
So, in the library on a laptop that is your own, makes you looks like a pyschopath for some reason. I've been on my laptop for maybe an hour just uploading and browsing through dA art, well, I came across a picture that was mine and I was all like >:L, and now a bunch of people are staring at me like Imma idoit... Am I an idoit? I mean fer real, I was just browsing through the new art on the...
July 18th, 2011 at 11:41pm

Why do we always complain?

Does anyone ever notice how much humans in todays society complain? Whether it's because of something serious or not, we always complain about something. "It's hot, I'm hungry, I'm fat, I'm boney," or "my life sucks, why am I alive, my name's terrible, my boyfriend/girlfriend wont stop talking, my head hurts," and so on. If you're going to complain, do something about it, right?Well, it's not all...
July 11th, 2011 at 06:28pm

I feel h*** of a lot better...

I was at the mall waiting for my stepmom to finish getting her manicure/pedicure, and my dad came early to come pick us up. Well, we walked around and started talking, like normal people. Then I asked him to buy me a pair of goggles, and he asked me to try on a pair of goggles that several people touch a day. And so I refused, and so he was all pissed off. The conversation took a turn for the...
July 9th, 2011 at 06:47am

Why am I always to blame for?

My dad came and picked me up from my mom's house. We had a good conversation until I asked him if next time, maybe my little brother can come over. Of course I didn't think the matter through.He asked why.I replied "I don't know, does it really matter, you said he can come over when ever I wanted."He was all like, "Well, my point it Katherine, if he gets in the pool and something goes wrong with...
July 7th, 2011 at 03:45am

I'm really tired...

Recently I have been getting really tired, I thought it was normal for a teenager, but I am pretty sure that I get less sleep then an average freshman right now. I woke up this morning and I literally thought "I really wish I was in some sort of coma, I hate waking up". And I feel that way when I wake up for events, such as school, or doc's appointment. I also thought "Damn, I am fat, I wish I...
February 5th, 2011 at 06:06am

I really think I am going pyscho

I have been thinking lately, a lot of thinking, and I can't stop thinking about how my life would be better ended. But I don't actually have the gots to try and kill myself. So, you know? I told my sister about how I felt and the best advice she gave me was that I should consult with a therapist. She's right, I really should, but she lied about talking to my dad about my wanting to speak with one....
January 31st, 2011 at 12:00am

The effects of the nightmare...

I still can't stop thinking about my little brother dying in my arms in my nightmare. I wish I could tell what it was that was bothering me so. I mean I know it is just a nightmare, it's not an actual event that had taken place. I hadn't actually watch as my little brother was in pain crying out to me to save him. It's been over three days since the nightmare. What the hell is wrong with me, I...
November 30th, 2010 at 02:19am

I had a nightmare...

It was the night of November 25, to the morning of November 26... 2010 (obviously).Here is the nightmare:I was cleaning an environmental ditch with a good amount of other people; the faces that I remember were the faces of my mother and brother’s face. The rest of the people who were cleaning with me, I couldn’t figure out who it was.I was told by a man “Get the blower and blow the leaves”...
November 26th, 2010 at 02:22pm

I hate some people...

I hate it when people are talking right next to you about random crap. Either they were trying to make it so I wouldn't hear, or where they were speaking barely enough so I could barely hear them. One of these days I am going to bust a cap on someones ass if they keep on talking crap about me. I'm getting so friggin tired of it. And one of the groupie's lives a house away from me, so if I really...
November 6th, 2010 at 04:04am

What starts with an F and ends in Uck.... FIRETRUCK!

