Alfred And Stephen Moton RIP<3

On Thurdays night 9.30.10 I lost a part of my family. I grew up wit these people since I was a baby and to see them go like this is a disaster. On Thursday the man whom they called Father, shot all three of his sons. Stephen, 12 years old, was shot and killed inside the house as Charles and Alfred ran out the house for help. Alfred was shot twice and died in the street in the pouring rain a block...
October 2nd, 2010 at 07:58pm

New Things For My New Story! Comment Swap!

First things first! YYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! *deep breaths* Ok I just made a banner for my new story Secrets Behind Those Eyes (EEEPPPP!!!!!) yay ima happy because I like the way it turned out! It kind of hard making that banner with a laptop XD hehehe so this is the banner:Isn't it so pretty??? Well more news is that I redid the layout for the story as well YAY!!!!! (I also...
August 13th, 2010 at 03:23am

Ok Someone Please Clarify!!!!

Ok sooooo... two people have commented on my story Secrets Behind Those Eyes and said linking (like linking words to go show an outfit or something) is against the rules... but everyone I asked said it's not only actual links are against the rules in the story content. Yet alot of stories I read have link words in them and no one points it out in the comments... So I'm at a serious problem and I...
August 7th, 2010 at 03:56am

My New Story Is Up!!! Questions, Comment Swap!

YAYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My new story up!! WOOT WOOT!!! *dances in my chair* I see this story going places!!!! *laughs* I got so excited that I posted it (reading and reading and reading it over to make sure there wasn't grammar mistakes) before my beta got back to me. She's probably gonna laugh at me but I got to happy!Please read it!!!Anyway I'm still going to try to stay by my goal by writing a...
August 6th, 2010 at 02:26am

The Banner For My New Story

SOON TO BE POSTED!!! <333 I'm so excited that I just made a banner for it =) lookie at it =)Ain't it pretty??? I love this banner! If you're wondering why the text is in purple at borwn... Well if you look at the girl her eyes are purple and Tom's eyes are brown XD If you want me to make you a banner for you just message me or comment below =) I love making these banners and I'd love to make...
August 4th, 2010 at 02:45am

New New New!!!

Okey Dokey sooooo I've been wanting to write this story foreverrrrrrr and finally I got a beta reader (winternightz I f-cking love this girl<3) and its a DUN-DA-DUN-DUNNNN!!! A Tom Kaulitz story<333 It's different from the usual lovey dovey Tom Kaulitz stories but it does have its moments =D But its a dark, violent and angsty story =D I'M EXCITED!!! I'm going to post it hopefully tomorrow...
August 4th, 2010 at 02:11am


Okey Dokey... so i'm kind of embarrassed to ask this but. I'm desperate right now! Ok so... I'm having REALLY bad ermm... lady cramps and they're killing me... like I literally collapsed on the floor they hurt so bad. So does anyone know how to... what's the right word... ermm... treat really bad cramps? Or know anything to help the pain go away besdies asprin/midol? Cause that doesn't work for me...
August 2nd, 2010 at 03:18am


Ok I've been making banners like crazy lately and I wanted to show you the 5 banners I just recently made for my stories =)))No.1 = here!!! It's my most recent one =)No.2 = here!!! this one is my favorite<3No.3 = here!!! I love when the pictures blend together =) If you noticed it's the cover of my story =)No.4 = here!!! <3333No.5 = here!!! this one is my least favorite but I still like it...
July 24th, 2010 at 01:10am

I Am So Flipping Excited!

My quince will start in exactly 24 hours and 45 minutes!!! AHHHH!!!!!! I'm so excited! What better then having family and friends who love me around the biggest day of my life? TOMORROW I WILL OFFICIALLY BE A WOMAN!!! WA-CHOWWWWWWW!!! lolz XD FYI: a quince is let the American sweet sixteen, you become a woman that day but a quince is when you're fifteen. Bascially in the old days, a quince was to...
July 24th, 2010 at 12:20am

Life Rant, My Cousin, My Quince And Other Stuff

My life has finally taken a turn for the good! And guess what it was?! *hears crickets* Well then... Anyway you would think being around and having a good relationship with your father would be a good thing right? Well after my whole birthday fiasco, I haven't talked, seen or even heard from my dad. Honestly, I'm happy! Is that wrong to say that? Well I guess that I got so disgusted with the bruja...
July 22nd, 2010 at 12:10am

SUCCESS!!!! Anyone want a Banner???

I finally found out how to make really nice banners!!!! I'm happy now! I love the banner I just made yesterday for my story! it's pretty =) Here's the link to the Banner!!!! If you want a banner for your story, I'll be happy to make one for you =)just tell me:1. the name of your story2. what picture(s) you want on it (preferably one or two)3. What quote you want on it (optional)4. The names of the...
July 21st, 2010 at 10:53pm

My Story, Whoring And Questions!

Hello! Ok so I made a couple banners for my story a while back because this story was on Quizilla before. Well I got my first banner from Remy<3 I love her and in other news we are getting married on Sept. 7, 2010 SO SAVE THE DATE!!! =) Anyways! I like getting banners for my stories so if you like my story or are just bored or you are interested, would you make me a banner? I think it would be...
July 21st, 2010 at 10:14pm

Help Needed!!!!! And Update On Life.

Ok... so my story got reported for grammar mistakes. *tear tear* *sniffle sniffle* XD anyways I need help for my story so it doesn't get reported again! So would anyone be interested in being my beta reader? I asked a couple people from the forums who are beta readers and they didn't answer me. So I want to ask if any of you guys would be interested or if you're bored and want something to do or...
July 16th, 2010 at 10:27pm

My friend Mitchie</3 Questions

Well early this morning around 12:50am, I got a call saying my bestest friend in the whole world was found hanging from her ceiling fan with slit wrist. QuietChick was talking to me about telling me sorry for my loss and all. I wanna thank her so much for that =)Michelle or as I called her Mitchie, w my best friend sice birth and I loved her forever and a day. I'm missing her terribly right now...
July 14th, 2010 at 11:52pm

First Journal, Rant, Questions and Swap?

Ok I'm excited because I joined Mibba not too long ago (I think about a week or so ago? pero yo no se). I made a story way before I join Mibba and had it posted on quizilla, but that website is all messed up so I moved this lovely site. I love the uniqueness and styles of writing.Ok so let me tell you on Saturday, July 3, was my birthday! (YAY 15 years old woop woop!) Anyway well my bitch of a...
July 6th, 2010 at 11:48pm