i'd build myself up

should i give up, or should i just keep chasing pavements?

TearsfromtheHeart Ashlynn Leona; 18; i love writing stories && i love expressing myself through what i love what i live for && what ive experienced.

bold. italics. underline. strikethrough.

and fly around in circles

even if it leads nowhere, or would it be a waste?

Thursday. 5/10/2012.

mood: sick :/ .
thoughts: Prom is soon!! .
doing: updating :) .
time: 1:45pm.
updates: Just An Option.

wait then as my heart drops

even if i knew my place, should i leave it there?

Taken From Me.
girl: Zeira Fionna Laine
chapter: 2.
status: active.

Just An Option.
boy: Brody Jovira
girl: Amarieale Amore Vasquez
chapter: 8.
status: active.

Running Away
girl: Felicia Waters
chapter: 9
status: active
authors: myself and HopeLoveFaith

Love At Last
boy: Paul
girl: Tatianna.
chapter: 10.
status: active.

and my back begins to tingle

should i give up, or should i just keep on chasing pavements?

finally could this be it?

should i just keep on chasing pavements?

layout by allyssa@lieslikelullabies.| picture credit.| lyrics: "chasing pavements" by adele.