'cause baby when you're with me

time: 11:00 AM, August 8th
mood: Tired :S
music: The Academy Is...
update?: Updating my profile

Yes, Justin Bieber lyrics were used...
Yes, I have become slightly obessed with an under-aged boy.
Yes, that is terrible.
And yes, I say whatever to that. (:

it's like an angel came by

friends. family. beach. taking idiotically awesome photos. music. thunderstorms. tim burton. my dog. the fact uni brows amuse me. throwing popcorn at people in movie theatres. the weekend. smiling. sunshine. lollies. movies. sleepovers. makeup. screaming. birthdays. laughing. memories. singing. driving. whispering in class. texting. dancing in my room. clothes. shoes. hoola-hooping. robert downey jr. comforting friends. advice girl. butterflies.

bold italic underline Link

and took me to heaven

Characters: Aradia, Marrok, Edon and Cielle
Chapters: 3
Status: Active

Characters: Jezebel, Cash, Blaine, Daxx, Russell, Spencer and Tray
Chapters: 6
Status: Actively Slow

summer ranch
Characters: Claudia, Emily, Owen
Chapters: 1
Status: Inactive

Layout credit to They're Fake Layouts.