A's ( with the occasional B) and one of my "friends" Is now going to a magnet...
September 6th, 2010 at 03:46am

Down with the sickness....literally.

Okay, i just survived the first 3 weeks of school, But now I get one week free, thanks to the horse show. I got out on Friday, and one of my guy friends, Graham, was really sick , his voice got all horse (ironic) So I gave him a hug before we left, and Saturday I woke up and my nose was runny, my voice was cracky, and I had a really bad case of the muchies! My best friend got me sick!!!!! Ugh, I'm...
August 29th, 2010 at 07:07pm

The first week of school

I just survived the first week of school. Bleh, don't you just HATE waking up early? My reading teacher (who I haven't even MET yet) is in the hospitol because she was in a really bad car crash, and my mom told me some REALLY INTERESTING things about my reading teacher, so it's going to be realy akward in her class this year. My science teacher gave me TWO TESTS! Already! My language teacher (Who...
August 15th, 2010 at 01:02am

Party Music!!!!!

okay so my school is haaving this huge tailgate party for our vary first football game, and me and some other cheerleaders have to make an AWESOME C-D loaded with execelent music for everyone's taste. So me and Alex (other chick in charge of music) had songs that were on the number 1 playlist on itunes, so when Alex and i showed it to our coach, she said it was too explicit for children!!!!!...
August 7th, 2010 at 03:25am

Back to School time.... again.

[me[Guess what time it is????[you]*chants* SUMMER TIME~~~~~~~~~~~!![me]Nope![you]What?![me]That's right! It's school time, once again.[you]Awe!!! I HATE school![me]Me 2...me 2Topic of today is! Back to School again. Why does it seem that, just when summer break is getting SO good, you realize school is in a few weeks? Hmph. I think the principal's do it on purpous. they make summer break shorter...
July 27th, 2010 at 05:16pm


um. ok. so ive been writing this story and i have done nothing but that since i started writing....ive become absolutly OBSESSED!!!! i hav had exactly 2 hours of sleep since i started writing....somethings wrong with me!!!! jk :) im normal...*lies* hehe. anyways....the subject of today: Obessions. everyone has them, some servere,,,and some as minor like wanted to chew gum all the time (i am GUILTY...
July 18th, 2010 at 11:05pm

Technology Proof Children

Good morning, afternoon, evening, or night! :) I am one of many children who have the disease called 'Tech. Proof' I have broken every dingle bit of technology i could put my hands on,...4 desktop computers2 laptops4 phones1 ipod2 radios2 tv'sThats right. I got a virus 4 TIMES! then i crashed my 1st laptop, and my 2nd blew up, My phones find new reasons to break every day, well, my last phone got...
July 5th, 2010 at 01:14am

WRITER'S BLOCK! A Horrible Annoying Beast of a thing

Writer's Block....seriously..WTF?! NOBODY LOVES YOU WRITERS BLOCK SO DO THE WORLD OF WRITERS A FAVOR AND BACKOFF!!!You stare at your blank computer, sheet of paper, rock, or whatever it is you write on, and you wonder 'Why can't I write anything?' I have wondered this many times. The unfortunate answer to your question is simply: Writer's block. Every writer's worst nightmare. You can't THINK of...
June 28th, 2010 at 05:23pm