SONG OF THE WEEK: Thrills In The Night- KISS

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Passion Taking Over

I'm the kind of woman that loves to daydream. In my daydreams it's 1988. And I'm married to the lead guitarist of KISS. I also drive a mustang and play amazing guitar.
A girl can dream, right?

And if you just happen to adore the 80s, for the love of god, TALK TO ME!!!!
There's not enough awesome people in this world like you!!!!

And with that, I sit cross-legged on my throne, continuing my reign as the Goddess Of Thunder And Rock And Roll...


Just some of the stories I Love...

Anything For My Baby by BACON

Crazy, Crazy Nights by ALEX

Night Songs by RHEA


You're My Everything by HAILEY

Sweet Little Sister by ANNA