I just joined the MCRmy the other day it's really a cool web site and I'm really glad I joined. There's not much to it but it makes me feel good to be apart of it anyway if your apart of it my name is MCRxoxoMyLife. If your not a member and your a MCR fan then you should join.oh and this is messed up cause your journal entry and has to be 100 words long and mine is only 62 what a freaking shame....
October 16th, 2007 at 04:30am

Yeah it makes a lot of sence..?

I was on the phone with one of my friends and we were thinking of the thought that eveything is going by so fast so you might as well live life to it's fullest because its not always not going to be there so you can just go back to it. When you think about it start you to take things much more real. Also you start to appreciate more things in life. So me and my friend Olivia promise that we are...
October 10th, 2007 at 05:53am

Have you ever met MCR?

If you have ever met MCR leave your story of when you did...I wanna know what it was like. Oh and if your wondering I have never met them I think I would die...but I did promise my best friend that we would meet them once in our lives.Taylorxoxops.if you have met any other bands leave thoese storys too..that would be cool.
September 29th, 2007 at 10:37am

do you ever..

Do you ever wanna know what happens to you in the future..What happens to you like you become a Doctor or a Drumer for a band and become famous. I always wonder what will happen to me and where I will end up. The Future is one crazy thing.Taylorxoxo
September 28th, 2007 at 05:55am


I hate spanish class theres nothing I understand..I wish i had a class for My Chemical Romance..I bet you would get a lot of freaking students then..and you would get a lot of haters but thats okay..It would be a really good debate even thought you would get a lot of people mad in someways.. All I ask for is no spanish class.Taylorxoxo
September 21st, 2007 at 07:53am


Hey im new at this whloe thing and just trying to get the hang of things..Well if you are one of those My Chemical Romance haters then dont even try to talk to me.By the way im Taylorxoxo
September 18th, 2007 at 07:29am