
What I don't get, is why all of us- those who were born in this generation of course -feel the need to have to be constantly occupied, whether it be with love, lust, friends, drugs, drama, money, clothes, music, pain, alcohol, books, etc.I, too, will take some of the blame. I also feel the need to be constantly occupied, with adventures, or drugs and alcohol, many movies and books fill the time...
November 13th, 2011 at 10:43pm

I'm done.

I'm fed up with this kid's shit.You can say the same things about me over and over again.It hurts me the same way.It makes me realize the same things.The only thing that changes is my respect for you.Yeah honey, that's fucking gone.You can say you don't care, but I don't care if you do or not.All I want you to know is that no matter how many times you say that you don't need me.Know that I know...
May 15th, 2011 at 02:16am

Who I Am.

I'm the kind of girl who thinks she's pretty and ugly at the same time.I'm the kind of girl who likes boys and girls.I'm the kind of girl who wants a relationship, but not this generation's kind of relationship.I'm the kind of girl who hates most of her friends, but loves the ones that everyone hates.I'm the kind of girl who doesn't like to be betrayed because she doesn't know how to react.I'm the...
May 12th, 2011 at 02:21am

No love.

I rant about the same thing all the time.I stress about the same things all the time.I cry about the same goddamn things all the time.And frankly, it pisses me the hell off.But I can't stop.Watch, I'm about to do it again.Recent dilemma.I never thought that something I've stressed over for such a long time, could make me feel so discombobulated in one strike.Let me tell you what the hell that...
April 19th, 2011 at 08:20am

Oh, No.

So. Much. Drama.And not even the good kind!The stupid, petty, annoying kind. Ugh! Gross.I've recently realized, I don't let anyone know anything about me. Because I think no one cares. And sometimes it's true.and I've said this before too, apparently I've been labeled as the listener and never the talker.I listen.I nod.I empathize.I offer advice.I compliment.I reassure.I comfort.I keep the secrets...
March 12th, 2011 at 05:21am

New story, Collab?

I'm writing a new story, a story about two boys who find love in a homophobic high school.No one knows they're gay, and they barely know each other.But somehow, without interaction, they fall in love.I'd love to write this with someone.If anyone's interested, please inbox me.If you have any questions, comment on this journal.The two characters names are Robby and Jacob.I'm sort of basing this on...
March 4th, 2011 at 07:05pm

To the Draco's Diary readers.

So, school is kicking my ass.I must formally apologize for my odd updating schedule...Even though there is no schedule whatsoever.Scattered updates upset me when I am reading a story, so I know what you all must be feeling.I solemnly regret this, but do not give up!There is more to come, more drama to happen, more souls to be crushed...But, uh, the last one... Not so much.I'm making myself a...
February 23rd, 2011 at 10:46pm


Jacob.He is my best friend.He is the one who keeps me sane.But now he's gone.Jacob is currently considered a runaway.The house he was staying at, the mother of the house kicked him out.I spent the last half hour sobbing, and spilling out secrets to my mother that I never wanted her to know.Nothing, and I mean nothing, is going to keep me on the right path anymore.Nothing holds any interest for me...
February 19th, 2011 at 04:26am

Astrology craze. Confused!

Oh, tell me why my friends are all insane?Alright, so I recently got into astrology, and horoscopes. And all I've been doing is looking at my friends sign description and laughing my ass off because it describes them exactly.Mine however, is too correct.Like, it's insane, I don't understand how I'm like that! I'm a cancer, right? And it says that I'm 'Self-pitying, Moody, and Over-sensitive', and...
January 15th, 2011 at 11:28pm


You know what scares me?Everyone has so many insecurities. No on really ever knows what's wrong with you, and sometimes, no one really cares.It hurts my heart to hear about how many suicides were attempted and committed because of other people.Not their family, not themselves, People.And when you hear about someones day, their problems, it startles me that some only want them to finish so they can...
January 13th, 2011 at 05:34am

Virginity + Questions

Lately, I've been feeling extremely depressed.But I'm one messed up person.I'm a Hypochondriac.I have Entomophobia.I'm a girl, with too much boy-like tendencies.Like, I'd have sex with Call of Duty, if i could.I don't care what people think of me, but I think that everyone hates me.I get really suicidal at times.But never really went through with it.I'm sure a lot of people have it worse than...
December 11th, 2010 at 06:20pm


Ahh, lovely Mibba users!Journal entry #BagillionWell, I've been writing a story, The ScarecrowIt's kind of like a 'Macabre, modern age, Robin Hood' thing.I thank all of the two people who have commented!Haha.But seriously, I haven't really been focusing on Draco's Diary as much, because I've been distracted.So I apologize to the people who actually enjoyed it!But if you honestly want more, comment...
December 9th, 2010 at 08:09pm

Tech Crew Nerd!

