dearlybeloved_ / Comments

  • Hello there my love!

    Just want to say a HUUUUUGE thank you for the comment on Ruby Room. And greatly apologise for letting you down on the lack of an update lol. I'll knuckle down and crack on with it soon, I promise!! Hopefully I'll make the butterflies worth it :)

    Aah, I'm glad you persevered with Road To Acceptance. It's one of only two stories I've wrote that wasn't totally Billie and Adrienne so I'm always pleased to get feedback because it's different to what I usually do!

    Thank you again for the comment! I appreciate it more than you know. Really. Billie and Adrienne stories are all I ever write so there's no worry of them drying up soon XD They inspire me more than almost anything else does so as long as they're together, long may my writing continue haha!!

    Take care hun, thank you once again XD
    July 8th, 2010 at 09:51pm