broken bells / Comments

  • nedfrid.

    nedfrid. (100)

    United States
    Oh and Merry Christmas!
    December 26th, 2012 at 01:04am
  • nedfrid.

    nedfrid. (100)

    United States
    Oh gosh, I knoooowww. I've been here and there.
    WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? Seriously, I was looking through my feed and saw that 'the new mentality' uploaded a new picture and I was like, "Wow, this girl looks a lot like Kayla." I clicked on your profile and I saw you name and like, flipped balls.
    December 26th, 2012 at 01:04am
  • pixie dusttt.

    pixie dusttt. (100)

    United States
    thank you so much for the one shot c:
    it was amazing and adorable and I love it <33333
    it was a great christmas present :3
    thank youuu! <3333333
    December 25th, 2012 at 11:53pm
  • nedfrid.

    nedfrid. (100)

    United States
    akllskdjfoihnlaksjdflskdfh. Holy crap, Kayla.
    Its Patty. From a million years ago.
    I thought you dropped from the writing world.
    December 25th, 2012 at 09:10am
  • DaniGates

    DaniGates (100)

    United States
    Not a problem dear. I think you're a fantastic writer. :)
    December 22nd, 2012 at 06:30am
  • cruel kids.

    cruel kids. (100)

    United States
    I'm next to this girl, who is like popular and has a rep of being dumb and mean. But she's okay to me so far.

    Right? My mom hates Spongegbob. Sigh. But it's only because she used to have to sit and watch Spongebob with my oldest brother. Then the middle one, and then me. So even when we watch it now, she's like, I hate this show. Lmfao.

    NO. I'd rather not have a boyfriend then be with him. But it's okay, because problem solved. He texted me on sunday, and since we had nothing to talk about, he'd ask what's up, then the conversation would end, and he'd ask what's up again. So then after like two times, he asked how's my lisp. So i'm like uh, still there. He replied saying he thinks it's cute. I decided it needed to end there. I texted him back saying my boyfriend makes fun of me for it. Awks. He asked who it was, so I said this kid named Brian and he's like, oh, does he go to our school? "Nope lol." and he's like, oh interesting. THEN, he texts my friend and was like, I thought you said Serina was single. She's like, oh sorry, she just told me about her boyfriend the other day. And I felt really bad at this part, he said oh, it's okay, I didn't like her that much anyway. I'm like ..........
    But yeah.
    YES. I'm like omfg, you're so cute. AND MY FRIEND, we walked down the halls today, and last year, she was in the musical/play or whatever. And she kissed like, one of the hottest guys in school- Tyler- during the play. And so, she's kind of friends with him. And we were walking down to class and he saw her and was like, hey and gave her a salute. omfg, he's so gorgeous. LOL. If she gets to kiss him this year again, I'm going to shoot her.

    I FELT LIKE I WAS GOING TO PASS OUT RIGHT BEFOREHAND. sigh. LOL. I met this girl last year who never saw Mean Girls. I made her watch it and I quizzed her on it. And she's like, it was the stupidest movie ever. I'm like, wow, ok. Let me get my army ready and let's fight okay.

    December 20th, 2012 at 10:10pm
  • cruel kids.

    cruel kids. (100)

    United States
    Right? That's why I end up joking around and poking fun at them because I don't know what to say. xD There's a guy behind me, and then that guy I told you about-Danny- he sits behind the guy. If you got that. But then, it goes by rows of two, and those four guys are all friends, so. boo.

    YEAAH. AND like, out of nowhere, watching full house I remembered it, and I was like, what. Then I just had to download the song and jam out to it. I'm pretty sure every girl did. Omg. hahahah. Everything about that show makes me crack up like Joey and Jesse and everyone, ugh. Perf.

    Right? I'm like, uh, they're just commas, I like to use them. HAHAH, it's okay. My friends made fun of him. Not to his face obviously. BUT HE HASN'T TEXTED ME SINCE WEDNESDAY. So I'm hoping that my friend told him I had a boyfriend. LOL, biggest joke ever. -_-
    Uhm, thursday, he like poked my sides twice but I didn't react except physically obviously because I'm the most ticklish person in the world. But after I didn't say anything to him or whatever, he stopped. And then I danced with this kid Jordan while we were waiting to perform. lmfao. I don't even know how to dance, so he took the lead and he's like, you have no idea what we're doing do you? OMG, and this really really gorgeous kid Andrew, he touched and said two sentences to me and smiled, omfg, died. LOL. My life is so lame.
    Speaking of shows, I have to play a song on the piano at a nursing home in a few hours, and I really don't want to go. I get so nervous. fml.

