Back After Break!

Urk. I was gone after just ONE chapter to my story. Fail.Well...originally, I wasn't planning coming back.Buuuut...with all the stuff that's been going on, I kind of need an outlet.So, here I am.Besides, I like this site and writing VERY much....I just have a HORRIBLE attention span.I'm fighting to get through this as we speak. Haha.I suppose I should be thankful that I had a reason to come back...
October 6th, 2010 at 06:00am

Just Joined?

Hmm...I suppose I should explain why I joined.My friend really (and I mean REALLY) wanted a KaitoxLen (Vocaloid's...<3) story, but couldn't find any decent ones... So, I suppose, being the nice guy I am I offered to write the story. Now, while he was jumping for joy, I joined Mibba.I really kind of like the feel of this place. It's organized rather nicely, and it seems the people are friendly...
July 5th, 2010 at 08:09am