It's been a really long time

Wow I haven't been here in like forever! I'm sorry about this guys! I was busy on another website. I will just repost all my stories on here as soon as I figure out how to again. Happy Spring!Love, SummerAh, this journal entry is too short. This can get annoying but it will have to be something I must get used to.Over Spring Break I read the Catcher In The Rye. It's really about a guy named Holden...
April 24th, 2011 at 12:43am


Hi, My name is Summer and I am very new here. I will be posting stories daily since it’s summer!! Hurray!!!I would love to make some friends on here so message me if you wanna talk or be my buddy!!!!?Summer ?oh so please be kind and talk to me, I have no idea how to use this site. People say I am a very good writer:) My friend Hayle told me about this site, at least i think it was Hayle :)ANDI...
June 28th, 2010 at 08:00pm