Hand in mine,
into your icy blues
I ain't gonna take it no more. I ain't gonna take it no more. Soulless music, artless lyrics. Goalless movements, heartless gimmicks. Controlled and clueless, careers lasting a minute. If this is the big life, well I ain't lookin' to live it. We ain't pushing the boundaries, we're blowing them up. We ain't trying to expand the scene, we want the scene to erupt. - The beat that my heart skipped, Dan Le Sac Vs Scrubious Pip.
And then I'd say to you
we could take to the highway
Feburary 6, 2010
I updated all my stories!

Feburary 5, 2010
I read this hilarious article on yahoo news.

Feburary 2, 2010
I'm going to my friend's birthday party today.

I'd end my days with you
in a hail of bullets
Content: shot-gun sinner.
Layout: Frank Iero.
Requested: PurpleUnicorn
Lyrics: Demolition Lovers
Credit: ©panic-and-scream