boyhood bravery;

I don't think I ever loved you more;

Crystal; Sixteen; Straight; Single; Pierced; Straight-edge; Clever
I have many nicknames, Cheeks being one of them. Simply for the fact that I have an annoyingly large babyface. I tend to care about people far more than they care for me, and I feel it's my personal mission to help every person I can. I'll probably break down everything you say to me, and over analyze it. I like going to shows. I like Nashville. Meeting new people is fun. You can rely on me to talk to you when you need me. And I don't expect you to return the favor.

+ friends, midnight swimming, bubble tea,
cameras, stars, purple, kittens, The Lion King,
love, live music, trucker hats,
horrible music, Connor Oberst, rainbows
my laptop, warm blankets, swing sets,
mexicans, yellow flowers, T.Mills?
- hate, cold rain, deep water, pain, blood,
typing, bugs, mexicans, white flowers, Gaga.