    Right? Everything I felt is in them. Or Brand New. But you know, Brand New is perfect so obviously. Lmfao.

    HAHAH. Awh, I don't have a twitter. Well, I have an old one. But I don't know what I'd do with it, because I don't know what I'd say and who would follow me... hahahah.

    NO, It's okay. Complain all you want. I tell you dumb stories. xD
    December 16th, 2012 at 04:48pm
  • cruel kids.

    cruel kids. (100)

    United States
    YEAH. And you don't want to text them again either because then you feel annoying. ugh.
    Really? That sucks. D:
    UGH. Like, he doesn't really like the same music, but he has the prettiest eyes and he's so nice and kind of weird, but that good weird, kind of funny way. But he has a girlfriend, but oh well. And he has the cutest smile. I don't really know him though 'cause I never had an actual conversation with him. Only like, about grading, and joking around and stuff. But now it's too late because we switched seats since we took the test yesterday. fml.

    YEAAAHH. GIRL I MIGHT BE CRAZY BUT IT AIN'T NO LIE, BABY BYE BYE BYE. LOL. omg, good times. Look up, True or On the Way Down. those are the only two I remember by him, idk how, but yeah. I was watching Full House a couple weeks ago, lmfao, and Jesse is serenading Becky because he made a mistake, and it reminded me of True, and I just remembered him out of nowhere. And downloaded it. xD

    Ugh, I know. Speaking of forever alone, so this kid. His name is Matt. And Tuesday, we had dress rehearsal for the music show. And the day choir- which is the class- and after school choir had to stay after to run through the songs, entrances and exits and whatknot.
    So I talked to this kid a few times last year because my friend was friends with him. And last year, my friend was like, you know he kind of likes you? But I thought he was just this weird black gay kid. Legitimately gay, I'm not saying it to be mean. So I brushed it off and didn't really talk to him. And then, the girl who I do choir with, she's like a good friend since elementary school, she's friends with him. So he comes up to us and he starts talking, and after a while, he keeps like hugging me and cuddling up to me, which is really weird to me, just because I don't like him that way, but it's a cute gesture I guess.
    Anyway, we're waiting to leave and he's like, oh I need your number. I can't say no, so I give it to him. And he starts texting me like fifteen minutes later. And HE IS SO CREEPY. Like, he kept using <3s and stuff and then after a while, he's like is it bad I miss you? It was awkward, so I just said, nah, it's never bad, lol. And he goes, oh well I miss you. So then I didn't know what to say because I'm not really that gushy and nor did I even feel that way. So, I pretended I was eating dinner and didn't respond, lmfao. So then he texts me last night, and he asked what I was up to, blah blah, normal conversation. And he's like, you use commas when you text, omg. So I was like, uh yeah, sorry. I dnt txt lyk dis. It bothers me. And he's like, no it's cool i find it attractive. so I was like .......
    Then replied, well, it's kind of nerdy, lol. and he goes, no, you're an asian who wants a volkswagon van there's nothing nerdy about it. i find that attractive. and then I didn't answer because weird and uncomfortable. Twenty minutes later, he texts me, "btw i think small asians are cute (;" EXACT TEXT. And i'm like, what the fuck. I am not small. There are smaller ones than me, go find them. And I have to see him tonight because report time is in an hour and a half, but show doesn't start until 7 and I feel like bashing my head in the wall and crying while I'm there. But I don't want to be mean either.
    You probably didn't want to hear this. LOL. SORRY. xD I JUST DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO. sigh. I want him to be another boy. Not him. But even then, I don't really do that mushy gushy stuff.

    Man Overboard is so good. Ugh.

    ME TOO. Nah, I can't because I never see her in school. -__- we just meet up before homeroom and to head out to our buses. sigh.
    December 13th, 2012 at 10:14pm
  • cruel kids.

    cruel kids. (100)

    United States
    It sucks. But sigh. When I get really lonely, I feel like texting him, but then I stop myself, but I really want to. But I feel like he won't answer and that sucks even more. Psychology man.
    Eh, I mean, I'm not picky as long as you're not annoying or super weird. Or mean or something. THIS GUY WHO SITS NEXT TO ME IN ENGLISH, omg. Let me just die ok. In a good way.

