xMidnightxVampx / Comments

  • i love the story...cool detail...i don't want to so like some nymphatic freak but i guess i already do please keep writting. we (your readers) love your work and i can't wait for the next chapter. X beth
    July 26th, 2010 at 06:06pm
  • alright take your time im not trying to rush u^_^
    July 15th, 2010 at 02:16am
  • I perfectly understand and I can wait. Thank you for explaining it to me. :) just dont over work yourself. :)
    July 14th, 2010 at 03:54pm
  • HA! like you have crazy muse voices in your head. that's awesome!
    Though the only one I don't know is Trevor Moore, I'm not familiar with him.

    Really? that's a cool coincidence.Yeah I didn't think he was [b]the[/b] Marius, you know how some people just seem kinda born to play a role? but he was still pretty damn good. It would be interesting to see him as the Crow. I think I shall have to check these other films out at some point just to lay my curiousityto rest.

    Spider-Man is ace! well in that case I think I'm probably geek enough for both of us. it's sad that comics rule my life lol. If I were a good artist, I'd be drawing some strip for no money in a loft somewhere.

    Yes! oh gosh, Freaks & Geeks! that show is timeless. & Seth Rogen too, that's pretty rad.
    July 11th, 2010 at 01:38am
  • Mm...want my shrink? She's DYING for me too spill the beans I hear voices in my head. What a bloody savage. Thank God I get a guy, now. Actually I like the ideas, it's better then talking to walls. And think about it, that's pretty damn pathetic - and seems like a petty clichè thing to say, 'i'm screaming at walls?' C'MON! Be more original, psh. Oh, your a pip! I'm terrirble! I'm more closer to being an awesome writer, then I am too stop my nail biting addiction. (percentage...0.03%) aha. GLEN. Oh, no. I'm a girl. I don't like being one. We have to worry about EVERY damn THING. Jeez, I feel like I'm about to explode. Durr, I think I'm failing in the story. It's not as creative as it was in the beggining. I just realized, it's becoming more over a rant or something. Gehh. I need cheese. Lots and lots a cheese.
    July 7th, 2010 at 03:42am
  • Oh, jeez. I must be in crying of despair, I have TERRIBLE old fanfictions Im ashamed of, I shoudnt complain. Durr...thank you very much. (aha) ZOMG really? That's effin' terrific! What a lady chick. Oh..I...I'm sure she's better. More expierenced if she was noticed by a story person. Oh, Glens a kiddy arogant prick that came out of a bastard who shit him out. But hello, Lestat, Ville, Trevor and Henry. Pleasure to meet you all. Please excuse Glen, he's a bit of a tempermental. Aha, *smacks him*, be nice.
    (QUESTION: this is urbo stupid, but do you think I'm a chick or dude?) pretty eveyone knows.
    Oh yeah, I loved your story comment. Funny.
    July 6th, 2010 at 05:58am
  • I've never read the unedited script, but i'll take your word for it. The movie could have been much more then it was, but it was still good. Not that i'm probably biased because i think Stuart Townsend is lovely & Lestat is one of the best characters ever created haha.

    Jasper is the most intriguing I think. Jackson Rathbone is excellent, I've seen him in a few other things & he's a scene stealer in the best way ha.

    I probably should say I dislike The Crow sequels as I haven't actually seen them, I just don't like the idea of more when it's a closed story. The Crow is an amazing character, it's just a shame the idea had to come about from tragic circumstances. and then for the movie of course there was the Brandon tradedgy.
    Yeah I have the graphic novel , so I know they changed some stuff for the films. Actually, is there any movie adapted from a novel/comic where they don't change major bits? boyyy.
    Graphic novels are life! Ha, I get a bit excited.

