Lepine / Comments

  • YoruChan

    YoruChan (100)

    United States
    Aww your such a sweet big sister! <3 I love you sooo much Gaby-chan!! (returns hug) *kiss* ^o^
    September 6th, 2010 at 04:17am
  • YoruChan

    YoruChan (100)

    United States
    Before i started chatting with you i had a comment typed out but then mibba wouldn't let me post it!! TTTToTTTT Mibba hates me Gaby-chan! *eyes tear up*
    Is mibba against inscest? Is that why its refusing to let me talk to you? O=
    I hope not.... =(
    I'll try posting it again tomorrow *pouts*
    September 5th, 2010 at 08:18am
  • Lunar

    Lunar (100)

    United States
    I don't have a facebook, or hotmail-BUT. I have a yahoo. dyanaraq@yahoo.com. That's my email :3 I really don't know how to 'add' people on yahoo, or do a profile, and all that magical stuff on it, I literally just use it to check on well, my emails.
    September 4th, 2010 at 03:58am
  • Lunar

    Lunar (100)

    United States
    Oh, thanks a lot :3
    Eh, I like it, but I don't. It has it's moments :3
    September 2nd, 2010 at 08:54pm
  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)

    Hand you buttsexed me when I was unconcious File that's rape, missy.

    The bathroom scene, I happen to read minds File I know it's constantly on yours File
    September 2nd, 2010 at 08:15pm
  • Lunar

    Lunar (100)

    United States
    Well my name is weird...but it's Dyanara.
    September 2nd, 2010 at 05:40pm
  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)

    D: I has never had buttsex with choo!
    September 2nd, 2010 at 04:20pm
  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)

    D: who are you? D: I dun know you! Stop stalking me!

    September 2nd, 2010 at 04:13pm
  • Lunar

    Lunar (100)

    United States
    Nice to meet you too. Thanks for letting me add you :3
    September 2nd, 2010 at 12:34am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Bonjour Cute
    September 1st, 2010 at 06:52pm
  • YoruChan

    YoruChan (100)

    United States
    Gaby-Chan!!! TTToTTT We spoke too soon! Mibba isn't being nice anymore and won't let me comment! Again! D'= *Starts sobbing and clinging on to Gaby-chan* Wahhh, its soo mean!

    And aww thanks =) I'm going to start working on a story right now, ^^ And I've been wanting to read more of your stories but I'venever had much time so after this comment I am going to read them =D

    Yeah not a lot of people like to read now a days, with the exception of the people who go on sites to read and write of course =P

    Haha cute! and that is ironic ^^ That sounds like a great book, now I really want to read it!

    Really? Your so nice ^^ Now all I need to do is buy a piano =/ Haha

    Spanish does get annoying >o< But thanks if I ever need help I will come to you! And if you ever need help with anything I will do my best to help you too =D German is interesting, haha my grandma used to live there and a lot of the words are very similar. Like Handtasha (don't know if i spelled it right) is handbag. If you ever need any help just ask and I'll ask her ^^

    I don't feel uncomfortable with answering ^^ I live in New York City, I go to New York School of Art and I am majoring in Animation =) Its my dream to work at Pixar Studios!

    I love those kinds of foods! They are really yummy =D And haha Garfield loves his lasagna ^^ My favorite food is Mexican and Chinese =P And I love the smell of rain! So relaxing and nice, when its raining I like to read my favorite books and/or watch a good movie. Unless of course there is lightning, 'cause then I love to go outside and take as many pictures as I can! =) Pink Roses are so pretty! My favorite flower is the Lotus ^^ Haha Cold weather rocks my socks! Sorry I just really wanted to say that all day ^///^ But I really like cold weather, especially when it snows! =) Fall is my favorite season/station too, everything just looks so pretty and its not too hot nor too cold ^^

    I try to study hard for each and every class I have ^^ What about you? And yes and no, I have an off and on type of relationship with my boyfriend. =P Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?

    Whats your favorite book? Favorite part of the world? Favorite thing to do in your free time? Least favorite thing to do? Dream Job? Whats your goal/dream for your life?