    YES, omg, nsync and the backstreet boys. LOL. YOU AREEE, MY FIRE, MY ONE, DESIIREEE. BUT WE, ARE TWO WORLDS, APART, CAN'T REACH TO YOUR HEAART. lmfao. omg. Speaking of old music. I don't know if you remember, but it seems like the five people I mentioned it to, don't remember. Do you remember Ryan Cabrera?
    RIGHT? That's like the song while you're growing up. And I felt like I related to that song so much, don't even ask me why, when I was like seven. Lmfao. But now, I'm like lol, I'll be lucky if a guy smiles at me. ahahaha.

    Right? But I love love love their new sound, I donno, it's different and some of the guitar/bass breakdowns remind me of old Brand New and I just love Brand New so much. Hahahah. Uh, Man Overboard Decemberism xD And definitely Merry Christmas Kiss My Ass, and guilty- some of the taylor swift ones, LOL. Idk, I don't have that many, that's why I asked you. xD

    Right? I get so depressed, I'm like, wow you guys are awesome. But omg, I'm in a class with a freshman, and she wore a the Ready Set shirt one day, and it was the day we switched seats, so i'm like, oh you like them? and she's like yeah. So we talked a little. And then over the weekend, she came back with a Man Overboard shirt and i'm like, wow I hate you. She's like, best friends with one of those pop-punk kids. They got into the show, that was like sold out not to mention and got to meet them, because the dad works for a magazine as a photographer. Like, wow, ok. Hate you. And that kid is so cute. He's friends with one of my friends, but we never talk and ugh. hahah.
    December 8th, 2012 at 01:22am
  • cruel kids.

    cruel kids. (100)

    United States
    I could write like a novel, that was so long. >.< lo siento. xD
    December 2nd, 2012 at 03:03am
  • cruel kids.

    cruel kids. (100)

    United States
    HAHAHAH. Ugh, no. It was so weird. Like, I wanted to talk to him and been wanting to talk to him, but when I finally texted him, it was like, I could talk to you, or not. It doesn't really matter. I donno, it's weird. But yeah, it ended up like, it's okay. And then I apologized again, and he's like, oh lol, I thought I was good enough for you to talk to, you got my hopes up. But like, the last time we talked months ago, we got into a fight and he never texted me after that and I didn't want to because I always texted him. So then I was like, uh, I didn't know you wanted to talk. He said, um yes. So I said, you could've texted me then. And he's like, i did. Which he said that last time because it happened another time before this time. Lmfao, and so I was like, oh, well I didn't get it. And he said "oh, that explains it then xD" So I said yeah. Hahah. This happened last time too. And then he didn't answer. And I thought I was being nice and texted him like, two days later but he didn't answer, so whatevs. I'm terrible at telling stories and they always come out really long and detailed that no one ever cares about. Sorry. xD
    YEAH. But then, like even just everyone has friends and I feel weird, because I have friends, but I'm not close with them and everyone else has friends they're closer with so I end up alone in like, every class and yeah. Sucks man. I hate going to school.
    Me tooo, but it's true. xD It was the only way I could think to explain them. Or the plane, but that's a little too modern. I felt like Ellis Island was cooler.

    No, not really, not when she starts singing and it's like up there but she's screeching. Uck. Hahahahahahahah. I grew up with a little of that, like old Usher and Justin Timberlake, omg. CRY ME A RIVEERRR, LOL. That was my jam. And like, old Eminem stuff, Britney Spears, things like that before it went down the drain. omg, and the first person I ever loved on my own was Avril Lavigne during her punk days. HE WAS A BOY, SHE WAS A GIRL, CAN I MAKE IT ANY MORE OBVIOUS?! Lmfao. I am too enthusiastic. YEAH. I'm all like, bitch, I'm smarter than you. Not really, but at least I found them first and know about them. I don't know why it feels so good, but it does.

    IT REALLY IS. Sigh, I wish they did like, a cover of their own songs now, I want to see if it would sound different or they'd change anything. That'd be so cool. We go together like the winter and a sweateeerrr. What other christmas stuff have you been listening to?!

    I'm around some, but they stick to like, their own crew and don't really talk to other people much. They're like the ones with their noses up and such. So, I guess they're not all that perfect? Idk. Sigh. If only I was one of them.
    December 2nd, 2012 at 03:03am
  • cruel kids.

    cruel kids. (100)

    United States
    omg, I wanted to talk to you yesterday, but I figured I'd wait until you commented back, and omg, I saw it today. OKAY. So remember when I said I was going to do the oops wrong person thing and chickened out? I did it yesterday. Must have been the eclipse, I don't even know. Sh, don't tell my best friend, she'd get so mad at me.
    NO. I'm pretty sure I'm forever alone and rejected. Today was a reminder of that, omg, I hate school and people and everything in between.
    YEAH. you know, the ones that seem they just came out of Ellis Island or something. That was a bit mean.