So, my life right now is bad. I was supposed to get my legs checked out about three, four days ago. I'm out of the med's they gave me and now I am in excruitiating pain. My left ankle is a little swollen and my rleft knee feels like it's being stabbed consistintly and twisted. My right ankle isn't swollen, but it feels like I sprained it. My right knee feels like its twisting around. I have a...
October 31st, 2010 at 11:34pm


'kay, so I went to the doc's office, now I have to go and get test done on my knees and ankles. I have to get blood tests and mri's done... I hate friggin needles. I handle them well I just have fright when ever they are around me. I have had bad past expeirence with needles when I was little. I hope they don't have to stick needles in my cartlige or bone, that would hurt like a bitch. My doc...
October 18th, 2010 at 01:48am


Ok, so yesterday, I finally got my physical for High School done. I got two vaccines, my tetanus shot, which hurt less... And my opitional vaccine, my meningococcal... which hurt the most, even though my tetanus was supposed to hurt worst. I don't know how it ended up like that. The pain was switched, the meningococcal hurt worst then the tetanus. But, you never know, expect the unexpected. But...
August 22nd, 2010 at 07:47am

How it went...

My camping trip in Wisconsin was pretty kewl, other than then being called a wossy and then spiking a volleyball into some jerks face. It was hilarious.... Everything went well, I hurt my shoulder while tubing, I had a swollen ankle, broke my big toe nail twice, and had knee pains the entire time, it was awesome.... Plus, I got a leech attached to my foot for an hour without knowing it... I put...
August 16th, 2010 at 02:38am

Cannot Wait!

I can't wait, my camping trip is so close to happening. I love the outdoors, if it weren't for me being a girl, I probably outside without a shirt... But unfortunatly, I can't help the fact that I am a female, and have boobs... It kind of sucks, I hate wearing swimsuits that I feel unconfertable in, so... you know, when I'm in a bathing suit... my shyness gets the best of me, and I sit in the lake...
August 1st, 2010 at 04:17am

Guess What?!

I get to go camping with my family the first full week of August, thats right my family, and I mean, my entire dad side of the family. Lol, thats going to be one hell of a week. I'm having aches and pains, and most likely going to be on the rag while I am there as well... I just going to be a fucking parade. God, I get to be in a tent, on a air matress instead of the bed in the camper because my...
July 26th, 2010 at 03:52am


The entire point of this journal entry, was yes, to ramble about how terrible my life is, unfortunatly I know that there are people out there with worst lives then mine, but I can't help but complain to my hearts content when I was raised with two older sisters and a younger brother with perfect lives, except for my one older sister... In fact, my oldest sister is spoiled to the bone, she gets...
July 18th, 2010 at 02:47pm


Im tired.... I haven't slept since yesterday morning.... uuggghhhhh.... I feel like I'm going to barf, but I can't fall back asleep.... Bleh, I feel like total crap... I laid in bed for 5 hours straight before I got up and did random stuff online.... I think I'm addicted to my computer... Idk though... Probably, considering it's my releiver, and my communication to most of my friends... Even...
July 12th, 2010 at 05:07pm

Living in the Fast Lane

Alright, well now that I am out of my house and with a friend, I feel way better and calmer... My life may be stressed out but I can leave the reality of it for now. I ould just like to say that, people, if I end up cursing on here, it ain't my fault and get the FUCK over it! Just saying.... So Fudge nuggets and walla walla wing bats to you! And my friend says HELLLLLOO! It's Andrea, wish Sabrina...
July 2nd, 2010 at 06:12am

Asses, Bitches, and Hoes, Oh My!

Well, I'm this morning, feeling great, like God gave me the entire world on a sliver platter... I was up, waaaaaay earlier then my normal summer break wake up time (which is like 9 or 10:30 in the morning), I woke up at 4:20 in the morning feeling like today was gonna be a fantastic day, like maybe one of the people I know in Chenoa is gunna call me to hang-out, you know whatever. My dad wakes up...
June 30th, 2010 at 12:27pm


Yeah, today I told my dad about how I felt about myself, the reaction (exactly as how you will read), "What do mean?" he had an angry look on his face "that sounds ridiculous, maybe your just lonely, or maybe your going nuts staying on the computer all night doing research on things you don't need to know. Do you like women?" I reply no "well that proves it, your a girl" I ran to my room...
June 30th, 2010 at 05:31am