    Well I didn't but I made one ^o^ I don't know if I'll use it very often but I will try too =) And I'll add you, mine is AmeeIsTalkingToYou@hotmail.com ^^

    Thats amazing! So cool, you should be excited even I'm excited for you =D You'll make a great Zero ^_^ When its all finished I really want to see it! Please? *gives puppy dog eyes*
    And not yet, but I want too! I'll try in the near or distant future =)
    August 28th, 2010 at 09:41pm
  • YoruChan

    YoruChan (100)

    United States
    Rabbit in French? Thats so cute! ^_^

    And yeah I draw anime/manga styled characters, haha yeah they really do look girlish! =D

    Aww, thanks I would really love to see some of your work as well! And I love to draw abstract, portraits (not that great at it but I still like it ^^), and just anything I see or think about.

    And the reason you haven't seen any of my stories is because I haven't posted any, not here not there not anywhere =P But thats mostly just because I'm just being lazy >o< But as soon as I think of a good enough story to write I will probably post it on Mibba. I really hope that when that happens you will read it? =)

    I love reading, its like your being put straight into the story when you read it! I like lots of books, too many to count, but I mostly either read fiction, fantasy, mystery, or suspense. Your reading Peter Pan, Awesome I really liked that book ^^ And I really want to sugest a book that is similar to PeterPan but I just can't remember the Title! >O< Maybe you've read it before? Its basically about a whole bunch of orphan boys being sent on a ship (don't remember why) and there the main character, Peter, meets a girl (which I can't remember her name either) and they become friends. On the ship they are on there is a trunk filled with some unknown substance and whenever someone touches it the hear bells and become happy for no reason at all, towards the middle there are pirates after the trunk and they attack the ship to get it. The trunk is filled with Fairy Dust or Star Dust and it enables them to fly. After the pirate attack they get stranded on a island-anyway to make this shorter its basically about how Peter Pan became the Peter Pan we all know and love. Its a great book. If I ever remember/find out what the name is I'll be sure to tell you!

    Aww I love wolves they are so beautiful! My favorite animal would have to be the Polar Bear ^^ And yeah mornings do start the day, thats a great way to look at things =D Although I perfer the middle of the night, cause thats the time when I get my inspiration for my drawings/stories/whatever =P

    No I don't play any instruments, but I really want to learn to play the piano =)
    And The only language I know completely is English, although I am learning Spanish and Japanese, I also know a lot of Words in German.

    Sadly I don't have a Facebook or I would add you! =( And if I ever do I will ^^ And I really dislike it when sites are being incredibly mean and won't let you log-in >n<

    Hmm, What is your favorite thing to eat? What is something you love to do on a rainy day? Favorite Flower? Favorite Smell? And do you prefer hot weather or cold weather?
    August 27th, 2010 at 03:20am
  • YoruChan

    YoruChan (100)

    United States
    And Yay! Mibba likes me today! =D
    August 25th, 2010 at 04:40am
  • YoruChan

    YoruChan (100)

    United States
    You had hair like Zero?! So cool, now i'm envious.. =O And yeah I bet it looked really cute! ^_^ And thanks you have really great taste too =) And as for Black Cat, haha yeah way hotter in bad guy clothes. ^//^

    Awesome music choices! I really likeAnd Led Zeppelin? Is that how you chose your username? If not then please don't be upset. >o< And I really like it, your username i mean, its really pretty! ^^

    I love those movies, so cute! Especially 'Memoirs of a Geisha', it was such a lovely movie it definately told an amazing story! =D My favorite movie (for right now xD) is 'StarDust', a friend of mine told me about it and I really liked it! Have you ever seen it?

    And I really like the color purple, its such a nice color! =) That was my favorite color for the past three years, even though now its orange... Haha anyway I'm glad you think so! And please ask anything you want aswell, I am really enjoying getting to know you ^^

    And as for favorite hobbies I would have to say Drawing, and maybe thinking about stories I could write? xD As soon as I think of a good plot and create good enough characters, I get so wrapped up in it I finish the whole story in my head and either forget what it was about when I try to write it down or get bored of it. =P So I guess I'll just stick to drawing. ^^ What about you?