    My mom doesn't even listen to music. She listens to her chinese operas and like, leann rimes sometimes, but not really. But she doesn't really listen to music. My oldest brother has the closest music taste to me. Probably because I stole it. LOL. He grew up listening to Saves the Day and Brand New and Blink and stuff like that and I was in the car whenever he played it. So I took a liking to it and they're like my favorite. But now I'm on top, because he's like, have you heard of Gaslight Anthem? I'm like yeah, I like them a lot. And he's like, oh, I just heard of them, I like them. BITCH, I KNOW ALREADY. lmfao.
    Me toooo. I haven't heard the new one either. Oh well. I haven't heard much new music though just 'cause I'm so stressed out and busy. but omg, speaking of listening to music, I have started my christmas music this morning and played Ho Ho Hopefully by the Maine again, and omg it's perfect and I love it in every way. Idk if you listen to them. But imagine if Brighten was still around, sigh.
    I just love them all together, sigh, perf. people who I wish I was friends with. Or dating. Wait, what.

    This is extremely long in ramble and everything in between. Sorry, xoxo. Lmfao.
    November 29th, 2012 at 11:55pm
  • cruel kids.

    cruel kids. (100)

    United States
    I'm okay with it, but then if I have to do it all the time, then I feel like they don't care and Im bothering them. :| Ugh, me too.</3
    No, adfklgjsdh. They're not. I realized when I was in New York, I can't stand super asian kids. Idk how to explain it.

    Ew. xD I don't fancy that song. I like pretty much all her songs, a few favorites, but I haven't listened to any of them in a while because I had to redo my ipod and I didn't put her albums on there, yet. Maybe, idk.
    They make me sleepy unless it's like, a song that I like. xD
    What's so goood about picking up the piecesss? asdlyjaskh. Sorry, I'm listening to that song right now. c:
    November 21st, 2012 at 11:46pm
  • cruel kids.

    cruel kids. (100)

    United States
    YES. I'm like, uhh... so, can you just call me back? Hahah.
    Yeah omg. So there was this kid on mibba that I talked to for like, a year. And we were friends and stuff. So we started texting or whatever. He made me feel so good about myself and he was just fun. But then, out of nowhere, he would just answer so that we couldn't talk. Or I would try to talk to him and he wouldn't even answer my text. And like, if I didn't text him, we'd never talk. So I stopped like, maybe four months ago. But I came really close to texting him today like the classic, oops, wrong person. But I chickened out and figured it was a bad idea, but sigh.
    I feel like my voice are the classic asian squeaky high pitched voices :|

    YEAH. Hate that song. Completely dumb. Like, okay. Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever EVER, getting back together. I like Back to December though .-. it came on the radio the other day. omg, my mom was at work and came home, and she's like, one of the customers complained that we have the same music on all the time like it's a tape so I changed the radio station to 106.7. I had it on 102.5 -_____- ALL RADIO STATIONS PLAY THE SAME SONGS, fml. Now I'm going to fall asleep at work because it's like those sleepy songs.
    November 17th, 2012 at 03:17am
  • cruel kids.

    cruel kids. (100)

    United States
    Right? omg. Like calm down. When they say it, even if it's true or not, it's general, not like they're attacking you. And you must be nuts if you think it's false because 95% of the time it's true.
    Hahahah! That sounds like me in person. I'm so awkward, omg. I only talk to like, my aunt and best friend on the phone normally. And my mom. But everyone else, I'm so awkward. I can only make small talk and then it just gets really uncomfortable.
    omg, story time. There was this one guy that I became friends with online, and like, after a few months, he wanted to call me. But I didn't have a cell phone yet. And he got legit angry that I wouldn't talk to him on the phone. But I'm self conscience about my voice sometimes, cause I feel like I sound like a five year old, but he like flipped out. So I finally called on my best friend's phone and he didn't pick up so I had to leave him a voice mail, omg, so weird and awkward. Then he ended up hating me a few months later, uh oh. Hahahah.

