blooming. / Comments

  • haha
    the lamebrain smurfette :'/

    see what i mean???
    i didnt even remember that you didn't tell me ur addy

    oh lardy...
    ...did i tell you i got totally awesome batman pez?
    which is still packaged + hanging on my wall above my bed??
    haha so sad but i <3 it and wanna show it ooooooff!


    July 13th, 2008 at 10:22am
  • bahaha
    and i can be smurfette lmao
    that'd be totally rawrsooooome!

    haha i would add you to msn...
    but my lame brain forgot ur email addy lol eep

    i swear theres little holes in it where memories just seep out day by day... lol

    indeedy that person was a lamebrain asssssholllllle.
    i cant stand it when people pick on others. so useless!!

    see what i mean about my braaaaain???
    i cant even remember what else you wrote me!!!!

    July 13th, 2008 at 07:31am
  • oh my lardy!!

    haha this is the THIRD time i have tried to comment back to you!! i swear everytime my computer just decides to screw itself lmao

    OMG 99 luftballoons is on video hits!!!!
    bahahaha i love that sonnnng

    yeh we'll kick ass as little cocktail wiatresses. who knows, maybe we can get jobs dressing up as batgirl or smurfs or something at disneyland lol

    going to read journal....

    July 13th, 2008 at 02:44am
  • ps. u likea my new namea??

    worst italian
    July 10th, 2008 at 07:11am
  • lmao

    u cornbag!
    rockvegas hey? haha ur livin the dreeeeam!!!
    oo i see the getaway plan tomorrow night!!! XD

    hot husbands? lol they'll prob end up being elvis impersonators + we'll have to end up getting jobs as cocktail waitresses lol eep!

    nah its one of their first, so good though.
    i cant wait to get melodia [new album]
    da nananananana HES A ROCKER!!

    July 10th, 2008 at 05:42am

    you had to ASK if they were on crack??!!?!?!
    lmao oh lardy...

    oo i got a mega smexxy muse one + one of the beatles album covers + i finally got winning days by the vines <:D
    haha i looked so hard for a used one but the shop was obviously wrong + didn't have any... shame on them. haha oh well ive got enough anyhow haha

    lmao nah i didnt get married... or did i??
    lol and vegas... oh dear. we all know how australia has a gambling problem...

    <3 cornucassia

    ps. i had corn in sydney lmao it was seeeeedy XP
    July 10th, 2008 at 03:47am
  • eek

    haha i saw the trashbags video of her punchingbag as well lmao geez shes a weirdo lol
    have u seen the photos of her + pete doherty messing with baby mice? eep it's strange alrighty... :'S

    haha my smiley? u mean this funky monkey? <:]
    lol i went to sydneyagain!! i played dance dance revolution, bought hugely massive posters, eric claptons aitobiog, went to the powerhouse museum, rode the MONORAIL + the mini train [whatever its called... lol] + went to darling harbour!! eek it was so much fun + oh so tiring!!
    you'll have to come down to sydney one day so we can go can go crazy in chinatown!! XD

    haha although vegas would have been so damn awesome!!!!
    i got married lol

    MEGA <3
    July 9th, 2008 at 08:56am
  • I'm ok i guess....
    July 7th, 2008 at 10:57pm
  • yeah, so how R U?
    July 6th, 2008 at 06:29pm
  • Hi, I'm Cat. MCR didnt physichally save my life but they did convince me that being myself is good enough and that no matter what I should keep on living and that I am strong enough to do so.
    July 6th, 2008 at 05:34pm
  • hey hey hey hey hey!!!!

    wherefore art thou? <:]
    haha how cool isit? like a little wee hat on his little wee head... mm toast makes me weird... eep

    well i saw a picture of whino in the paper today + it made me think of my favourite corno hahahaha she was all trashy + stuff haha not that i think ur trashy + stuff, we're the glorious opposite of trashy :D

    WE ROCK!!
    + i may be disappearing for a couple days lol just letting you know so u dont get worried for my cornyself... hehe

    July 6th, 2008 at 04:58am
  • hahahaha
    u made me laugh so much then... + made me miss hot chips!!

    lmao i havent had them in sooooo long!!
    damn juicyfruits gone flavourless... garrr
    haha my stupid fat computer has gone obese again... obese + sloooow!

    aw kerrang! i havent read that in agesssss!
    i may have to go out + get myself a copy
    lol sorry this is a lame comment but i feel as though ive used all my material for today lmao

    July 4th, 2008 at 05:34am
  • LMAO
    i meant to say fast computering... but it may have 'accidentally' come out as fat lol
    oh you and ur malteaser eating, simpson watching ways...
    im so jealous!
    hahaha i wish i was home right now. or possibly lived in sydney and it was my home... that'd be awesome too...
    hahaha we'd be corn junkies.
    oh yeah, thats the shit... woo! that corns givin me headspins thats fo sho!
    how lame is today...

    July 2nd, 2008 at 01:32am

    i had to add that!!
    July 1st, 2008 at 12:17pm
  • llamallamallamallamallama
    July 1st, 2008 at 12:17pm

    thats my bad then, i thought that i had replied to your ecstaticness of being top mibba friend lol

    haha we make awesooooome jokes! we kick ass!
    haha have you noticed how corno has become the new amy whino? eeeeeep
    lmao maybe we should use corno less... lol
    unless we become junkies, then it would be true in all senses of the wordage lol

    awwwww our first fight?? ftw!! wtf???? lol that was awesooome also.
    we're quite radical. WHERE ARE YOU!! im in sydney on a superfats computer and ur not here to experience my fastness!! lol
    curse u corno!

    July 1st, 2008 at 12:16pm
  • lol u weren't commenting me, so i thought there was no real reason to return the non existant love lol + also my dam punk ass dialup decides to die on me every time im online... quite frustrating

    lmao but now we're over that, its just back to the major lovefest. you're the only person alive who seems to understand my lame ass jokes lol theres something wrong with my story too + i dunno what...
    maybe we're just lame....
    its a theory at least lol

    hey! mods!!!
    my story is alive! it has feeling too!! i mean sure, maybe it is a llama with a lame leg that needs to be shot [emphasis on lame]....
    i dunno where im goi with that... it was mainly about my lame joke about a lame llama lol

    June 30th, 2008 at 03:53pm
  • Hehe, no problem x
    June 28th, 2008 at 07:13pm
  • Thanks so much. I also found out there is a cheat and a much easier way to do it but it can be dangerous to your whole game.
    June 27th, 2008 at 11:12pm
  • Don't worry about the "getting shot for not liking Cobra Starship/Avenged Sevenfold" thing... it's just your opinion :)
    I personally like Cobra, but ch'yeah...
    June 27th, 2008 at 06:31pm