    Hmm, Whats your Favorite Animal? And your Favorite time of Day?
    August 25th, 2010 at 04:39am
  • YoruChan

    YoruChan (100)

    United States
    I've tried posting this comment three times, and it wouldn't let me! TTToTTT Mibba is being so mean to me Gaby-Chan!!!Go give 'em a time-out pwease! *pouts*

    Anyway I really think you'll like it! Atleast I hope you will ^^ And those are really good choices, I really like all of those as well =) And your going to cosplay as Zero? So cool! I've wanted to make a cosplay costume for a while but never really had the time =/ But I guess I'll just have to make time, ne? My absolute favorite Anime of all time would have to be either D. Gray Man, Fruits Basket, Black Cat, Gravitation, or Tactics. ^o^ But I like so many its a really hard choice >o< My favorite Manga is either Blank Slate or Dengeki Daisy =) And as for Games, I've only played one of the Kingdom Hearts games, but I really liked it so that I guess? Haha So whats your favorite type of music? Favorite movie? Favorite Color? O_0 Sorry if I'm being too nosy, but curiosity did kill the cat! =P And I would write more but Mibba is on my nerves >.<

    So Ja 'Ne =D
    August 24th, 2010 at 03:48am
  • YoruChan

    YoruChan (100)

    United States
    Oh, Hi then! I didn't even notice you were the writer for that at first, I'm so oblivious >o< Haha I really loved your story though ^^
    I really love the name Gaby, so pretty =) My name is Amee, nice to meet'cha Gaby-chan! =D And it looks like Ouran HighSchool Host Club? =O Huh, I never really noticed but I guess it does! ^o^ Its from Kaichou wa Maid-Sama, Its a really cute series =) (Atleast I think thats the picture your talking about >.>) Anyway whats your favorite anime/manga/game? I really want to know ^^
    August 22nd, 2010 at 11:16pm
  • YoruChan

    YoruChan (100)

    United States
    Hi! ^_^ I hope we can become good friends =)
    August 20th, 2010 at 07:47pm
  • stardust.

    stardust. (100)

    United States
    Roxas is adorable (:
    I'm Rae! Nice to meet cha~

    :D! Sure we can be friends!!! :D:D:D:D
    August 17th, 2010 at 02:03am
  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)

    Okay, en tu misma pagina de inicio, donde dice [b]My Mibba[/b], te vas a ir a donde dice en anaranjado [b]Message Board[/b] y le das click en en link azul que dice [b]Signature[/b] (es el penultimo link en esa parte).

    Ahi, te va a salir un cuadro de texto y vas a poner esto:
    [center][size=140][font=georgia][i][b][color=#8c9ea2]H[color=#8f9c9e]a[color=#939a9b]p[color=#979998]p[color=#9b9795]i[color=#9f9591]n[color=#a3948e]e[color=#a6928b]s[color=#aa9188]s [color=#ae8f85]i[color=#b28d81]s [color=#b68c7e]t[color=#ba8a7b]h[color=#bd8978]e [color=#c18774]e[color=#c58571]a[color=#c9846e]s[color=#cd826b]i[color=#d18168]e[color=#d1836d]s[color=#d28573]t [color=#d38779]t[color=#d48a7f]h[color=#d58c85]i[color=#d68e8b]n[color=#d79090]g [color=#d89396]i[color=#d9959c]n [color=#da97a2]t[color=#db9aa8]h[color=#dc9cae]e [color=#dd9eb3]w[color=#dea0b9]o[color=#dfa3bf]r[color=#e0a5c5]l[color=#e1a7cb]d[/i][/b][/font][/size][/center] [center][size=100][font=times][color=#865f8b][color=white]_______[/color]out there for you to embrace. [color=white]______[/color]
    [color=white]_______[/color]All you need to do is for you
    [color=white]___________[/color]to look within yourself.[/font][/size][/center]
    [right][size=75][font=times]theme.joe kerr.

    De ahi, solo le pones en [b]Save[/b] y listo!

    Para el avatar, te vas a donde dice en anaranjado [b]Profile[/b], le das click en el link azul que dice [b]Avatar[/b] y lo cargas desde tus imagenes. Y listo, tienes un theme! tehe
    August 16th, 2010 at 10:59pm
  • stardust.

    stardust. (100)

    United States
    o-o thanks!
    xD I made it myself (:
    August 13th, 2010 at 07:14am