    Lmfao, I like Taylor Swift, well, not her new song cause it's kind of annoying, I haven't heard her newest album, but yeah. I don't really count her as country though. My brother's ringtone when I call is taylor swift, lmfao.
    Noooo. Like, I drove through North Carolina when we used to go to Florida. But I was tiny. I was probably like 9 or 10 the last time we drove to Florida.
    November 14th, 2012 at 11:19pm
  • cruel kids.

    cruel kids. (100)

    United States
    I KNOW. Band members should just live forever. I can't imagine how I'd feel if any of my favorite people died.
    Right? And Alex he tweeted one thing it was like, okay, stop telling me to die you weirdos. Let's all be friends or something, lmfao.

    I'm probably more racist to my own kind, or at least myself. I think it's really funny when people say something racist towards asians, and then look at me and they're like, omg, i'm so sorry, you're probably mad now. I just stare at them and start laughing because I could care less. Can't fight the truth and why take it so seriously. I would be on the phone 24/7 just because I can probably always talk about something if I care enough to be on the phone with you. I can listen while I text, but I feel like I'm being rude. I like talking on the phone if I can talk to that person. If not, it's just really awkward and weird.
    Hahah, I guess. It's better than nothing.

    Really? I've never thought about it. My geography and the weather and stuff is so bad. Lmfao. One of my brother's best friends who I grew up around, he lives in South Carolina now. He moved officially a month ago or so. How is it there? I've never been there, or well, I drove through it when I've been to Florida. xD
    November 11th, 2012 at 03:23am
  • cruel kids.

    cruel kids. (100)

    United States
    Me either. But I liked watching their interiews and when Mitch talked and stuff. It's so depressing. Like he was just right there and boom, he's gone. I haven't seen her on tumblr, o; I only see like him and the band and stuff. Damn. She's so cute and my heart goes out to her, I can't even.
    My friend said the OneD fans were saying how Mitch was a satanic influence or some shit like that. It only came up because I was looking at Alex Gaskarth's twitter a few days ago and he got in trouble with the OneD fans and I was laughing hysterically about it because well, it was funny. Hence I was laughing hysterically. Lmfao. Sad tears everywhere, sigh.

    Something like that, hahah yeah. Because we're jews. We are the asian jews. If we have like a huge family plan, apparently it's a lot cheaper I guess. So, yeah. RIGHT? But of course parents are all like, why can't you just call them? Well, I could use up all your minutes because if I talk to them, I can talk all day to a like five different people. So would you want me to text and pretend to listen to you, or just talk all the time and have you yell at me, like omg. ahah.
    What, that sucks. I didn't get a phone till like, freshman year of high school and everyone had a phone by like fifth grade and assumed that I had one and gave me their numbers. I was like uh... I don't have a phone... awk. hahah. I think she got me a new one because my brother got upgraded to a family plan, and I'm helping her at work, and I'm her best kid. Not even kidding. LOL. No one ever does anything in my house to help her out. Which means I get a little spoiled. lmfao.

    IT IS ORGASMIC. It felt so so so good. My lights are flickering right now though, fml. THERE'S SO MUCH SNOW. hahah.
    This reply is unbelievably long, I'm sorry.
    November 8th, 2012 at 03:29am
  • vmusicforlove

    vmusicforlove (100)

    United States
    No. I've seen it. The change I mean. It's possible :)
    November 8th, 2012 at 01:37am
  • cruel kids.

    cruel kids. (100)

    United States
    Hahah, ugh. It sucks so much. AND MITCH LUCKER, omfg. I didn't know until the other day when my friend told me what happened with OneD talking about them and i'm like wait what. Cause no power and I was late on the whole thing. He was so sweet and cute and loved his daughter omfg, it sucks a lot.
    I will forever be alone, fml.</3

    Okay, so my mom bought me a new phone. I didn't even know. My aunt let it slip. Lmfao, but then she didn't pick it out because we have this ridiculous plan with like forty of us or something. It's my cousin's family, and his cousins, and his cousins and all that hahah. And I grew up with some of his cousins, so nbd. But his uncle chose the phone and it was one of those slide phones, but vertically and tiny little buttons. Like 1 is also abc. Not good for texting. Lmfao. My mom showed me this morning. And I told her I didn't like it. She bought me a new phone that's like 100 bucks, I felt bad. That is my pointless story.

    I JUST GOT POWER BACK LIKE YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. My brother called me while I was at work. Eight days without heat it was cold af. I took the best shower ever when the power came back on, omfg.
    November 7th, 2012 at 08:47pm
  • kelly09

    kelly09 (100)

    United States
    Love it! Can't wait for the next chapter =)
    November 7th, 2012 at 08:41am