The Idiotic Fascination of Girls When It Involves the Opposite Sex

Some girls on mibba, I think, are not very intelligent. They really aren't. This is pretty much solely based on one thing, but I think it's pretty valid.Every time a guy joins, girls flock to his profile and "comment rape" him. Wow. Hilarious. I just love how they've even come up with a title to it. Honestly, these girls give the rest of the gender a bad name - they really do. I've always loved...
January 17th, 2011 at 06:39am

Be Careful Who You Befriend Online - 7/12/10

Okay, first off, I’d like to say that ultimately, it was my fault for being such an idiot. Not theirs. I don’t place any blame on them for this jerk’s actions, or my own. I take full responsibility for my mistakes. They were mine to make and no one else’s, and I made them. That is over and done with. But in any case, a guy who was supposed to be my age asked to be my friend. I said sure....
July 13th, 2010 at 01:05am

June 24, 2010

Jessica's JournalOkay, this isn't really worthwhile, it's basically just the events that have happened over today and yesterday, but oh well. I like writing, and no one said anyone actually had to read it. Besides, if it's worthwhile enough for me to write about, especially considering the fact that it's my life and I think my life is very important, well, it's not worthless. So that's how I'm...
June 25th, 2010 at 12:24am