    I heard that too! River is my favourite actor next to James Franco, so obviously I think he would have been amazing. And Johnny Depp's always exciting to watch. Obviously the film is still brilliant, but I agree with you.
    July 6th, 2010 at 02:07am
  • Mm...ZOMG to you. I've come to a conclusion, that I'm filled up with enough anxiety and air bubbles. And the only way of expressing these idiocies, is writing. But then, I get depressed and droop - becuase I'm failing miserably in my writing, and I [i]know[/i], I'll never be able to live from writing. Because I'm not creative, I'm not famous. I'm just a normal kid. Thus, GLEN was created. My alter ego. HELL YEAH, I updated the story. OMFG, sorry for that shitty rant. Errmm...(hehe).
    July 5th, 2010 at 08:22pm
  • Oh...I love you. Your unbelievably awesome. Gahh. Your comment back made me feel like a shittin' pop tart. Hoozah too you, for giving me a self esteem booster and something to agree on. Foofah, so what's up?
    July 5th, 2010 at 07:14am
  • Thankyouohsoverymuchforthestorycomment.
    I thought it was going to fail horribly, and I'd have to cry over it being a complete mess for the next 23 hours. But - ahh...no! So I thank you very much and hope to meet the standards of your approval in the future chapters of [i]Typewriters in the attic[/i]. (I'm a bit of a freak, eh?) sorry 'bout that.
    July 4th, 2010 at 07:36am
  • haha :)

    Anne Rice is amazing! Did you like the Queen of the Damned movie then? i did, but i wasn't sure if many other people did.
    I watched the first series of True Blood, but that's about it, have never read the books or anything either. and I'll be happy when the Twilight movies are over. there are really good bits, but my favourite is Jasper & he doesn't get enough screen time for me to enjoy the films. and Bella annoys me, i feel she doesn't really have a personality.
    i'll take you advice & not watch the second lost boys. i don't know why people feel the need to make a shitty sequel to things when it clearly shouldn't be done. like the ridiculous stuff they did to The Crow.
    My sister loves the Underworld movies. & Blade. I just love Frost from the first Blade movie. but i adoreee Bram Stokers Dracula, for me that's one of the few vampire films that's understood the raw qualities of a vampire.
    I find it surprising how good the movie version of Interview with the vampire is, being as i don't usually like some of those particular actors, but it's soo good.
    -ramble over-
    July 4th, 2010 at 02:00am
  • oh yeah thats awesome^_^ i'll message u with the details^_^
    July 3rd, 2010 at 02:33pm
  • rofl thats awesome...What do u say to writting our own verion of twililght? we have the same chapicter but make it different in most ways or we could go back in time andplay around with it...what do u think? we dont have to if u dont...im just bored and need somthing to do, and its a lot more interesting to write with another person...so what do u think?
    July 2nd, 2010 at 10:55pm
  • bat shaped cookies! hell yea!omnomnomnom
    July 2nd, 2010 at 10:27pm
  • ahh well, that's a bummer. what about Amazon.com? maybe you could persuade someone to get it you as a birthday or christmas present ;)
    that's sounds pretty cool, i hope it gets made, i need shows to look forward too, there's an increasing lack of good stuff on the box. and i agree getting Kyle back into a vamp role would be a good move. he's a really good actor & actually believable.

    what other Vampire/Supernatural things do you like?
    July 2nd, 2010 at 06:47pm
  • well they could bite eachother but the venom would still burn but not as bad. she may have made it like that so that some people can see that not all vampires are good some are bad....and show that bitting can be dangrious either way.
    July 2nd, 2010 at 04:45pm
  • thank you. I didnt like Jake cause he was what to me seemed like he was full o fhimself but thats just me...i dont think it was the vampies that changed them i mean sure it said that in the book but i think she could have writting that differently. stephinie wanted young teens to be her audance I can understand why she worte it the way she did, but I do think for the older teens out there (us) that she could have made it more sexual...although it would be interesting if she where to write a couple about renseme...
    July 2nd, 2010 at 05:56am
  • well she had a dream about twilight... some people do look down on me but im kinda shy at school so i dont really talk to anyone out side my friend group...but if people really got to know us they may find interest in the subject...people are to gugmently on what they see and dont give people the chance they diserve...and about the fans im sure maybe a couple of teh actors have huge egos over it...im not to crazy about the certian wolves i think i have the most interest in Paul and sam if he hadnt had that love triangle and broken leah's heart...
    July 2nd, 2010 at 01:42am
  • well thank you -takes cookie-
    yeah i brought it off play.com, though i think that's just a british site & you're american right? but watching it online is just as good, anything to get a Henry fix ;) ha.
    i think it's sad that if the show had been broadcast a couple of years later it would have probably been super big due to the whole [i]Twilight[/i] craze.
    anyway, yes I mucho love your story :)
    July 1st, 2010 at 09:31pm
  • yeah carlisle would have been awesome to read about because i love that time period and carlisle is hot...lol but yes jasper and alice are the cuttest couple it's adorable how they met and became a couple>_<
    July 1st, 2010 at 01:46pm