A Normal Day

It's a day like any other, but something stands out. Amongst this sea of faded clouds I see a light in the distance, a green light. Like the clever novel it writes, a light that brings me back day after day. I stand atop my perch waiting every day, watching at that light, and knowing what it brings.For what lies beyond the bay beckons me everyday. It calls for me in the night, and is so close yet...
October 7th, 2013 at 08:58pm

My Muse

She appears only now and then. Now that I don't see her as much inspiration is sparse. For any of you who kept up with my poems earlier on would know that my poems followed a certain theme. Whether or not that theme was the girl, the process, the feelings, who knows. I thought I was safe from her, but every now and then she just appears, sparking hatred, sadness, love, romance, etc."Her eyes light...
February 24th, 2013 at 05:12am