Well, Fellow Mibba users.I am proud to announce that people actually entered my Contest!WOOT WOOT!But yeah, I was in school, in science class to be exact, in the computer lab. When I (illegaly) went on Mibba to check if I got any comments on Draco's Diary. Which, by the way, I never do.But I went on the Forums to check out if anyone loved me enough to want their character in my story, and to my...
November 10th, 2010 at 01:37am

Hey! You! Without a One-Shot!

Alright, So no one submitted a one-shot for Draco'sDiary.And now I'm sad...WATCH ME CRY!Sad, sad, Sadness.Anyway... I'm giving up on that now. I'll just put up a new chapter WITHOUT a new character.Because you guys hate it! Don't try to deny it!Dammit!Sigh...Bleurgh...So kill my confidence and let it rot away on your conscience. Because that's what you did to me.[Melodramatic lapse in time]I went...
November 6th, 2010 at 11:57pm

How do I put up a short story?

Oh, I'm going to be a journal whore this week.Ok, so I want to write a One-Shot, but I don't know how to set it as 'Short Story'.Me and my stupidity will just end up putting it as a story with chapters and i'll only end up putting one up there and piss people off.So I ask you, Fellow Mibba writers. To explain to me how to do this.I really want to write a short story because I need to get my...
November 5th, 2010 at 11:59pm

New Character for....Draco's Diary!

Alright, so my Fan-fic. Draco's Diary.I want to put a new character into it. Y'know, Mix it up a bit.So I would love, love, LOVE it! If someone gave me some suggestions, I dunno if I should do a contest for it. Because... Well, I don't even know if people like it that much.But uhm, yeah!So.. hmmm, I think i will do a contest for it.Best One-Shot for new character, I'll use your character if you...
November 5th, 2010 at 10:43pm

New NaNoWrimo Rant

Alright. So it's like 1:03 in the morning (Where I am) and I'm not even going to school tom- well, today!Cause, apparently, I sprained a ligament in my foot. WeirdnessAnyhow, I've already posted the first bit of my NaNoWrimo up. Fighting with Yourself. is what it's called.There's only one chapter up and I feel super guilty about not wanting to finish the second one I Just started like a half an...
November 5th, 2010 at 06:11am

Bare Knuckling NaNoWrimo

Alright, so I stayed up last night to like one in the morning checking out this NaNoWrimo. And I'm going to try it. Mostly on paper, because if I try to count it on my computer, I'll go blind.(Person who doesn't have Microsoft Word) Yeah, this is what I get.I'm not going to school today because my mom is going to take me to the doctors to see what's wrong with my foot. It's not broken, I'm sure of...
November 4th, 2010 at 02:46pm

X=Confusion is trying to Devour my hands.

Giant questions for you all!!Someone please explain to me what 'NaNoWrimo' is?I have no idea. And it's making me all uncomfortable!It seems as if it's a competition, or a deadline of some sort, but I'm not sure.I've heard a bunch of people talking about it on Mibba, and I'd like to know what it is, thank you.And also, will someone, anybody, please tell me how to do a link. like i was going to on...
November 4th, 2010 at 04:48am

But I just can't believe him.... Never the Optimistic One.

I'M SO FREAKING HAPPY!My Chemical Romance's new album is coming out on the 22nd of November!!*Dances*I've been annoying my friends to death, because I've been singing NaNaNa for the past 3 weeks...^.^My dad still hasn't gotten me that iPod, but I'm fine with it..*LIESSS!*There's this guy that likes me, and we went out a while back when I was in 8th grade and he was a junior.I found out one day,...
October 8th, 2010 at 10:34pm